Breaking up

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Ken opened his door shakingly hoping  it not to be Jin. He wasnt prepared yet, he didnt know how to face Jin right now. He didnt even sleep whole night thinking how to deal with this, how to apologize his boyfriend, whether he will forgive him or not. He did so wrong to Jin and he didnt know how to explain it to him.

"J..jin",Ken was on his knees already as soon as he saw Jin when he opened his door. Crying and begging not able to show him his face at all.

"I'm..i'm so sorry Jin...please I'm sorry..",Ken was crying keeping his head down without looking for Jin's reaction.

"Dont make it too obvious ken. You just killed my last hope.",Jin voice was calm that made ken to raise his head in shock and there Jin was smiling at him.


"Its ok ken",Jin smiled at him again before coming inside and walking towards him room.

"Jin wait. Why..why arent you cursing at me? I know I did so wrong but please dont be like this. You are scaring me. Hit me,slap me, curse me but please dont fake smile.",Ken grabbed Jin's arms making him to turn towards him

"Why should I? You are nobody to waist my energy on. No matter how many times I'll slap you, resent you, hate you its all same. Nothing can change the pain I'm feeling right now. No matter how many times I cry it wont change the fact that My life's ruined because of you.",Jin was teary now as he talks to ken.

Ken could smell the alpha scents on Jin, and also the dress he was wearing was not his and the way Jin was talking made ken sure that Jungkook already did something to him.

"I'm sorry..I had a reason. You know very well that he is a were wolf alpha. We are no match to him, he threatened me Jin. I wanted to end this nicely. I did this for us. He only wanted you for one night after that we could have carry on with our life. If I hadnt take his offer than he would have killed us Jin"

"For us? It was only for you ken. You were afraid only for yourself. You sacrificed me for your sake. You already took 10 million from him right? Woah", Jin said clapping his hands in amusement

"You are now rich, this was all you needed right?money and power. Congrats Ken for living your dream... but do you realized what will happen to me? what about me? What about me ken? My life is ruined. You broke me so badly, you broke my trust,my hope. I trusted you like a fool..I really trusted you so much.... Why did you do this to me ken.. why? 8 years..8 years ken we loved eachothers for 8 years. But in a second you broke that relationship for some money? Really was I that cheap? Why? Just Why?", Jin too broke down into tears screaming. He tried to hold his tears back so bad but he couldnt. He was broke, he was hurt, he was betrayed.

"Was it fun? Passing me to another alpha, did you enjoy it? Now let me have my turn",Jin went to his room and slammed the door behind his back

Ken begged him to open the door but he didnt, Jin just locked himself inside his room. After half an hour Jin finally came out wearing different attire.

"Jin where are you going?",ken stopped Jin when he saw Jin carrying a suitcase and his bagpack.

"I dont want to be with you any more. We are done ken. Dont even think of stopping me. you dont have any rights on me now",Jin pushed him back walking towards his main door

"Jin please..please dont do this to me. Please just dont leave me. Lets start things again? I'll be better person, I promise. Lets go somewhere else, lets move on?,get married and start our new life again? Please dont punish me like this. Do anything but not this",Ken grabbed Jin's hand stopping him

"With all those money you got after selling me?"

"I..I'm sorry"

"Let go",Jin tried to shake his hand away but Ken wasnt just not ready to leave his hand

"I said let go",Jin raised his voice but ken didnt

"I said let me go Ken. I've been marked already",Jin screamed closing his eyes tight as thick drops of tears falls on his cheeks thinking about all those painful moments.

"Wh-at?",ken left his hand slowly in shock

"What? Will you not stop me now that I've been claimed? Probably you wont accept me when I'm other's omega after all. If you accept me even now than it will all be just because you feel sorry not because you genuinely want me.  I'm ruined ken ..just because of you..just because of you"

"But...he ..he only said.."

"Sex? ...Whatever your reasons are just let it go. At the end it wont change the fact that I'm claimed. So just let me go now."

"But where will you go? Cant you just stay here?"

"Somewhere far you dont have to worry about that. Lets not meet again in our life. I just hope you have happy life with all your money you got. Goodbye",Jin smiled at him for the last time despite of the pain he was feeling right now and shut the door on ken's face

Ken regretted his decision so much. He hated himself for this but he have no guts to run over and bring back Jin. He has no rights any longer, he felt like his world was being upside down as soon as Jin left him alone at this big house. It was a second Jin left and he already started to feel lonliness inside him, probably he will miss Jin and his sweet smile for life. He will always remember how innocent Jin was and his cute little talks but Jin was no longer here, he was gone. He'll never have Jin now and it was just because of His selfishness and greeds.

Jin sighed sitting on one of the bench of the park. Honestly He had no idea where to go, he hadnt planned anything yet but he cant be with that guy anymore. He didnt have any iead what to do with his life now. He was being doomed, he felt like his whole life was shattered into pieces. he cant go back to ken no not at all also he cant take money from a person who sold him to another man. He was tensed up already as he didnt have much savings since he didnt worked. He even didnt have enough money to get himself a place for timebeing.

His tears were dried up already, he had never cried like this ever, he even didnt have any idea that he have to cry so much in his life.

"What should I do? I dont have enough money",Jin looked at his wallet and only saw little amount.

" life..",Jin looked up at the sky trying to remain positive as much as possible. He took a deep breath just to come up with some ideas but he felt like vomiting all of a sudden.

He just puked on the grass of the park kneeling down, sweating a lot as he felt sharp pain on his stomach. He cried for help as the pain continued to grow more inside, and then suddenly he felt his head heavy. He tried to shake his head but the world around him was spinning round and then finally he passed out completely.

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