where's Jin?

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Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, he had a bad hangover from the night also he noticed his eyes were burning in pain. He looked around and saw himself on Jin's room. As far as he remembered he ended up on Jin's bed after Jin vanished,he cried and cried until he felt asleep on Jin's bed hugging one of his pillow.

"Why am I crying like a child? Not once but twice ...also for him? This is too embarassing. I didnt cry this much even when my dad abandoned me. Oh That means Jin is someone really special? Oh fuck but did he really leave?",Jungkook suddenly realized that Jin wasnt home last night for which he assumed he might have ran away leaving him. Even though he didnt want to lose his hopes yet, what if Jin had some reasons? More worst what if he was being kidnapped or blackmailed? He wants to know what made Jin to dissappear so suddenly without even informing him. Jin didnt have a phone so he cant even call him.

He ran towards the control room where there were all those big monitors. He checked all the cctv footages from yesterday. He nervously played a footage where he saw Jin willingly carrying his suitcase on his own and coming outside of the house. He again played the footage outside of his house where he saw the one who helped Jin to escape was non other than Ken himself.

"What the fuck? ",Jungkook boiled in anger but also felt very hurt cause after all Jin abandoned him without giving a chance where else he gave chance to ken who was equal in hurting Jin as much as him. He was able to accept anything else but not this. Even if Jin had left on his own will he would have never felt so broke like this, if he was to run away alone he would have never felt so dissapointed but no he was with ken out of all and that really made him angry also jealous.

Jungkook didnt expect this to happen at all, His heart broke into pieces when a thought of Jin still liking his ex boyfriend even came into his mind. It maybe possible since they were together for 8 years also now when he saw it with his own eyes he was really out of his mind.

"Whats so great about him Jin? You know I can be much better than him right? Why him but not me? Why just why? I changed so much yet you went away with that traitor?",Jungkook clenched his fist in anger also feeling really hurt

"Ken right? Its ken but not me? Well I too dont want to back down soon. I want to listen it with your own lips Jin  whats so great about him that you have to go back to that asshole",Jungkook also wasnt ready to back out too. After all, those efforts he made can be easily noticed by Jin yet he even didnt give any reasons and ran away so suddenly that Jungkook wasnt ready to sit there feeling hurt and let go of Jin regretting it for life.

He quickly took a shower and changed his cloths that still reeked of alcohol. He knew where ken lives so it was easy for him to go and beat some ass up. Of course, at this point he really wants to kill ken out of jealousy. Jungkook reached there and ran towards the door. He was so desperate that he nearly broke the door banging at it.

"Yo man will you break it or what?",ken amusingly opened the door for the man. Ken was at once at his knees in fear as he sees Jungkook glaring at him so angrily with his dark eyes like he is going to kill him. Ken was fearing a lot that he wasnt able to even meet his eyes with the powerful alpha.

"Boss..Boss I'm really sorry.. i'm really sorry",ken kept his head down while begging

"Cut your bullshit where's Jin?", Jungkook kicked the man that he fell on ground at once. He pushed the man away in the ground with his leg

"Jin. Where are you? I'm here. What do you think?? you will get away like this from me if you run away with him? No. No matter what I'll find you and about babies I'll snatch them away from you at all cost. If not a good way than you need to see my real side.",Jungkook was really angry and out of his mind that he was now even threatening him. He was really broke and dissapointed that he cant even control it.

"Jin's not here what are you doing?",Ken got up and reached his hands to Jungkook's arm trying to stop him

"Dont touch me,asshole",Jungkook pushed him so hard that his head got hit on the wall. He was bleeding even though Jungkook had no mercy for the one who tried to steal his mate.

"You are the one right",Jungkook grabbed his neck making ken breathless as he squeezed his throat really tight,"tell me. Where did you hide him. Or else I'll kill you. I'll kill  you this time for real",Jungkook voice was very threatening and when he gets angry his whole existence becomes different, very dominant and powerful. Indeed he was very powerful.

"I..I'm telling you the truth. Jin isnt here. ...I dont know where .. where he is...I swear",ken struggled to speak as Jungkook wasnt leaving his neck at all. At this point ken can really die if Jungkook willnt spare him

"Lie. Lies after lies. Everyone is a fucking lier. ", Jungkook screamed throwing Ken at the ground by his neck as if it was nothing.

Ken holded his neck taking breathes after breathes as he sees horror waiting for him. His eyes were teary already as he sees Jungkook slowly making his way towards him carrying a knife. His fear had no limits when Jungkook was giving him such a creepy smile right there as he crawls back not wanting to die in the hand of this psychopath.

"Please I swear.. I dont know where Jin is. We just talked for a little. Its true that I begged him to comeback but he rejected me. He said he no longer loves me. But atleast he can forgive me if I'll help him. Thats it. Please dont  kill me.",ken was now crying

"What?",Jungkook stopped and dropped his knife on the ground,"what did you say?"

"Its..true",Ken wiped his tears away

"He said me he would forgive me if I'll drop him to the nearby train station. It was simple so I agreed but I didnt know that he was running away from you. I panicked but after all I just wanted to be forgiven so I agreed. Its what Jin wants then atleast for him I can do this. And I think you should do the same. You should let him go if thats what makes him happy."

"Really?",Jungkook laughed in amusement clapping his hands making Ken confused

"Are you giving me suggestions now?Just because I bought him from you doesnt make me I'm you. Comeon think about it. I was just an unknown jerk who wanted to have sex and money was all what I got to show my power that I can offer inorder to do have it. But you? Weren't you his boyfriend? he loved you, trusted you yet you sold him for some amount? For a fucking money you betrayed an innocent boy who was beside you for 8 years. And Do you still think we are same? We arent same bro. If I'm bad you are worst"


"Even now you gave up so easily??",Jungkook cut him in middle,"On the other hand me"

"I'll find him. I'll find him no matter what and you. You just wait and watch the day till Jin accept me fully with his own heart,the day I'll make you cry in bloody tears. Till then survive.. dont just die cause I Jeon Jungkook will kill you everyday having Jin right by my side. Happily (pause) Ever (pause) After",Jungkook smirked as ken crawls back again in his creepy smile 

"W..why? I mean just why?",ken frown

"Why? Simple. Cause I love him?"

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