And "You"

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It was a week already and slowly Jin's father was being less mean to Jungkook after Jungkook proved him from everyway. The way he cares for Jin, the way he looks at him, the way he smiles when Jin does something, Mr. Kim just noticed everything and found Jungkook was indeed soft for Jin so he wasnt treating him as bad as before. But that doesnt mean he trusts him or is willing to give him a chance, he was still angry over the fact that it all started with some money and betrayals.

Jungkook finally got a break for today and for the whole day he was planning to be with only Jin. It was hard for him to see Jin since he goes to work at day time and at nights Jin cannot stay up long for the babies.

Jungkook was now sitting beside Jin while trying to hold his hand for so long. He was drentched in his own sweat as he nervously tries to hold Jin's hand. Courage thats all what he needs but he was such a coward that he gave up at last and just talked about other things.

"Come to think about it. I dont know much about you, I really wish if I get to know about you very deeply even your smallest things. ",Jungkook looked at Jin who was eating his sliced apple beside him. Jin just smiled in response

"Tell me. What do you want or like? I'll bring you everything, everything you like. Just tell me once and it will be all your's"

"Really?",Jin just giggled

"Yaah I'm serious"

"Hmm..let me think then",Jin did like he was thinking about something

"There's nothing much that I was really fond of. I was an omega and from small I was locked inside my room for my own safety. I always wondered what outside world was like, I wanted to go out openly like others and play with them. It was all when I was child. When I became adult I wanted to travel around the world,knowing I can never even though there were some places I wanted to visit, eat at public with my loved ones, crack jokes, also my dream job which just became a dream", Jin sighed as he sees Jungkook looking at him seriously

"We can do it even now. Its not too late. Lets do it, we can travel all around the world without leaving a single space. You dont have to worry about being an omega, you are my mate now. I'll protect you. If someone even dares to hurt you, i'll just kill them all. We can eat together as you like in any place,any where, any corner of the world. Also about your dream job you mentioned I'll help you with that,you can do it after your delivery"

"I really have so many things to do right? And I know I can with your help but for now my only wish is to be happy with my loved ones, nothing else. Mommaa, appa, babies and..", Jin paused looking at Jungkook


"A..nd",Jin nervously looked at Jungkook who was giving him deep stare. He gulped down his saliva before opening his mouth to speak again.

"And.. just...someone random",Jin avoided his eyes with Jungkook's making Jungkook more curious than he already was.

"Ken?",first name that came into Jungkook's mind was ofcourse ken. He quickly regretted with his action  thinking Jin didnt like him talking about him.

"Sorry. It was just so sudden that I didnt realize it",Jungkook sadly looked at Jin

"Why do you think I still like ken? Its nothing like that, I know first thing you thought when you saw me running away with ken was because I still like him. But Let me clear myself. I no longer like ken,not even a little bit. I dont even hate him now. Resenting someone doesnt change the facts and I learnt that hating on someone is literally like hating yourself even without realizing it. Spending time on hating someone robs your own time. Also Feelings change, we all know after all we are humans. My feelings for ken changed eventually, it was very hard for me to keep that feelings constant. I .. eventually started to like someone else even without realizing. That's stupid, that's crazy but it was my first time seeing my own feelings change so randomly. ", Jin smiled looking at Jungkook who was staring at him blankly.

"Someone else?",Jungkook was so confused and arched his eyebrows in confusion

"What do you mean? ",Jungkook had no clue what Jin was talking about

"Nothing",Jin tried to stand up but Jungkook was fast to hold his both arms keeping him on position

"I said what do you mean? ",Jungkook pressed Jin's arms little making him to whimper not in pain but just wanting to let go of him

"You are so stupid Jeon Jungkook",Jin sticked out his tongue now giggling making Jungkook to leave him and scratch his back in confusion

Jungkook was once again going to ask about it but he got a call on his phone disturbing him. He checked and it said manager-nim.

"Oh",He realized he have other duties as a owner of Jeon Enterprises too. Those days he completely forgot about his company and left it in the hand of his manager.

"Wait a minute", Jungkook took his phone and went outside leaving Jin there. Jin followed him at the back silently to know who exactly called him that made Jungkook to go out to talk in secret.

"No way he cant be talking with some other omegas right?",Jin was ofcourse over thinking it. And it was natural since Jungkook was a playboy and he didnt know how many omegas he have fucked already.

"Insecured? Jealous? ", Jin's mom suddenly spoke from back making Jin to jump a little on his feet

"Mommaa.",Jin turned and glared at her who was smirking at him

"Nothing like that. I was here for some air",Jin made his faces and stormed inside again, stumping not able to get to know who Jungkook was talking to

"Shit. Fuck!!.. I'll...I'll just kill himmm...",Jungkook growled in his phone in anger. Jungkook was back to his real form again, all dark and scary.

"Please boss calm down. We need you here right now please come back for now please or else you'll lose your company in a hand of some unworthy people please.." , his manager begged on the phone

"Just give me some hours. I'll be back soon till then stop him from doing any press conference. I'll definately kill him once I get there",Jungkook cut the call. He agrily runned his hand through his hair

"Aiiiisshh",Jungkook screamed in frustation throwing his phone at the ground,smashing it

"Cool..Jungkook cool ..think about Jin, Think about babies",Jungkook took long breathes to calm himself down. As he was calming himself down he heard a soft call that changed all his moods at once, of course it was Jin

"Jungkook? Is everything alright,",Jin saw his broken phone on the ground

"Auh? Its ok.",Jungkook smiled at him

"But... Jin I think my company needs me right now. I'm sorry but I think I've to go back..i'm really really sorry. Please understand",Jungkook came and holded Jin's hand gently

"What happened Jungkook? All of a sudden?",Jin panicked

"Hmm.. its just that some bad people are trying to steal my company in my absence. Please dont think that the company is more important than this mission..its just that I dont have anything except for this and I promised myself to take care of you any our babies. For that I need to keep my company safe inorder to protect us all. "

"Alright I understood",Jin smiled at him

"I'm sorry",Jungkook sadly kissed Jin's forehead and left him. He started to put his shoes on to hurry up to reach Seoul as fast as possible


"Yeah?",Jungkook looked up to meet Jin's eyes still putting his lace on

" you will comeback right?"

"Ofcourse I still have 1 week with me. Just wait for me. 2 days....No a day will be enough..I'll be fast..I promise"

"Ok. I believe in you"

"Goodbye then",Jungkook turned to return but once again Jin called him from back


"Hmm?",Jungkook turned to see Jin whose eyes were teary already

"Its you. ",Jin said with his teary eyes

"What? I didnt understand"

"That someone random. Its you. You"

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