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Jin opened the door just to notice Jungkook at the front folding his arms giving him deathly glares. Jin didnt say anything and went inside ignoring him for which Jungkook was more angry than he already was.

"Where were you? I told you not to go anywhere..

"Am I your slave that I have to follow everything you say?"

"What?",Jungkook arched his eyebrows in shock as Jin sounded rude, like really rude. Even though Jin resented  Jungkook everytime he never was once rude with him also now even when Jungkook was nice to him. Jungkook was so confused that he didnt know why Jin was so angry with him suddenly

"Did something bad happen? Your mood suddenly changed,you were fine at the morning.",Jungkook tried to be as soft as possible not wanting to piss off the omega anymore.

"Nothing happened. Only bad thing that happened to me was you. I dont want to even see your face right now. Ugh why am I even speaking to you?",Jin tried to go to his room but Jungkook ran to his front and blocked his way.

"Why are you acting like this? What really happened?",Jungkook was really hurt by Jin's word but  he now have no courage to even raise his voice to the omega. Oh yes,the omega whom he never thought of his equal, he now was scared of him like hell. Not because Jin can hurt him physically but can hurt him emotinally cause now Jin's single word can stab Jungkook's heart straight

"I said nothing happened. Dont ask me again and again. Also I'm not your slave so I that have to do everything you order me to do. I'm here till I give birth to my babies after that I'll move out from here. You know it well that I dont want to be here. And if you want me to go away now and then I'll just go  but stop ordering me around stupid alpha. I'm so sick of you",Jin raised his voice pointing his finger at Jungkook.

"What?",Jungkook froze in his place completely not being able to proceed his words any further. It hurts, Jungkook was hurt that he cannt even talk back. Jin was really mean when Jungkook tried to be good as possible but Jungkook put all the blames on himself at last. He had done so many bad things to Jin, but never apologized him for once. Though he was good to him, it can never overcome the things that he did to him.

"Do I have to repeat myself? I said I'm sick of you so now let me go",Jin pushed Jungkook that he flinched back a little also his jacket slipped off from his left shoulder. But Jungkook didnt say anything. He just remained silent and saw Jin going to his room and locking himself inside.

Jungkook was in a verse of crying at the moment. He didnt move an inch also didnt bother to fix his jacket. He didnt know what was happening to him but Jin's words hurt so much. He never once had felt like this, if someone even tries to mess up with him then he didnt leave the person even if it was his own friends but now he felt so miserable. So weak, so fragile.

He realized his mistakes, he realized how bad he did to Jin. Jin hates him and that scared him so much. Also leaving? Jungkook was really scared that Jin will leave him one day. But he cant even beg him to stay. He have no rights, no courage, and he regretted that he once did so wrong with this innocent boy.

"No, I wont let go of you. If I have to give up on everything then I'll but I wont give up on you now. ",Jungkook clenched his fist now suddenly becoming more determined. He cant force him to stay but atleast he can try so that Jin can stay with him with his own desires. It was now only thing that Jungkook wants. Stay with Jin.

He fixed his jacket and ran towards Jin's door. He banged at his door but Jin didnt open the door but instead screamed from inside,"leave me alone."

"I dont know what happened that you changed so suddenly. All I know is I have done so many bad things. I have hurt you, gave you pain. And if you are angry because of that then I'm sorry for ..I'm really sorry. I.. I really regret it. I swear"

"What?",Jin opened his mouth wide in shock. Jungkook wasnt even looking at his reactions but can know he was shocked just by listening to his voice

Jin was shocked ofcourse. Jungkook confessing that he was sorry and regretting for all the things that he have done was never expected. Even if he was ever sorry for him Jin never thought his alpha's pride can ever allow him to apologize infront of a mere omega. Also it was out of blue that Jin didnt have anything to say.

Jin was acting weird suddenly but nobody can say what's the reason behind it.

"I can't beg you to forgive me. All I can ask is for a chance. Chance so that I can prove myself. Chance so that I can pay for everything I did wrong to you. I promise I'll be good to you",Jungkook kept on talking outside the door making Jin speechless again and again

"Huh? Will you trust me just for once?"

"Do you really feel sorry?",Jin finally responded now talking softly making Jungkook's heart flutter

"Yes. I do"

"Then",Jin now opened the door slowly noticing Jungkook at his front giving him a sorry look

"Then let me go.  Do You really want to pay for everything?  Then fine if you let me go now I'll forgive you. I'll forget all those bad things you have done. I'll only  remember all the good memories we ever had. You just have to let me go",Jin smiled at the other who blankly stared at him.

"You want to leave.... me?",Jungkook voice craked at the end that Jin didnt heard the word 'me'

"Yes",Jin replied

Last thing Jungkook gave Jin was a weak smile with tears rolling down from his eyes.

Sorry for bad english😭

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