happy end

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"Is it ok? I mean isnt it too tacky? Are you sure Jungkook will like it?",Jin nervously looked at the mirror infront of him. He was sitting on a chair infront of it while Jimin was doing his makeup and hair.

"It looks good on you hyung I swear please dont try to remove it",Jimin said trying to fit another earrings on him after refusing it for the third time.

"Noo.. not that thing. It doesnt suit on me",Jin tried to push away Jimin's hand now who was trying to apply thin layer of red juicy lip tint on his lips.

"Hyung please... you are looking down on yourself too much. You have no idea how beautiful you are and these things are just to enhance your beauty into another level. Beside I'm expert on this things. Just believe me, I will make sure Jungkook to fall head over heels for you. ",Jimin then applied a red lip tint on his lips while Jin was still unsure if it looks good on him or not.

"Omo... I dont believe it hyung. You are finally getting married",Jimin smiled at him and hugged him from back after giving him all those finishing touches.

"Right.... I cant believe it either. I dont know how I am feel right now. I'm just too nervous",Jin closed his eyes nervously and took a long breathes keeping his palm on his massively beating heart.

"Hyung lets go its getting late. ",Jimin then pulled Jin up shoving him into the car without listening to Jin whining about his dress.

At the chruch,

Everything was perfect, the day, the venue, the decorations, just everything.

Jungkook looked around in satisfaction seeing how perfect the hall looks. After all he himself planned and did the main decorations on his own wedding since he wanted everything to be perfect. As perfect as Jin.

"Nervous?",Jungkook heard Yoongi from behind

"No not at all. I have waited this day for so long. I'm just happy... so freaking happy",Jungkook smiled

"Oh here comes the guests",Yoongi went to look after the guests. It was small marriage ceremony with hardly some few people including Jin's parents, Yoongi's and Jimin's in laws but ofcourse no one from Jungkook's side. But Jungkook didnt care or felt lonely since now very soon he will have complete family of his own.

And there Jungkook saw ken sitting on one corner looking at him from far. Jungkook smiled at him while ken just smiled back confusedly.


Jungkook stood in the center of the stage, his heart was beating so fast as he hears his own heartbeats while he waits for Jin to walk down on the aisle

"And here comes the bride groom" , he heard the announcement where He closed his eyes taking long breathes

Everyone clapped their hands, then there Jungkook now opened his eyes slowly seeing Jin walking towards him carrying a flower bouquet smiling so purely at him. He looks so ethereal, like an angel he is,making Jungkook emotional suddenly. He just couldnt take his eyes off from his soon to be husband seeing him so beautiful in that dress.

 He just couldnt take his eyes off from his soon to be husband seeing him so beautiful in that dress

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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