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Everything went back to normal. It was 2 months already since Jin got discharged, their pups were also in good conditions now with them under Jungkook's guidance both Jin and babies were recovering swiftly.

Jungkook made sure that he was a good mate and good father to his pups. He took care of them with his whole heart and seeing Jin play with his pups just made him happiest. It just reminded him of his past when he was with his mom. Jin's warmth was ofcourse different from his mom but different in a good way. He no longer felt lonely or sad, he just felt his life joyful and It was all thanks to Jin who came into his life.

Before Jin came into his life, his life was a mess, all he knew was sex, money and no feelings but now he felt like he was a real human.  Wanted to love and to be loved.

Jin was just playing with his pups, he had huge smile on his face as he remembered today was the date doctor gave him for his delivery. If it wasnt for Seulgi then it would be today that Jin would have gave birth to this little ones.

"..yaaaa.. say papa.. papa...",Jin giggled looking how cute his sons were 

"Aigoo.. why do they look like Jungkook though?",Jin happiness dropped when he noticed them slowly taking over Jungkook.

"Will they really look like Jungkook when they grow up? This is just so cruel, I carried them in my womb for 7 months and if at the end they'll take after Jungkook then I'll just break up with him, I swear"

"Why would you break up with me? "

Jin turned to see Jungkook looking at him in amusement.

"Just look at them. They have your nose", he said shifting a little so that Jungkook can sit beside him. He put down his shopping bag which had some diapers, milk powder, baby soaps, shampoos, etc.

"So? Am I not handsome? If they'll take after me than it will be nice isnt it?", Jungkook was tired so he was just about to drink his water which was beside him

"No, I'm just afraid that they'll have your coconut head"

"What?",Jungkook nearly choked on his water

"Fact",Jin shrugged making Jungkook mad

"Yaah. Coconut head? Whats wrong being a coconut head? Do you know how much all those hair styles suits on me?"

"Yaah yaah whatever",Jin just giggled

"I'm telling you if you call me coconut head again then",Jungkook stood up trying to hold Jin by his arms and make him stand up but all of a sudden they heard bell ring.

Jungkook looked at Jin and Jin just raised his shoulders in response. Jungkook opened the door and saw Jimin smiling at him while Yoongi just giving him his usual poker face.

"What a suprise. You didnt call first"

Jungkook closed the door behind them

"It was Jimin. He misses pups so much that he was whining from morning. He keeps on pouting when he wants something and I just couldnt reject him. Sorry, but will you let us take pups for some hours? Jimin wants to take them to his family doctor. You know right Jimin's cousin is a child specialist?"

"Yes Jungkook. I promise we'll be fast. I can take Jin hyung with me if you want.",Jimin pouted but the truth inside was Jimin wants to play with pups alone for sometimes

"No, i trust you guys. You can take them but please take extra care of them"

"Really? Thankyou jungkook",Jimin smiled wide as his eyes shined bright as soon as Jungkook agreed.

Jimin carried one baby softly, cutely smiling at him while Yoongi awkwardly carried another. They then took away the pups for some hours leaving Jin and Jungkook alone for the first time after their births.

"Ah atleast I got some time for myself",Jin stood up since the silence there was too awkward and he knew that Jungkook was thinking the same thing he was thinking right now.

And then suddenly Jungkook holded his arms pulling him from it and then finally sorrounding his arms around his waist. Jin gasp in his sudden movement looking at Jungkook with his cute little doe eyes.

"What are you doing? ",Jin blushed

"I wasnt finished yet. I said if you call me coconut head again then I'll make you regret it",Jungkook voice became too low making Jin red from his cheeks to his ears.

"I wont call you that again. Now leave me",Jin pushed him from his chest but he was too strong

"Oh come on. Pups aren't here, its the chance Jin. How about we do some dirty things here?",Jungkook whispered in his ear making Jin to jump a little on his feet in his seducing tone.

"But..  what if .. they come back again?", Jin shyly looked away

"They wont",Jungkook then carried Jin in a bridal style making him sleep on the bed. Jungkook unbuttoned his shirt and hovered around shy Jin who was looking at him shyly.

Jungkook kept his knees on the either side of Jin keeping him on the middle. He then kissed him softly his both hands pinning above his head on the bed. Jin kissed back and slowly the kiss became more deep and intense. Jin closed his eyes as Jungkook kissed him roughly his one hand slowly tracing his whole body making him whimper under the kiss.

Jungkook pulled away after they both became breathless. He then went for his neck, sucking and kissing his neck area making Jin to moan sweetly.

"..jinnie..",Jungkook called his name while sucking his marked area

"Hmm..?",Jin bited his lips trying to hide his moans 

"I love you"

"I love you too Jungkook",Jin screamed as soon as his already marked  neck was being maked again by Jungkook biting on the same area he had claimed him before.

"..how beautiful",Jungkook licked all his blood away,"now you're mine forever"

Jungkook then made Jin naked in a second now staring at his whole body making Jin shy and blush really hard.

"Dont look at me like that",Jin whined

The next thing Jin found himself was his legs being spread as Jungkook adjust himself in the position.

"Aaaaaaaah..",Jin clutched the blanket tight closing his eyes shut as Jungkook  thrusted his member inside him

"..more...alpha...my alpha...more.." , Jin moaned as he hugged Jungkook around his neck while Jungkook was pounding him harder.

Jin became a moaning mess digging his nails all inside Jungkook's back screaming in pleasure. They both were now near to their climax.

"..alpha...noo.. what if...what if.. I get pregnant again?.. not inside."

Jin screamed while Jungkook growled as they both came at the same time, Jin hugging his neck tight as thick drop of tears made its way. Jungkook collapsed on Jin while Jin kept on hugging him, nuzzling his hair. They both breathing heavily.

"Jin..", Jungkook called him sleepily


"You promised me that you'll marry me once our pups gets better. "

"Yes I did"

"They are alright now so",Jungkook burried himself on Jin's neck

"So will you marry me now?"

"Yes",Jin hugged him tight kissing his head smiling bright.

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