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"Dont let my appa bully you again. You arent the type who lets other to bully you. But you act such a scaredy cat infront of my dad",Jin runned his hand through Jungkook's hair who was sleeping on the floor and his head on Jin's lap as his pillow

"You know it right, I'm not the type who gets scared with someone so easily. I'm a werewolf alpha, people fears with me instead but for you I've to be scared sometimes. Actually, I'm not scared with your dad or anything like that I'm just being patience and kind so that he can grow fond of me, so that he can trust me. ",Jungkook curled in a ball as cold breezes passed by them,it might be summer right now but at nights it can get chilly outside

"Are you feeling cold?",Jin hugged Jungkook sorrounding his arms on his neck

"No. You can go inside now, you should take a good nap for our baby", Jungkook was just about to lift his head from Jin's lap. Jin suddenly screamed a little.

"Aaaah",Jin pressed his hand on his stomach

"What? Why ? How. What happened?",Jungkook panicked and got up super fast holding Jin's both arms who was taking long breathes pressing his belly

"Hold on. I'll take you to the hospital right now", Jungkook was really scared of Jin's situation and was about to lift Jin up but Jin stopped him grabbing his hand

"What happened?",Jungkook worriedly looked at Jin who was now smiling

"Really? Are you smiling at this situation? I was going to die just now and you're really showing your teeth to me? "

"Yaah. Its nothing serious. Its just that Baby just kicked"


" seriously You dont know anything. Our Babies just moved inside. They had little movements just now. I think they were happy that their appa were around them, so they just showed their happiness like that",Jin smiled showing his belly to Jungkook

"Really? Do that little things can really move at all?",Jungkook stared at Jin's belly

"Why? It is human being after all, they can move like us. What a weird question is that?"

"No, i mean do they really kick?"

"Ofcourse. Come here"

Jungkook sat beside Jin and Jin took Jungkook's one hand and placed on the side of his belly.

"Wait for sometimes. They dont do it everytime but after you came here they often do it"

"Auh? Ok.",Jungkook waited till he felt a gentle thud in his hand. Jin giggled as he felt light tickles.

"Wow. They really did it",Jungkook excitedly opened his eyes round as he felt his baby movements for the first time

"Ofcourse they did", Jin smiled

"Can I feel it more?",Jungkook pleaded with his eyes making them so soft that Jin couldnt deny


Jungkook now brought his face near to Jin's belly pressing his ear along with his half face on his big belly. Jin blushed a little but allowed him to do whatever he likes

"Hey can you two talk as well?.", he said pressing his ear at his belly

"What? They can't.. please its so childish question",Jin giggled making Jungkook embarassed suddenly

"I... i was just joking ok",Jungkook was red already feeling ashamed of his immature question. Ofcourse everyone knows they cant speak, he was just embarassing himself in excitement

"If you two are finished then Jin can you go inside?. Its starting to get cold and about that werewolf we need to get to work early in the morning so just tell him to sleep fast",Mr. Kim suddenly spoke from back out of nowhere making both of them startle.

"Why does it have to be my appa always? ",Jin eyed at his father cause whenever he was having good time with Jungkook its always him who comes and disturbs them, it isnt his fault though but it feels like its all planned for Jin, plan of his father to come between them whenever they try to be little close than necessary. Wait that means is he always listening to their conversations or what?

"Appa I'm letting Jungkook to use guestroom and You can fight with me if you want",Jin got up with the help of Jungkook

"Its ok. I'm fine here. Please go inside now"


"Please?", Jungkook arched his eyebrows at him

"Ugh fine",Jin went inside leaving his father and Jungkook there alone

"So you're ready for tomorrow right?",Mr.Kim looked at Jungkook

"Yes sir",he just smiled at him

" fine then you can use our guest room if you want. Its not like I'm giving you permission to use it but I know Jin will nag me forever for this, so you can use it if you want",mr.Kim went away saying this much even without waiting for Jungkook's response leaving him there completely dumbfounded

"Woah. He's really so unpredictable",Jungkook laughed in amusement and went inside the guest room and collapsed on the bed. He was too tired so he fell asleep as soon as he collapsed on his bed. Ofcourse smiling like a fool remembering his moments with Jin.

At the morning,
Jungkook was getting ready to go on the field for work as soon as he woke up. He didnt have anything to wear so he just wear his same cloths and came out from his room. As soon as he came out he saw Jin with some cloths in his hand

"Goodmorning ",jungkook smiled at him

"Goodmorning",Jin replied and came near to Jungkook

"Here wear this",Jin gave him his some old cloths since Jin's new cloths would be too big for Jungkook

"Auh? Its ok you know..i'm fine"

"No please who works like this in a field? You look like you are going for some business meetings or what",Jin pushed him towards the room again to let him get changed.

Jungkook didnt want to disobey Jin so he just did like what he ordered him to do. It fitted him fine since it was all oversized. He got all ready and came outside.

"Alright then",Jin fixed mushroom hat on his coconut head making Jungkook feel embarassed about it

"Yaah take it out. Its too childish.",Jungkook whined

"Shut up. Dont blame me afterwards if you get sun burns. ",Jin scolded at him

"Ugh fine",Jungkook just whined not getting to do anything about it

"Also have breakfast before you go",Jin took his hand and dragged him to the living room and wow Jin had prepare not a breakfast but a whole feast right now. Jungkook eyes went wide opened as he sees lots of foods on the table

"Thankyou"Jungkook smiled at Jin and Jin went away to bring some water

"Aigoo aigoo.. look at this boy. He had never prepared me breakfast like this before I go to work and look at him preparing it for this wolfboy. Wow I'm really sad right now",Mr. Kim came again giving Jungkook so sad face as if we was going for a war.

"I'm so dissapointed",Jin's father sighed again and again making Jungkook to hate his life right now. He can't even eat at this point when Mr. Kim was giving him that looks also he cant go away without eating or else Jin will kill him.

jungkook regretting his life's decision

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jungkook regretting his life's decision. He was like that that picture right now. So done face

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