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Jimin had been watching on Soohyuk for a few minutes now, concluding that the guy was very social. Soohyuk was socializing with a few people and talked like a normal person. Jimin thought that it was normal, nothing out of ordinary.

Until Soohyuk took out his phone while smirking that in an instant Jimin was on his phone, dialing Taehyung's number.

"Tae, that Jerk is on the phone now while smirking. Where are you? Have you found Jungkookie?"

"Jim, m-my J-jungkookie..."

Hearing that hoarse tone Taehyung was using while stuttering, Jimin instantly was on alert, clearly, Taehyung was having a panic attack.

"Tae, listen to me..." Jimin tried to be as calm as possible even though he was worried sick. "Follow me. Breath, Taehyungie. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale."

When Jimin was sure that Taehyung had followed his instruction, Jimin tried again. "Now, where are you and where is Jungkook?"

"I'm-" Jimin heard Taehyung's breath hitched before he continued. "At Jin-hyung's restaurant." It's like, Taehyung was trying his best to control his panic. "Jungkookie... He... He is nowhere to be found..."

Jimin took a deep breath to calm himself down after the information he received. "All right. You stay right there and breathe. Yoongi-hyung will pick you up in a few minutes."

Jimin almost could hear Taehyung nodding at his command. Waiting for a few seconds, Jimin eventually ended the phone call after he was sure that Taehyung was okay. Jimin then started dialing a few people.

"Yoongi-hyung, Jungkook is missing and Taehyung is having a panic attack right now. Please pick him up at Seokjin-hyung's restaurant. I'll have to keep an eye on the Jerk."

"Namjoon-hyung, please get ready. The Jerk is on the move."

"Hoseok-hyung, please command your men to guard the party without making it obvious. The Jerk is already on the move. Also, I need you to find Jungkookie. He is currently missing."

"Seokjin-hyung, please take care of the party and its guests, especially your parents and the Jeons. The Jerk is on the move and we don't want to cause a scene. Thanks, hyung, and please don't worry. We can handle this situation."

Jimin took a deep breath for the second time that night after ending all the phone calls without tearing his eyes off of Soohyuk. Jimin watched the man, wondering,

"What do you have in mind, hm?"


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