15 | The New Guy

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It was noon and here I was thinking that the sun couldn't be any hotter!

Fufu how wrong was I.

In front of fleurir, I was waiting for Luke to come to pick me up. Greeted by the glaring heat of the sun, I reached my bag and took a black sunglasses before putting them on.

Sigh, I never thought old man Luke could ever be late since I had never seen him be late. Ever. Ugh, my mind was already tired and somehow my body followed the same exact feeling.

Ah, what a lovely day to be burn.

I sobbed mentally as I pat the sweat forming on my forehead with my backhand. I was tired of waiting, so my hand moved fast to reach the cellphone on my handbag. When I was about to call Luke, a black car suddenly stopped in front of me, gaining my attention.

And when I thought I couldn't be more startled, the driver of that car decided to honk the car - making my ear rang uncomfortably.

Who the hell is it!?

And again, when I thought I couldn't be more attacked, the car window rolled down to reveal a guy - wearing sunglasses - calling my name.

"Miss Amaryllis!" The guy called in excitement, waving as he saw me. The guy looked chill and seemed quite bright.

Just who the hell is he!?

"Who are you?" I asked him the question with a stern voice and agitated expression. As the man heard this, he panicked and started removing his sunglasses off before answering.

"My name is Luca, Mr. Luke couldn't pick you up because of an urgent matter so I was sent out in his place. I am sorry for surprising you, Miss." The man called Luca revealed a grin before getting out of the car and opened the car door for me.

"Okay then, Lu - ca." I let out a cold voice and that made Luca felt a chill down his spine.

"I have some questions you will need to answer on our way to the office building." I continued and smiled at him as I got into the car but Luca himself could see a dangerous hint in those gorgeous golden brown eyes of his master's precious daughter. Oh, how he regretted getting on his Miss' bad side.

As both of them got in the car, Luca immediately started driving. As the ride continued, Luca glanced up at the small mirror before him. There he saw the reflection showing Miss Bloom resting as she closed her eyes tight with her head slightly tilted. The street was packed with vehicles but thank goodness it was rather quiet. Luca peeked again at the tired Miss Bloom - It seemed like she really fell asleep. Luca then let out a sigh of relief. He believed he was safe from the gorgeous witch behind him. Before, when he saw his Miss' eyes, he was scared as hell, he knew he pissed her out.

"Maybe it was the honking? Well, it was pretty loud.. Should I change the honking sound?" Luca thought deeply but unintentionally mumbled those words.

"Luca. Just don't be late next time."

Hearing my voice, Luca straightened his posture and froze. "Y-yes, Yes, Miss! I'm sorry-"


Oh man

It appeared Luca forgot we were in the car. As he was groggy, he intended to apologize with a bow. As a result, he hit his forehead to the driving wheel.

"...Luca, are you alright?" I asked with a concerned tone but it came out weird.

"Yes.." Luca rubbed his forehead and sighed for his recklessness.

"You don't need to be that nervous, you know. It's not like I can kill you." I said to him, leaning back again into my seat.

"Miss, you can." Luca sobbed mentally.

"What do you me- Oh. I mean I don't hurt people because of a small matter like that." I chuckled.

"Thank you, Miss." Luca looked at me through the mirror.

I nodded.

"Are you new, Luca?" I asked.

"Yes. I have worked under Bloom for only 3 months." The man revealed.

Hmm, how should I react about this..? Should I be disappointed since Dad sent a newbie to get me instead of an experienced assistant? Or maybe Luca is just that good? Well, he is pretty interesting.

"What is your age?" I asked Luca. When I looked at him the first time, he looked pretty young. His hair was surprisingly green - that was why I felt attacked with him suddenly calling me wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Well, I am only twenty-five, Miss."


Wow, he's almost ten years older than me.

"Alright, brother Luca."

"Huh? M-miss, no need to use formality with a mere servant like me!" Luca awkwardly panicked.

"No worries. I started calling Luke 'uncle' too since I began to feel uncomfortable calling older people informally. I want to get closer to who serves me, too, you know." I let my feelings out as I looked at the road and began to fall asleep.

Seeing the scene, Luca who was touched instantly chuckled softly.

"Miss is such a kind-hearted person."

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