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Elle hadn't thought about her older brother for the longest time. After she told her son Patrick about the events, the trauma filled memories from when she was a 16 year old played through her mind:

Peter yelling at her... telling her she has no right to do anything other than to serve men... she slowly began hating herself. As he laid hands on her she knew she wouldn't be the same again. Before she blacked out she saw his face... it was her brother, not a fever dream like she hoped it was. Her only brother. The guy she thought would protect her all her life. The guy that should have never seen her in such a way. Touched her in such a way. But he did, and she wasn't conscious for most of it. She would never know what he actually did to her and her body, or how long he spent on her. But she knew he wouldn't get away with it.

His hand came down on her, striking her across the face as she cried. When she passed out asleep, he whispered he loved her just as much as he had always loved her... but this was different. He thought his actions that night would then show her how to act in the future. Kind of like he taught her a lesson. As he undressed her he began stopping himself constantly. He wondered if what he was doing would truly help her but a couple of minutes in he knew he couldn't then stop. Her clothes came off and he looked at her body disgustedly. This was his sister. He didn't enjoy seeing her body but he felt it was his deed. Instead of sexualizing what he was doing even more, he hurt her more. He didn't want the thought of sex with his little sister to remain in his mind so if he simply abused her as he did it, it was different, right?

Peter hadn't taken any of his pills he'd usually been prescribed and he hadn't been for a couple of days. That was his breaking point. Seeing Elle ruin her life with these boys was his own breaking point. He snapped and was uncontrollable until he finished with her. No one could have stopped him.

Just the next day Elle was finally awake, but she wasn't herself. Never again did she look at her body the same or actually enjoy having sex even with her later partners. That vivid memory of Peter doing the unsaid always flashed through her mind. Her partners were always aware, and by the time she and Wiley married he was well aware of how to treat her if she went into a trauma-induced panic while in bed. Most times, they were fine and sex wasn't a problem but it was when it got 'rough' that she really needed it to stop.

When Peter's time for execution came everyone begged Elle not to show. Some enemies of Peter would be there and they all knew seeing her rapist before and as he died would damage her even more. She begged everyone to let her watch it in person, but hell, they wouldn't even let her watch it on tv. She never got to know his last words or what his last meal was when she wanted to. It wasn't until way later in life that she found out that his last words were "Kill Elle Bovino". She wasn't told by anyone that while she thought she was protecting her gang by being the leader and making orders, her gang was protecting her. That cop that was friends with her was keeping tabs on her even when she didn't know he was around. She always wondered how he found out she gave birth the second time, but it was because of how closely he followed her around. Everyone in her gang knew about it which is why they were decent about her befriending police. Elle didn't know though. She didn't know she was constantly being watched by authorities and everyone around her just to keep her safe.

She gave her gang to her son when she found out this information. She felt betrayed by a whole group of people but scared for her life at the same time. She's very much alive and this demand sent out by her brother could have triggered many cereal killers to plan how to kill her.

Elle died before she could see her sons get married or have kids. Her body was found in an alleyway by her own husband when she didn't show up home one night. Elle Jackson was murdered by an Italian mob member who remembered her brother's last wishes. But Peter was wrong. Elle went down in history amongst greasers in Tulsa for decades after she died. Her legacy carried on throughout her gang of Coyotes and though her family mourned her death pretty hard, they got revenge on the Italian mob. Wiley ordered Coyotes to find out who it was then when the information was given to him, he didn't have them arrested, he killed him himself. Wiley was shot by police when they arrived on scene. No one was able to say they had an effect on a gang like the Bovino siblings did.

Yeah, their life was messy. But greasers aren't supposed to live dream work like sequences. Their life was red as hell but man they lived.

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