Chapter 30

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Jennie walked down the last few steps and padded barefoot to the kitchen, yawning as Kuma came running over to her. Crouching down, Jennie made quite cooing noises as she ruffled his fur, before straightening up.

"What on God's earth are you wearing?" Chaerin's voice came from behind her.

Jennie span around, trying not to show her surprise at Chaerin's sneaking up on her. She arched an eyebrow at Chaerin's disapproving tone. "They're called pyjamas," Jennie said.

"You look like you're homeless," Chaerin told her, giving Jennie a once over.

Rolling her eyes, Jennie walked over to the coffee machine and poured herself a cup. "Not everyone sleeps in Carine Gilson nightdresses," Jennie snorted.

"Well you used to," Chaerin reminded her. "And you never complained about it."

Jennie shrugged, as she drank her coffee. In truth, she only wore the sweatpants because they were Lisa's. Her drawers were still full of silk pyjamas that cost more than some people made in a week. She had to admit, the sweatpants were more comfortable though.

"Whatever," Jennie mumbled, taking her coffee over to the table and pulling the newspaper towards her. She quickly skimmed over the stories, before turning her attention to the crossword. Chaerin pulled a chair out and sat down silently, and Jennie could feel her gaze on her. Looking up, Jennie raised her eyebrows in question.

"You still do the crossword," Chaerin said, and Jennie nodded as she looked back down and wrote in the answer to five across. The chef came in and greeted them both before she started cooking breakfast for them.

"So, what time would you like to go into the office?" Chaerin asked.

Jennie shrugged, pencilling in another answer. "I don't know; around ten I guess."

"Maybe we could have lunch together afterwards," Chaerin suggested.

"Uh, sure," Jennie agreed. "Hey, who's the leader of the Three Stooges?"

"Hm? Oh, it was Moe," Chaerin said, and Jennie wrote in the answer as she mumbled her thanks.

They ate breakfast in silence, as Jennie finished the crossword and Chaerin read over some files on her research. After breakfast, Jennie walked outside with Kuma, letting him run around the garden while Jennie stayed hidden in the shadows.


As they walked through the front doors of the Metropolis headquarters, all heads turned to Jennie and Chaerin and expressions of surprise flickered across some of the employees faces. Jennie hadn't come back to the Metropolis office since moving the J-Corp headquarters to National City as part of her rebranding. It was a rare sight to see one Kim in the building, let alone two.

Getting into the elevator, Jennie pushed the button to take them upstairs, and they walked out onto a floor full of conference rooms. There were already people waiting for them when they walked into the room, and Jennie shook everyone's hand before sitting down for the presentation.

She was impressed with the new version of J-Corp's operating system, and gave her approval for the release on Friday. Jennie had been hesitant to agree without seeing it firsthand, but it looked like the team had done a good job. Giving everyone a final goodbye, Jennie and Chaerin were left alone in the conference room to navigate the new computer software on one of the company's laptops.

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