Chapter 45

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Skipping the shower for the time being, Jennie went in search of Rosé, who she found fast asleep, tucked up in Jennie's bed as she cuddled with Kuma. Apparently she'd had the good sense to find a proper bed last night. Her face was pushed into the pillows, but Rosé's knuckles were split open and covered in blood so Jennie assumed that Rosé must have looked pretty similar to her and Jisoo.

As Jennie walked over to her closet, she heard a movement behind her and Kuma jumped off the bed, wagging his tail as he wandered over to Jennie. Crouching down, Jennie scratched him under the chin as Kuma sniffed her. She probably smelt disgusting with the amount of blood she was covered in, and Jennie was slightly sticky from the alcohol that she was covered in. Frowning, Jennie tried to remember what had happened but things were kind of hazy.

"Oh my god," Rosé said, sitting up and wincing at the bright light streaming in through the open windows. "Ow, fuck."

Jennie looked up at her and pressed her lips together as she tried not to laugh. Rosé had two black eyes and her chin was covered in blood from her split lip. "You look like a raccoon," Jennie laughed, standing up.

Rosé turned her attention to Jennie and her eyes widened. "What happened to you?!"

"I was hoping you could tell me," Jennie said, laughing and then wincing as pain lanced through her ribs. Looking down, Jennie saw that the left side of her chest was mottled black and purple with bruises.

"You didn't look that bad when I put you to bed last night," Rosé told her, stumbling out of bed and catching herself on the bedside table.

"You left me on the kitchen floor! With a towel as a blanket! I'd hardly say you put me to bed or were in any position to judge how I was," Jennie exclaimed before she started laughing. "I'm glad to see you looked after yourself though. You weren't too drunk to put yourself in my bed."

"I think I was the least drunk out of the three of us, which is saying something because I think we drank half of your liquor cabinet when we got home," Rosé said, stretching and wincing in pain as her muscles ached. "Where's Jisoo?"

"She's sleeping in the bath," Jennie said, shrugging casually as she tried not to laugh.

"In the bath? Jesus Christ. I'm really glad Lisa's not here, I don't think she'd be impressed with our behavior last night. We'd probably get a lecture," Rosé mumbled walking over to the door and heading towards the kitchen. Jennie followed after her, and her eyes widened as she took in the state of the kitchen, which she'd missed when she woken up. Rosé was right, they'd emptied the liquor cabinet, and raided the fridge and cupboards too. There were empty and half-full bottles everywhere, and open packets of chips and snacks covered the counters.

"So, what exactly happened last night?" Jennie asked. "I remember a bit of the fight and then everything else is kind of a blur. I swear I wasn't that drunk."

"That dick started on you and you glassed him with the nearest cup you found. It was actually kind of badass. And then, well, the three of us started fighting the entire group of those assholes. There was like twelve of them, I think we did pretty well all things considered. I personally feel like I carried us in that fight though; you mostly threw drinks and tried to punch. How's your hand? It might be broken. We probably should've gone to the hospital last night but I don't think we even realized the state we were in. Anyway, you had to get carried out of the bar and then we all got in a cab. I think we started going home, and I don't know what time we got back here but then we thought it'd be funny to carry on drinking. And yeah, I think that was basically it. You did fall over in the kitchen, I remember that. It seemed like a lot of effort to carry you at that point so we just left you. I'm not sure how Jisoo ended up in the bath though."

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