you're a kickboxer and defend her (requested)

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You wiped the sweat from your brow and shrugged out of your hoodie.

You couldn't believe how late it already was. You've spent the entire day working, preparing for your next fight that was coming up soon. You're absolutely exhausted and wanted nothing more than to get back to your apartment and take a hot shower to relax your sore muscles.

You took the shortcut down the alley. It's not something you do very often since it's not really the best place to be at night, or any time of the day really. But it shaved off some time from your usual long walk home and it didn't seem like a bad idea.

You had one earbud in your ear, one hanging out just so you could stay somewhat alert. Your favorite song was playing but it was interrupted by the sound of laughter and... begging?

Your heart dropped when you realized what was going on. A few hundred feet away you saw a few guys cornering a woman against a wall. She was clearly terrified, begging them to let her go and offering to give them whatever they wanted. And being a kickboxer, you didn't even think twice about interfering.

"Hey!" You yelled loudly and caught the attention of the three men that were taunting the poor, innocent woman. "Leave her alone."

The guys looked at each other before looking back at you and chuckling. They backed away from her and started to approach you. "What are you gonna do if we don't?" He wondered, his lips twitching upwards as he smirked. The look in his eye made you feel sick to your stomach and when he got too close you didn't hesitate to defend yourself.

You kicked him right where it hurts and watched him fall to his knees as he let out loud groans. The other two looked at each other as if they were somewhat amused by this. They were underestimating you, thinking that you couldn't handle much more.

But they were wrong. This is what you do for a living and you never backed down.

They both tried to grab ahold of you, one going for your arms while the other tried to grab below your waist. You elbowed one and kicked the other, a few grunts leaving your lips as you took continued your fight until they couldn't take any more.

Their lips were busted and they were bound to have marks and aching muscles to remind them of this night for weeks to come.

"Go," your voice was stern, the fire in your eyes telling them they didn't dare to mess with you again. "Now!" You screamed and watched as they took off in the opposite direction.

You took a few breaths and smirked to yourself. It filled you with pride to know that you had defended someone who had done nothing wrong, and showed up a few guys that thought they were tough, only to find that in the end, you were tougher.

"T-Thank you..."

You turned when you heard the same woman's voice come from behind you. You got so caught up that you hadn't even noticed she was still hanging around.

"Uh... Yeah, no problem." She smiled at you and you could've sworn that you had never seen anything more beautiful.

"I'm Sofia"


She stared at you with a look of awe, somewhat in disbelief at what had just happened. Her grin turned into a smirk. "That was honestly the coolest thing I've ever seen before. You're pretty badass! Are you a fighter or something?"

You nodded, a blush covering your cheeks when she gasped. "A kickboxer, actually."

She bit her lip, tugging it between her teeth and you couldn't help but stare.

"That's so cool! Can I buy you a coffee or something? To show my appreciation for you kicking those guys' asses?" You chuckled lightly but agreed nonetheless, your previous thoughts about only wanting to go home and shower now overshadowed by wanting to get to know Sofia better.

There was something really special about her. And little did you know how badly she wanted to get to know you too.

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