Updates soon! Songs. School

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Spring break starts tomorrow!!! Will update then!

Sorry for the long wait!!!
You guys should listen to this song! And this artist!!!

Also, my university may close after spring break, and every class will be online if that's the case due to the coronavirus.

If that's the case my language classes will be video classes. 😫

Japanese is my minor and I need to fulfill the requirements.

Anyone that is in an area where the coronavirus is a level 2 watch, please take care of your self. Wash your hands, don't touch your eyes or mouth after sneezing or coughing. If you need any prayers please comment below.

Thankfully there are no confirmed cases that have been reported yet in my state. But there are rumors there was one in my state but wasn't confirmed yet, because they only got testing kits on Monday.

Please stay safe!!!! I love you guys!!!

Thank you for waiting!!!

And a new chap is up on my tiger and bunny one!!!

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