Chapter 50- extra2- first time in yunmeng -part 2

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(This will be a short chap. I will upload a longer one for tomorrow. I will be splitting this into possibly 4 parts and then get back to the arc. 😉 🙇‍♀️ I have school to worry about which is why I haven't been writing long chaps.)

Wei Wuxian's cheeks turned red from embarrassment, 'what's wrong with me? I get so flustered when he kisses me.' He leaned his head against a wall to hide his face.

Turning around, he smiled like nothing was wrong, "let's tell the kids" his cheeks still were red.

Lan wangji looked at him in confusion, "Why are you embarrassed?"

Wei wuxian jolted, "I'm not!!"

Lan wangji reaches his hand to feel his head for a fever, "Your cheeks are red."

Wei Wuxian's heart thumped loudly in his chest, "... It's because... when you kiss me I get... a weird feeling. Plus children are present in the house, of course I would be embarrassed."

Lan wangji was silent, "..."

Wei wuxian couldn't take the silence any longer, "A-Xian! Come here! Bring A-Wei and A-Li with you!"

Lan Xian stood up, "Yes Sir!"

A few minutes later they walked into the living room, "We're going to my home town. And you guys are coming with us."

Lan Xian gasped, "Really? As in Yunmeng?"

Wei wuxian nodded, "I'll take you around town to show you the things that are left from my childhood."

Lan Xian cocked an eyebrow, "Left?"

Wei wuxian frowned, "Let me tell you what happened, sit!"

The children sat, "I ended up angering one of the Wen's, because I was foolish and a dumb. He burnt Yunmeng down. My adoptive parents were killed that night, and the last words from my adoptive mother haunt me. The words she never told me, I knew from her expression she knew I had fallen in love with a man."

He went into more detail of what happened in the cave that he was trapped in with his now husband.

Lan Xian was crying, "It's not your fault! Everyone was pushing the blame on you, because of your powers."

Wei wuxian blushed, "No it was my fault. I instigated it."

They talked more about his past, until it was 9pm.

"Bed time!" Wei wuxian said.

That night everyone went to sleep as soon as the hit the bed.

(Hope you enjoyed!)

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