Chapter Two

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The next day had came and Mal was in the kitchen frosting a strawberry cake. Today her, Ben, and her parents were going on a picnic. They did invite Belle and King Adam but they had others plans. Ben entered the kitchen. He went behind Mal and hugged her from behind. Kissing her neck he said:
"Strawberry cake?"
"Yes, strawberries rule." Mal said, licking the pink frosting off her finger.
Ben laughed as he let Mal go. He walked over to the cabinets and got a glass. He then walked to the sink and poured water into it.
"Why are you drinking water from the sink, we have purified bottles of water." Mal said.
"This isn't for me." Ben said.
Mal stopped frosting the cake. She looked at Ben.
"Then who is it for?" Mal asked.
"It's a surprise." Ben said walking out the kitchen a smile on his face.
Maleficent then bursts into the kitchen scarring Mal.
"Mom!" Mal groaned.
"What!?" Maleficent yelled.
"What's your problem?"
Maleficent couldn't believe the words that came out of Mal's mouth.
"It's hot!" Maleficent said. "I've never been so hot in my life!"
Maleficent pretends to melt. Mal smiles as she finishes up the last bit of cake that needed to be frosted.
"Well I'll be sure to bring an umbrella for you to use at the picnic." Mal said.
Maleficent gives Mal a fake smile.

Meanwhile Carlos was at the market place on the Isle. He was looking for the perfect ring for Jane. All of the rings looked great. Some rings had green diamonds while others had yellow stones. Some of the rings were even magic rings but none of the rings were perfect for Jane.
"Carlos is that you?" Cruella asked.
Carlos looks up and sees his mother.
"Oh my!" Carlos mumbles.
Cruella begins to walk over to Carlos.
"Aww! Look at my son, out here trying to buy his mother a ring!" Cruella said pressing her palm against Carlos's cheek.
Carlos began to turn red. He looked around. Sure he told his mother about Jane and Jane has met Cruella but he never told Cruella that he was going to marry Jane. Carlos examines his mother. He noticed that her arms were full of black and white bags.
"Shopping day?" Carlos asked.
"Oh honey everyday's a shopping day." Cruella said before laughing wickedly.
Her laugh gave Carlos sweet welcome home chills. Her laugh was something he never missed.
"Oh, uh, Carlos I um need you to stop by my place to look at something for me." Cruella said.
She began to walk away but she stopped.
"Oh! . . . And I expect my ring to be with you when you come." She adds.
Carlos chuckles. Great now he has to but two rings! Carlos then heard a familiar sound. The sound of someone tongue clicking. Carlos looked up at the clothes lines above the market place. There he saw Scarlet, the daughter of the evil lion, Scar.
"What a shame." Scarlet said.
Carlos tolled his eyes as he turned his attention back to the rings.
"What?" Carlos asked.
Scarlet jumped down from the clothes line and landed next to Carlos.
"I know the truth." Scarlet said.
"About what?"
"Why you're so interested in the rings and it's not because you want to bring your mother a gift." Scarlet teased.
"Pfft." Carlos said. "Oh it's not like it's a bad thing . . . is it?"
"A VK marrying a AK?" Scarlet said. "Sss, maybe . . . in the eyes of a villain."
Scarlet licked one of her fangs.
"She was one of the ones who were happy on the other side of the bridge while we were fighting for scrapes." Scarlet adds.
"So what are you trying to say?" Carlos asked.
"Just don't forget you place." Scarlet said, jabbing her fingers in Carlos's shoulder.
Carlos looked at the lion and she smiled as she walked away.
"Once a villain, permanently a villain!" She said saluting.
She then turned a corner and went down a dark alley. Dang lion is always trying to mess with people's head . . . and it's not good. But she is a villain after all.

Mal, Ben, Maleficent, and Hades were finally ready for their picnic. Mal had the basket in her hand as she walked out the door. She noticed that Hades was in the car waiting for everyone while Ben was putting their stuff in the trunk.
"Where's Mom?" Mal asked Ben.
Ben shrugs as he takes the basket from Mal. Mal sighs and walked to the their staircase.
"Mom!" She called.
Maleficent started to come downstairs. She was wearing purple ripped shorts and a black mesh shirt. Mals jaw dropped.
"Uh . . ." Mal hesitated. "Mom . . . are you . . ."
Mal went up to her mother who was now at the bottom of the stairs. She touched Maleficent's face.
"Are you okay?" Mal asked.
"It's the hottest day ever and I'm wearing your clothes that is surprisingly really comfortable." Maleficent said.
Mal thought those clothes were really cool in the summer but now that she sees her mother in them she begs to differ.
"Okay." Mal mumbled sound slightly uncomfortable.
Ben came back into the castle.
"Hey, are we ready?" Ben asked kissing Mal on her neck.
Ben looked at Maleficent and froze. He was speechless.
"Uh, Mal?" Ben said nervously. "Is your mother okay?"
"Honestly I don't know." Mal replies. ". . . Well let's go!"
Mal looks at Ben, smiles and walks out to the car. Once everyone was in the car the royal guards took them to the Enchanted Lake. When they got there Hades and Ben took everything out of the car and took it to the picnic scene.
"You know this is where Ben took me to on our first date." Mal informed Maleficent.
Maleficent glares at Mal.
"But that's after I made him a special cookie using your spell book." Mal said hopping to lift the mood Maleficent was throwing at Mal.
Maleficent smiles.
"Wait you mean that Bamboo of a king is still under that spell?" Maleficent asked.
". . . No." Mal replied.
Maleficent's smile faded quickly.
"It washed away in that lake down there." Mal explained.
Maleficent's stomach growled.
"Ugh, get the food down here boys I'm starving!" Maleficent shouted at Hades and Ben.
Mal chuckled as she went down to the picnic scene. But the thing is Mal was happy, this is the first family picnic she has had . . . ever!

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