Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Evie, Jay, Carlos, Morgan, Quade, and Scarlet were on the bridge to the Isle. When they were face to face with the barrier Evie turned to Quade.
"Can you-"
Before Evie could finish her sentence Quade had his cards already. He flicked his wrist.
"Pick a card." He said, a smirk on his face.
Evie walks towards him and picks a card. She picked a red spade.
"Ooh, you've picked one that hasn't been picked in a while." Quade said.
Quade begins to think.
"Down in the minds of others clues may be found but with all your might bring this barrier down." 
The card began to glow and Quade used his amazing archer skills to aim it at the barrier. The card exploded and the whole barrier became visible.
"Wow amazing aim." Evie mumbled.
Quade smiles.
"I have to thank my mom for it." He said. "Off with their head! As she likes to say."
The barrier was starting to sizzle and Evie was confused.
"What's happening?" Evie asked.
"I don't know." Quade said. "This is the first time I used them to bring down the barrier!"
Don't get him wrong he had thought about bringing the barrier down with the cards when he was ten but magic didn't come through the barrier at the time. With a big burst the barrier was finally down.
"Wait . . . did we destroy the barrier?" Carlos asked.
"I don't know." Evie said.
She started to walk onto the Isle but her feet became . . . stuck.
"Ugh, I can't move!" She yelled.
The rest of the gang tried to move their feet but couldn't.
"Rawr, what's going on!" Scarlet asked. "You should a kitty does not like to be held hostage!"
Her stomach growled. She held her stomach as a frown grew on her face.
"Especially when the kitty is hungry." She adds.
That's when it hit her. She smiled and turned into a lion in hopes that she would be able to move her feet again. To her disappointment she couldn't. She then tried to turn back into a human but she couldn't. Scarlet growls angrily.
An evil laugh booms through the sky. Lighting the color of red then flashed across the sky.
"Hello people of Auradon!" Laveena says.
Evie looked at Carlos. Carlos looked at Jay and Jay shrugged.
"I have come to visit the Isle of the Lost and there are debts that needed to be paid." Laveena explains.
Queen Tiana and King Laveen was standing outside looking up at the cursed sky.
"Our daughter." Queen Tiana mumbled.
King Laveen brings Tiana in for a hug.
"Mal and her crew got this." He assured her. "They will bring our daughter home."
"So I am here to tell you that if you guys do not give the villains what they want your precious Queen will be deep within the stomach of an electric eel." Laveena continues.
With that said Laveena laughs and Evie and the gang were able to move again.
"Did you hear her?" Carlos asked as he and the gang entered the Isle.
"Yeah, she's going to feed Mal and the others to electric eels if we don't do something about it." Jay said.
Scarlet turned back into a human and entered the Isle of the Lost. She saw a set of twins about to share a hot dog. Scarlet licked her lips. She walked over to the brother and sister.
"Give that to me." Scarlet demanded.
The girl snatched the hot dog away from Scarlet.
"No, go get your own!" The girl said.
"If you don't give it to me!" Scarlet growled, her voice growing deeper.
Carlos walked up behind Scarlet. He put his hand on her shoulder and she snapped at him, almost biting his finger off. He quickly moved his hand off her shoulder.
"We're going to go get you something to eat." Carlos said.
Scarlet rolls her eyes as she walks over to Quade. The twins were staring at Carlos, scared. Carlos chuckles embarrassed.
"Sorry about that." He said, walking away. "Enjoy your hotdog!"
Scarlet was pouting as she walked, her bottom lip was poked out, and arms folded across her chest. When the VKS turned a corner and Scarlet saw sign that said Moldy Burgers. The sign was broken and had busted light bulbs in it. Her eyes lit up. She never heard of the place it did sound good (for it to be on the Isle of the Lost).
"What's Moldy Burger?" Scarlet asked.
Jay stopped walking. His stomach growled. He looked down at it.
"I could eat a burger." Jay said, turning to the other VKS.
"We can't." Evie said. "Carlos can you go with Scarlet and get her a burger please?!"
Carlos looked around like he had been picked on through out the whole mission.
"Why me?" He asked.
"Because you're good with animals." Jay replied.
"Yeah!" Scarlet said.
Carlos looked at Scarlet creeped out a little.
"Fine!" He groaned. "Come on."
Carlos took Scarlet to get a burger. When they got to the place he opened the door for her and sweet smell of burger patties hit Scarlets nose.
"Mmm!" She said.
When she walked in everyone was staring at her.
"You from around here?" The lady at the register asked.
"She's with me." Carlos said.
The people then shrugged and continued their conversations. Carlos and Scarlet walked up to the counter.
"You know you're not supposed to be here." The lady said, cleaning a glass cup.
"Yeah, but we're here to get-"
"Your friends I know." The lady said.
The lady put the cup up and slapped the towel over her shoulder.
"What can I get you guys?"
"Just one Moldy Burger . . . original." Carlos ordered.
"One?" Scarlet asked, looking at Carlos with a raised eyebrow.
"Two." Carlos corrected looking at Scarlet.
Carlos pulled out his wallet but the lady stopped him.
"No need for that Mr. De'vil." She said. "You and your mother have been one of our most loyal customers of all time so this order is on the house."
Carlos was stunned. Something for free . . ? On the Isle?!
"Thank you."
The lady nods and goes to the kitchen. About ten minutes later the burgers were done and Scarlet was munching on one of them.
"Alright, you satisfied?" Carlos asked as they left the building.
Scarlet nods with a smile on her face.
"Alright, now we just have to go find the others." Carlos said.

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