Chapter Thrity-One

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Scarlet and Quade were walking down a street full of little kids who were playing. Scarlet was sniffing the ground while Quade was fixing one of his bracelets. A ball then falls and hits Scarlet on the nose. Scarlet quickly changes into a human. She was holding her nose as she frowned.
"Hey, you little brat!" Scarlet yelled at no one in particular.
The kids froze while balls and the toys the kids were playing with were still moving. They looked at Scarlet, dead silent. They then started laughing.
"What happened?" Quade asked.
"One of these little worms let a ball hit me in the nose." Scarlet replied.
Quade pats her on the back.
"Lick it off." Quade said.
"Lick it off?" Scarlet asked angrily.
Quade nods.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Scarlet asked.
"Lick it off, it's what you do when bad things happen to you." Quade said.
He did have a point. Quade has known Scarlet since . . . forever and every time something bad happened to Scarlet she would lick her body. She told him it helps her ease her anger. Scarlet saw a broken mirror on the side of the street. She looked at herself.
"Nows not the time." Scarlet said.
She turned back into a lion and she roared loudly, scaring the kids. The kids stopped play and ran into their houses. Scarlet smiles.
"Wow." Quade mumbled.

Carlos and Morgan approached a muddy alleyway.
"Be careful, it's very slippery." Carlos warned as he entered the alleyway.
It was very narrow. Morgan started to follow Carlos. He looked down as he did. He saw footprints.
"Hey, I found some footprints." Morgan said.
"Those are mine." Carlos said.
"No, these are smaller than your Bigfoot footsteps." Morgan said.
Carlos didn't know how to feel about Morgan's remark. Should he be happy he has big feet or sad about having big feet? That was beside the point so Carlos looked down and ahead of him. He saw the foot prints Morgan was talking about. He looked at Morgan.
"It could be." Carlos said.
"Well let's follow them!" Morgan said.
Carlos and Morgan started to follow the footsteps. The footsteps came to an end at a dingy door with music notes on it. Carlos raised one of his eyebrows. He heard music playing on the other side of the door.
"Well don't just stand there, knock." Morgan said.
Carlos looked at Morgan and then back at the door. He was scared. Morgan rolled his eyes and pushed Carlos out the way. Morgan then banged on the door. The door opened slightly.
"Did that door just open by itself?" Carlos asked, timidly.
Morgan ignored Carlos and opened the door a little more. He didn't see anyone in the room the door lead to but he did see muddy footprints on the wooden floor. He began to follow them, Carlos following, timidly. When the boys were in the little room they were pushed against a wall by powerful purple music waves. A girl came out from a dark corner.
She was dressed in a black leather jacket with white music notes in various places, red ripped jeans, and zippered yellow high top heels with music notes splattered everywhere on them. Carlos paid close attention to the girls clothes. He payed attention to the playing music and the sound waves keeping him and Morgan on the wall.
"Are you . . . Piera Piper?" Carlos asked.
The girl took off her headphones.
"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Piera asked.
"This is the Pied Pipers daughter?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, I am, now who are you?"
Carlos chuckled nervously.
"We are Carlos and Morgan." Carlos said.
Morgan looked at Carlos.
"Really?" Morgan asked.
"My name is Morgan and my friend over here is Carlos." Morgan said.
A door opened from another corner and Celia came into the light. She had a piece of paper in her hand and it was huge. She smiled and leaped over to Piera. She hugged Piera
"Thank you so much." She said before letting her go.
"Celia?" Carlos called.
Celia looked at Carlos and Morgan. She frowned.
"What are guys doing here?" She asked.
"Looking for you." Morgan replies. "Why are you here?"
"You know them?" Piera asked.
Celia looks at Piera
"Yes, can you let them down please." Celia replies.
Piera puts her headphones back on. She sits down and begins to meditate. Her eyes flashed a bright purple and the sound waves that were keeping Carlos and Morgan pinned to the wall like a poster descended from them to Piera. When the sound waves were formed into a ball she grabbed it and inhaled the sound waves. When she was done her eyes turned back dark brown.
"Woah." Carlos mumbled.
"Alright we found Celia so let's go find the rest of the gang." Morgan said.
Morgan heads for the door and Carlos looks at Celia who was standing still.
"Come on." Carlos said.
Celia turned to Piera.
"Thank you some much." She said giving Piera another big hug.
She smiled and let go. She then followed Carlos out the door.
"Hey you found her!" Jay yelled.
The three turned and looked at the end of the alleyway. They saw Jay standing there.
"Yeah." Carlos said.
"Great, now we have to go find Evie." Jay said meeting Carlos, Morgan, and Celia halfway.
"What happened to her?" Carlos asked.
"I think some bats took her." Jay said.
"Bats? Really?" Celia asked.
"Well it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't have stormed off!" Jay said defending himself.
"Well excuse me for trying to help y'all." Celia said.
"Wait, what do you mean?" Carlos asked.
"Piera has a map of the Isle of the Lost. She's knows this place like she knows every song ever made." Celia said.
The boys were stunned.
"You guys found her!" Quade said, walking behind Carlos and Morgan.
Scarlet turned into a human.
"Uh, where's Evie?" Scarlet asked.
"Don't tell me you've lost her!" Scarlet said.
Jay smiled.
Scarlet groaned.
"Well . . . how did you loose her?" Scarlet asked.
"Bats . . . apparently." Celia said.
"B-bats?" Scarlet asked, not believing her ears.
Celia looks at Jay and he nods. Scarlet bursts out into laughter. That's when she remembered, her dad used bats for minions.
"Wait." She stopped laughing. "I think I know where she is."
"Really, where?" Jay asked.
"Follow me." Scarlet said, walking ahead, out of the narrow alleyway.

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