Chapter Eighteen

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Uma explains to the VKS why they need to find the magical seashell. Mals mind was a big ball of confusion.
"So Laveena is under a spell your mother put in the sea before she made a deal with Ariel?" Mal asked.
"It is believed so." Morgan replies for Uma.
"What was she doing in the sea?" Evie asked.
"She wasn't." Uma said.
"Yeah, the bayou is a body of water which means that green junk comes from the sea." Morgan explains.
Uma was thinking. That's when she thought about the leaf she pulled that day.
"Oh my badness!" Uma said.
Everyone looks at her. She stands up.
"Mal . . . I think my mom made the curse, but I . . . caused it to expand from the ocean to every body of water in Auradon." Uma said.
"So . . . what are you saying?" Jay asked.
". . . I placed the curse on Laveena." Uma said.
"But it was an accident." Evie said. "You didn't know that what you did could curse someone."
"Yeah, I mean after all all of our parents are villains which means they never told us what they did when they were our age." Quade said. "So yeah the barrier is down and we are free but we don't know what bad curses and objects are out there in the world."
Everyone looks at Quade.
"He's pretty smart for a Prince." Carlos mumbled.
"Uh, I'm not just any Prince." Quade said. "I am the Prince of Hearts."
Everyone including Quade chuckles.
"Well it's good someone is claiming their blood." Evie said.
"So what are we gonna do?" Jay asked. "Considering that we're not wanted on the Isle right now."
". . . Well since the barrier's back up do you think magic from Auradon would work there?" Mal asked.
"Maybe, I mean the barrier isn't stopping magic from being used now." Celia said.
"Look maybe we should go find this magical seashell first and then go after Laveena and that jewel." Uma says.
"That seems like that would be underwater so you and Morgan can go and the rest of us will wait here." Mal said.
Uma and Morgan start to head for the exit when Jay said;
"We can't be wasting time."
Uma and Morgan looked at Jay.
"Maybe we can search Auradon for the jewel." he says.
"Sounds like a plan, to me!" Carlos said.
Once Uma and Morgan realized that the conversation the others were having didn't consist of them they walked out. When the two got to the shore they looked at the water.
"Where do you think we should look first?" Morgan asked.
Uma looks down at her glowing necklace.
"My mothers cave." She says before diving into the sea.
Morgan followed her and once they were in their octopus form they swam towards Ursula's cave. When they got there they noticed that Ursula was sitting on her rock couch, eating shrimp, and watching soap operas. Uma was watching her mother from behind a rock. Morgan slowly sank next to Uma.
"So how are we going to get what we're looking for with her in there?" Morgan whispered.
Uma put her hand up, which told Morgan to be quiet.
"I'm thinking." Uma said.
Uma took a breath and looked around. What distraction will cause Ursula to get up off the couch? Then she realized nothing really. Uma turns to Morgan.
"You know so much more about sea magic than I do, so tell me cuz, is there any spell that can make up invisible temporarily?" Uma asked.
Morgan began to think. After a few seconds of thinking a lightbulb floated above his head.
"Actually yes, somewhat." he said. "There's a spell that can make us have powers like a chameleon."
Uma frowns as Morgan swims away.
"What's a chameleon and what are you doing?" Uma asked as she followed Morgan.
"A chameleon is a lizard that can blend in with its surroundings and I believe it does that to stay alive." Morgan explained. "And I'm getting the ingredients for the spell."
"How do you know this?" Uma asked.
Morgan picked a withered seaweed and looked around.
"You never read Serpent Preps library books?" Morgan asked. "Lots of them were full of information no kid on the Isle would know unless, obviously, they read the book. Its where I would go when I needed my own space from the other Serpent Prep students. Since no one read no one was in the library."
Morgan grabbed a shrimp and a crab.
"Okay so how do you know the stuff you know about sea magic?" Uma asked.
Morgan stops swimming and looks at Uma, who also stops swimming.
"Let's look at it this way." Morgan said. "You know how Aunt Ursula put you to work in her Fish and Chip Shop?"
Uma nods as despises her memory of her past.
"Well my mom shoved my head in something she called a Scroll of Spells. She had hundreds that she created, and I just happened to find them interesting and read at least one everyday." Morgan explained. "Eventually I ran out so I reread them, kind of like what Rapunzel did when Mother Gothel locked her up in that tower."
Wow and Uma thought working at the Fish and Chip Shop was terrible.
"Now we need a piece of a sharks egg." Morgan said.
Sharks lay eggs?
The sun light that the ocean waves were kind to let in disappears. The two look up and see a shark.
"Well today's our lucky day." Morgan mumbled.
Morgan swam toward the shark and Ima followed him quickly.
"Are you crazy?!" Uma whisper-yells.
"What?" Morgan asks.
"You don't know if that a boy or a girl and it could attack us!" Uma replies with a fiery frown on her face.
"Actually I do know what gender it is and it's about to lay her eggs." Morgan replies.
Boy got brains! Morgan and Uma follow the shark to a cave that had red light glowing in the inside. When the shark went in there Morgan and Uma hid behind some seaweed.
"What now?" Uma asked.
"We just wait for it to lay the eggs and when it comes out we go in real quick and take a piece of the egg." Morgan replies.

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