Chapter Thirty-Two

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"My Queen are you sure this is going to work, I'm growing impatient." Captain Hook said.
Laveena banged the staff on the deck lightly. Captain Hook began to float. She turned to him.
"Are you questioning my leadership, Captain?" Laveena asked.
Captain Hook was starting to panic.
"No, ma'am, I am not!" Captain Hook said trying to make sure that when he falls he'll fall on something soft.
"Being evil takes time." Laveena said. "Which means evil plans take time. So you'll get your freedom, when you get you're freedom!"
Laveena banged the staff on the deck and Captain Hook fell into a bucket of water. Harry, Mal, and Uma laughed a little.
"What are you idiots laughing about?" Laveena asked.
They stopped laughing immediately while Mr. Smee was having problems trying to get Captain Hook out the bucket. Harry cleared his throat.
"Nothing Madame." He said.
Uma looked at him.
"What?" Harry asked.
"Madame? Really?" Uma said.
"I am your queen so Madame is the right word, fit for a queen, shrimpy!" Laveena said.
Uma rolled her eyes as she exhaled heavily.
"How did she hear about your old nickname?" Mal whispered.
"It's a small island, it's a small island." Uma said.
Mal began to think.
"Wait, what if I let the villains loot and take over the world with evil, would you let us go?" Mal asked.
"Mal!" Audrey said.
"Just trust me." Mal mouthed to Audrey.
Audrey sighed and rolled her eyes. She decided to play along.
"What a great idea Mal, I could go warn Mom and Dad and we could have a civil war." Audrey said, her voice sarcastic.
Laveena looked at Audrey confused.
"She sounds sarcastic." Laveena said.
"So?" Mal asked.
"Sooo I don't believe you." Laveena said. "And princess . . . if you warn your parents it won't be any fun."
"So I'm guessing you're not going to let us go if we let you do what you want to do?" Uma said, looking off into the distance.
"You've passed your final exam." Laveena said. "Lower them!"
"Yes, your majesty!" Mr. Smee said.
Mr. Smee ran over to the rope the VKS were tied to and lowered them. Audrey screamed.
"Calm down girl, we still have a few feet before we hit the water." Uma said.
"Yeah, but does that help the fact that we just got closer to the water, no!" Audrey snapped. "Awww, I just want to go hooommmee!"
"Hey, Uma, can't you use you shell to turn into your mom?" Jane asked.
"Yeah, why?" Uma replied.
"Can you do it now and save us all?" Jane asked.
"How is that going to work?" Uma asked.
Jane was silent.
"Cause first of all if I change I'm going to be huge which will crush you guys and the rope which will cause us to fall into the water full of electric eels." Uma adds.

Scarlet lead the VKS through a dark part of the Isle. Bats were everywhere.
"Is this part of the Isle always this dark?" Celia asked.
"Pretty much." Scarlet said.
She moved an old brown and dirty skirt out of the way. Spiders crawled all over it.
"Ew!" Celia screamed.
She looked around, scared.
"I don't like this part of the Isle." She said.
Morgan started to cough.
"You okay?" Jay asked.
"Yeah . . . I'm just . . . starting to get dehydrated." Morgan said.
His brown skin did look a little off.
"My father has water at his house." Scarlet said.
She approached a cliff. Jay stood beside her.
"So how do we get to the other side?" Jay asked.
Scarlet looked at him and smiles. She picks up a rock and throws it at a sign on the side of her. The sign fell which cut a string which released a vine. Scarlet catches the vine and makes sure that it's secure.
"Like this, pretty boy." Scarlet said.
Scarlet took a few steps back, looked at the other side, and decided on where she wanted to land. When that was decided she ran forward, using the vine to glide to the other side. Carlos laughed a little.
"She's better than you." Carlos said, tapping Jay on the arm.
"Your turn!" Scarlet yelled.
Scarlet yanked the vine hard and a lot more vines fell. The VKS each grabbed one and mirrored Scarlet.
"See that wasn't so hard, was it?" Scarlet asked.
Celia was picking a thorn out of her black and white stripped fingerless glove.
"Yeah for those of us who didn't get a thorn in our hands." Celia said.
The VKS looked at their hands, making sure that they didn't have any thorns in their hands. They didn't, thankfully.
"Alright, lets go." Scarlet said.
Scarlet and the gang went through a small forest and came in contact with a river. Morgan's eyes lit up.
"Water!" He yelled, sounding desperate.
"I wouldn't drink that if I were you!" Scarlet warned.
Morgan looked at Scarlet.
"Why not?" Morgan asked.
"The things the people on this side of town do in the water." Scarlet replied.
Morgan shivered at the thought of whatever the people do in the water.
"Ugh, well are we almost there?" Morgan asked, agitated a little.
"Yes! Patients."
Scarlet walked over to a bush. She pushed out a little canoe.
"Hop in." She told the VKS.
The gang followed Scarlets directions and got into the boat. Scarlet then grabbed a large stick to use as a paddle. Using the stick she tried to row the canoe across the river but the currents were pushing the VKS in the wrong direction.
"Uh, are we supposed to go this way?" Carlos asked.
"I don't know." Jay replied.
"No!" Scarlet said, grunting.
"Then why are we . . . going the direction the water flows?" Jay asked.
"Because the currents are really strong!" Scarlet replied. ". . . I could use a little help!"
Jay and Carlos both reached over the canoe and started rowing the boat with their hands.
"I'm not touching that water." Morgan states.
"Yeah me either." Celia said.
Scarlet sighed and gave them her large stick. Celia took it and Morgan sat beside her and together they towed the boat. The currents were strong because Celia was having problems with it.
"Ahh!" Carlos yelled, taking his hand out the water.
"What's wrong?" Jay asked.
"I think I cut my hand." Carlos replies.
"Let me see." Scarlet said, sitting next to him.
Carlos showed Scarlet his hand. It was bleeding.
"Ooh, okay." Scarlet said. "Does anyone have a rag?"
"No." Celia said.
"Okay, just put pressure on it until we get to my place and keep that hand out the water!" Scarlet said.
"Why?" Carlos asked.
Scarlet rolled her eyes and grabbed Carlos's bleeding hand. She dangled it above the water and let a drop of blood hit the water. Within seconds Celia heard snapping and water droplet sounds. She frowned as she looked around.
"What's that sound?" Celia asked.
"What sound?" Morgan asked.
Celia stopped rowing which made Morgan loose control of the stick. The then stick snapped and fell out his hands.
"Great!" he said.
Morgan started to hear the sounds Celia was hearing.
"Oh my— please don't tell me you have them in this river.
"I'm sorry, but we do." Scarlet replies, calmly.
"What's coming?" Jay asked.
Jay looked behind him and seen a school of fish jumping in and out the water (similar to what dolphins do). His eyes widen while Scarlet walked to the end of the of the boat.
"What are you doing?" Jay asked.
"About to eat one."
"But you just had a burger!" Carlos said.
"And, I'm a lion, that's all we do, eat and sleep, this adventure stuff is way out of my league." Scarlet said. "I'm surprised I haven't taken a nap yet."
When the fish came closer to the boat. Scarlets nails grew long and sharp and within seconds her long sharp nails turned into claws. The rest of the VKS closed their eyes while Scarlet grabbed a fish and ate it. She licked her lips.
"Tasty." She said.
"Okay this is getting out of hand." Morgan said.
Morgan's bracelet started to glow. He then put his hand in the water and told the piranhas to leave. He then called some fishes from the sea to come to him and they did. He directed them to move the canoe to the other side of the river and they did.
"Wow." Carlos said.
"Nothing a little sea magic can't fix." Morgan said, stepping out of the canoe.
He stuck his hand back into the water and told the fish thank you and his bracelet stopped glowing.
"You can't talk to animals?" Jay asked, getting out the canoe.
"Yeah, but they have to be sea creatures." Morgan replies.
"So can't you tell the electric eels to leave Mal and the gang alone?" Carlos asked.
"Yeah to buy us more time."
"I never thought about that." Morgan said.
His bracelet started to glow again and he stuck his hand back in the water. He tried to connect with the electric eels but couldn't. His bracelet stopped glowing.
"No I can't, they're too far." Morgan said.
"Well it was worth a shot, now come on, we have another damsel in distress to save." Scarlet said, leading the VKS through a dark jungle.

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