Chapter Twenty-Seven

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On their way to Auradon Harry and Gil has spotted Uma.
"Uma!" They both yell in unison.
Gil is on the left side of Uma and the gang while Harry is on the right side of Uma and the gang. Since they were like that Uma didn't know which way to look. So she waited for them to approach her as the rest of the gang went on ahead.
"Oh hey Harry, I found Uma." Gil said before taking a bite of his apple.
"What's going on?" Uma asked.
"Audrey and Jane are missing." Harry said.
Uma frowns.
"Yeah, they just magically disappeared not so long ago." Harry explains.
"Mal!" Uma yells.
Mal stops walking and turns around and so does the rest of the gang. Mal walks over to Uma.
"What's up?" Mal asked.
"Wait, how can those two knuckleheads see Uma?" Celia asked Evie.
Evie looked at her arms. She saw her shadow. Before she couldn't see her shadow. Oh-no!
"Mal!" Evie yelled. "We have to go!"
After Harry told Mal what happened Mal was about to say something back but something else caught her attention.
"Well, well, well look who it is." A teenage girl said.
Mal looked around to see who the girl was talking to.
"Hello queen of purple." The girl said.
Mal swallowed hard.
"You can see me?" Mal asked.
"Yeah, why would we be able to see you?" Gil asked.
". . . Um lets go back to Auradon." Mal said.
Harry groans.
"So no one cares that Audrey and Jane are gone?!" Harry asked frustrated.
An arrow few from the sky and hit the ground a few feet away from Mal.
"Mal we have to go!" Celia yells.
Jay quickly brings down the barrier with the remote to the old barrier and runs out onto the bridge with Evie and the rest of the gang following (except for Mal, Uma, Harry, and Gil). Uma looked up and saw a group of little kids. But they weren't just any group of kids. These kids were very talented with bows and arrows.
"Let's go guys!" Uma said, grabbing Mals arm. The two girls began to run with Harry and Gil following. When they got to the barrier the barrier had closed. No! Mal banged on the barrier and Evie was confused.
"Is the barrier closed?" Evie asked.
Jay looked at the remote. He tried to open the barrier again but the remote bursted into sparks causing him to drop the remote into the water.
"No!" Celia yelled.
Mal then grabs her remote but one of the kids broke it by shooting an arrow through it.
"You're not going anywhere." The teenage girl said.
The girl got closer to Mal but Uma stepped in front of her.
"I'm the Queen of this rock and Mal is under my protection!" Uma said.
The girl laughs.
"You are not the Queen of the Isle of the Lost anymore." The girl said. "Laveena is."
Uma and Mal look at each other. What?!
"And she ordered us to bring Mal to her if we ever see her on the Isle . . . so guess what, you're coming with me."
Gil chuckles as he tosses his apple to the side.
"Come on we all know Uma is the actual Queen of this dump." Gil said. 
The girl looks at Gil.
"You boys are coming as well."
The girl then ties up Mal, Uma, and the boys and took them to Laveena.
"What are we going to do now?" Evie asked.
"Come up with a plan to get them back." Jay said. "Come on, lets go."

Audrey was crying, had been for a while now. Her mascara was all over her new baby pink 'princess' shirt.
"Audrey if you don't stop crying!" Laveena shouts.
"What significance do we have to your master plan anyway?" Jane asked.
Jane has been looking out at the people on the Isle. So far the people were nice . . . somewhat.
"That doesn't matter!" Laveena said.
"Please just let us go, I'm too young to be cursed!" Audrey sobs.
"You obviously wasn't too young to steal Maleficents scepter and the Queens Crown." Laveena said.
Audrey rolls her eyes.
"Will you people just let it go!" Audrey said.
"What do you think people are going to say when they find out that you stole Jafars staff and is promising villains that they'll have revenge on their foes?" Jane asked.
Laveena laughs.
"She's so funny isn't she?" Laveena asked Jafar.
If Jafar was honest he was confused with Laveenas plan. He smiled timidly.
"You see, here's the thing." Laveena said after laughing. "They won't find out."
Jane snickers.
"I highly doubt that." She said.
Laveena had had enough of Jane so she banged the staff on the floor and a piece of duck tape magically appeared over Janes mouth. Then all of a sudden the door flies open. The teenage girl brings Mal, Uma, Harry, and Gil into the room. Harry's eyes widened when he saw Jane and Audrey.
"Audrey, Jane!" He exclaimed.
"Ooh, look at who we have here." Laveena said walking over to Mal.
Mals eyes began to glow green as she stared at Laveena with disgust in her eyes.
"Aww did I hit a nerve?" Laveena asked in her baby voice.
"What you want me to do with them your majesty?"
"Just tie them up and I'll figure something out." Laveena replies.
"Yes ma'am."

Meanwhile Evie and the rest of the gang was at her house. Jay was pacing in the living room. It had been quiet for a moment.
"So . . . how are we going to get them back?" Quade asked, toying with his cards.
"We don't know." Evie said. "Do you have a suggestion?"
Morgan's bracelet glows (and so does Umas necklace). Morgan begins to hear Uma.
"Uma?" He asked silently.
"Hey, let us go!" Uma yelled.
Morgan looks at his bracelet.
"Uma!" He yelled.
Everyone looked at Morgan. Evie was frowning.
"Everything okay, Morgan?" Evie asked, taking a sip of lemonade.
Morgan looks at her he then turns his attention back to his bracelet.
"Morgan, what's going on?" Jay asked.
"I don't know." Morgan replies. "It's like my bracelet. . ."
Morgan trailed off and twisted his bracelet. The seashell trinket on his bracelet showed a picture of Uma. A moving picture of Uma and Uma is being tied up. Morgan looks up, stunned.
"What?" Evie and Carlos said.
"I think my bracelet is connected to Umas necklace." Morgan said.
"Has anything like this ever happened before?" Carlos asked.
Morgan looks at Carlos.
"Carlos we both loved on the Isle and we both know magic didn't exist on that rock." Morgan said.
"So this is new?" Evie said walking to the front of the couch Jay was now sitting on.
Morgan nods.
"So what does that mean?" Celia asked.
Morgan looks at Celia.
"I can see and feel Uma." He said. "We're connected through our jewelry."

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