Chapter Sixteen

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Dr. Facilier had locked himself up in his office. He was pacing back and forth between his dark purple walls.
"What are we going to do?!" He asked.
He was talking to some of his friends from the other side. One shadow smiled.
"Now I'm no coward but we have to keep the children and the Isle safe from evil!" Dr. Facilier said.
One shadow looked at him confused.
"This is my only home and I would like to keep it, I mean I don't have to follow those puny rules they have over in Auradon."
He does have a point. One shadow reached over and touched a magic potion Dr. Facilier has made. It gave the shadows the ability to talk.
"Well our magic isn't strong enough to stop the curse of the staff." The shadow said.
Dr. Facilier groans.
Then another shadow reaches over and touched the potion.
"We don't even know who's curse the p. . .p-p-p-p-princess is under."
"It is believed to be a curse the ol' sea witch did back in her days, that is before she made a deal with that dumb mermaid."
Dr. Facilier stopped pacing.
"How do you know that?" He asked.
"I did some research."
The shadow walks over to Dr. Faciliers book case and grabbed a book. It was a history book that taught all the VKS about what their parents did before they were imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost. The shadow flips some pages until it got to Chapter Seventy-Five, The Underwater deal with the Sea Witch. Dr. Facilier took the book from the shadow and begins to read it. He eventually found out that what his friend from the other side said was true.
"Oh my badness." Dr. Facilier mumbles.
He looks up at his shadows.
"Well is there any way we can break the curse?" He asked.
The shadows shrugs.
"You would have to ask the great sea witch herself." The shadows said. "Or maybe . . . even her . . . daughter."

Uma, Morgan, and Celia were walking down a long street full of noisy unorganized people. Uma and Morgan has never been to this part of the Isle before. Uma was looking at everyone disgusted. A lady yells out her window and throws a bucket of crabs out on Umas and Morgan's head.
"Hey!" Uma yells, looking up.
"Watch it!" Morgan adds.
The lady looks at the two and sticks her tongue out. Umas necklace began to glow but Celia put a hand on her shoulder.
"Nows not the time." Celia said.
Umas necklace stopped glowing and she calmed down.
"Come on, lets go." Morgan said wringing out his dreadlocks that he had braided into two big braids.
The three then started to walk again.
"This place is creepy." Uma states.
"Yeah . . . it does give me goosebumps." Celia adds, hugging herself uncomfortably.
They approach a building that looked more of a castle but shaped like a genies lamp, somewhat.
"Hey what do you guys think of this?" Morgan asked.
The girls turned around and saw the building Morgan was referring to. Uma pulled out her Salty-Talkie.
"Hey, Jay, has your father told you anything about a genie lamp shaped house?" Uma asks.
It took a moment before Jay answered.
"Uh, no, why?" He said.
Uma doesn't answer she is just staring at the building. The door opens and Uma, Morgan, and Celia his behind a dead bush, in hopes that whoever is coming out won't see them. Morgan was looking at the door closely. He saw Jafar and Laveena. Both of their eyes were glowing red. He then sees the staff.
Laveena still has it in her hand. You would think that she's with Jafar that he would demand his power back but it doesn't seem to look that way. Laveena laughs evilly and it echoes throughout the Isle of the Lost. She bangs the staff on the ground and the entire Isle is under a spell.
"Listen carefully everyone I am now your Queen and you are to answer me! As of today you are all my evil minions and no one is to in or put the Isle with out my permission." Laveenas voice boomed. "There is talk that the prissy Mal and her unworthy gang of heroes are out trying to find a magical jewel to undo my bidding I need you all to find it before they do and bring it to me. The one who's does will be rewarded!"
This is bad . . . very bad! Celia looked at her shadow and it was shaking violently.
"It's okay, shh!" She whispers to her shadow.
Laveena smiles and walks back into the building and the her curse is undone.
"Hey did you hear that?" Jay asked through the Salty-Talkie.
"Yeah." Uma replies.
Celia stands up and looks at the building.
"This is why I didn't want to help you guys." She said.
Then all of a sudden Celia staring seeing black. She screamed. Is she going blind? Is this what blind people see? But she wasn't the only one. Uma and Morgan were seeing black and they were falling . . . or it seemed like they were falling. When they were able to see colored objects again they were all relieved. Celia then noticed that the place they were in seemed very familiar. She gets up from the floor and looks around. She sees her favorite voodoo doll she played with when she was a child sitting on a bookshelf.
"Where are we?" Morgan asked, standing up.
"A principals office." A male voice said.
The three turned around quickly.
"Daddy!" She yelled running up to Dr. Facilier.
They hugged each other.
"How did we . . . get here?" Uma asked, still confused.
She was looking around.
"I asked my shadows to go get you and bring you here."
"Why?" Morgan asked.
". . . Which one of you guys are Ursulas child?" Dr. Facilier asked.
Morgan and Uma look at each other. They were debating if they should lie to him because of the little knowledge they know of him.
"It's the girl." A shadow said after a while.
"Ah . . . what's your name sweet heart?"
"If I'm not mistaken I think her name is . . . S-S-Shrimpy." Another shadow said before laughing.
Uma glares at the shadow with an evil look and the shadow stopped laughing.
"How would you look with a mermaid tail?" Uma asked.
"Please don't turn my legs into a fish tail!" The shadow begged.
Uma smirked.
"What do you want voodoo man?" Uma asked.
"I need to ask you some questions about your mother." Dr. Facilier replies.
Uma snickers.
"Yeah well I think you need to ask her yourself because all I know is her name, what she did to that prissy mermaid, and how she lost to the mermaid and some ugly prince." Uma said. "So . . . are we done here?"
Uma starts for the door.
"Do you know anything about any sea magic?" Dr. Facilier asked.
Uma stopped in her tracks. She closes the door that she had opened. Walking back to Dr. Facilier she says;
"Maybe, why?"
Dr. Facilier chuckles.
"Come and sit and I'll tell you what I know . . ." he told Uma.

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