Chapter Six

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Night had fallen at Auradon and Laveena was in her bright green bed when she woke up. Her eyes were glowing a gold color for a long moment but when they returned back to their light brown color she smirked and laughed evilly.
"It's time to have a little bit of fun." Laveena said getting out of her bed.

The next morning Evie was almost done with sewing Janes dress and she was about to add a little ruffle to the dress when she heard a knock at the door.
"Doug!" Evie yelled. "Can you get the door!"
"On it!" Doug said as he came from the restroom.
When Doug got to the door he was surprised to see who it was and didn't hesitate to bow either.
"Your majesty." Doug said.
"I need to talk to Evie." Mal said.
"In here!" Evie yelled from the room she was in.
Doug stepped out of Mals way and she came in. Mal walked into Evies sewing room.
"What's wrong?" Evie asked.
Evie then stopped sewing on the blue ruffle on the dressed and looked at her best friend/ queen, with a smile on her face.
"Another Audrey situation." Mal said.
Evie could believe her ears. The smile she had on her face disappeared.
"What?" Evie asked.
Mal nods slowly as she sits down in the chair that was next to her.
"So the crown and scepter is gone?" Evie asked.
"No." Mal said. "Not exactly."
Evie was confused.
"Then what exactly are you talking about?"
"Last night someone broke into the museum and stole Jafars staff." Mal said.
Evie was silent for a while.
"Well . . . does Jay know?"
"No . . . not yet." Mal replied.
"So what do we do now?" Evie asks.
"We have to tell Jay and Carlos and figure out a plan on how to stop this someone before they can cause any damage to Auradon . . . or the Isle." Mal replies. "Just be ready for any sudden moves."
With that Mal gets up, hugs Evie and walks out the house. When Mal approaches Auradon Elementary she asks for Jay but the receptionist says that he wasn't there. Mal frowned. That's weird. Where could he be? Mal then went back to her castle where Ben was. Ben was walking down the hall when Mal enters the castle.
"Hey, Mal." Ben said.
"Hi." Mal said, tiredly.
"Long day?" Ben asks as he hugs Mal.
"Somewhat, and it's just getting started." Mal replies. ". . . Hey have you seen Jay?"
Mal let go of Ben.
"No." Ben replies. "I haven't seen him in like two, three days."
Mal groans in aggravation.
"Why?" Ben asked.
"I need to tell him about the staff." Mal replies.
Mal and Ben began to float.
"Uh, Ben, what's happening?" Mal asked.
"I-I don't know!" Ben responds.
Mal approaches the ceiling hard, almost knocking her breathe out of her.
"What's going on!" Mal shouts.
"I would like to know that myself!" Maleficent yells from another room.
"Mom!" Mal yells. "Are you floating?"
"No, sweetie I'm planning my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and your father!" Maleficent said.
Mal tries to channel her magic but it hurts her. She screamed in pain.
"My magic is being restricted!" Mal said.
"Soon I'll have that little mermaid and ocean will be mine!" A female voice boomed.
"Ursula!" Ben yelled. ". . . Or Morgana."
"We don't know that Ben!" Mal yelled.
With an evil laugh echoing in the sky Mal, Ben, and Maleficent return to the ground, hard.
"My horn!" Maleficent screams.
"Mom are you okay?"
"My horn!"
"She's fine." Mal mumbled.
"Mal you need to get this under control or it'll be taken into my parents hands and my dad will order Fairy Godmother to put the barrier back up." Ben said.
"What!?" Maleficent peered over Bens shoulder, scaring the daylights out of him.
"I'm am not-" Maleficent starts. It looked like she was about to pass out. "I'm am not going to be put back on the Isle because of something you, you royal highness can't control!"
"Okay, Mom calm down, that won't happen!" Mal said. ". . . Not with me as Queen."
Mal looks at her mom and the Ben, smirks and walks out the castle. She was on her way to the Isle of the Lost to find Jay.

Scarlet and Quade were walking down a dark and drenched alleyway when they heard talk, and not just any talk. . . . Some news.
"You hear that?" Scarlet asked as she stopped in her track.
Her ears perked up.
"What?" Quade asked.
"There's talk! New news!" Scarlet says. "Listen."  
Scarlet walked to the end of the alley and started spying on a group of kids (mostly boys).
"Have you seen the new girl?" A boy with a black helmet asked.
"New girl?" Another boy asked.
"Yeah, she's tall, dark, has jet black hair, brown eyes, wears a green dress, and wields Jafars staff." Helmet boy replied.
"New girl huh?" Scarlet said, an evil smirk on her face.
"There's a new girl on the Isle?" Quade asked.
Scarlet looks at Quade, her smirk turning into a huge smile.
"Time to have some fun." Scarlet said. "Come on lets go!"

Jay was about to leave the Isle of the Lost when he bumped into Mal.
"Jay!" Mal yelled as she finished running across the bridge.
Jay looked up from fixing his glove.
"Hey, what's up?" Jay said as Mal approached him.
"Have to tell you something." Mal said.
Scarlet and Quade were running across the street when they noticed Jay and Mal.
"Hey!" Quade whisper-yells.
Scarlet stops running and looks at Quade.
"Look at Jay and Mal." Quade said.
Scarlet looks up ahead and see the two. She chuckles once.
"Did the spoiled grape and princely thief decide to pay the Isle a little visit?" Scarlet asked.
"Come on lets go see what they're talking about." Quade says, running sneakily towards Jay and Mal.
Scarlet follows. When they were in a good hiding space Scarlet used her amazing hearing powers to eavesdrop on Mal and Jays conversation. She of course was laying on a clothes line like it was a Queens bed, she is a lion after all.
"My fathers staff?" Jay asks. "That's impossible."
Scarlet snickers.
"What a looser." She mumbled.
"Yeah, and we have no idea who it is." Mal said.
"Here's a hint!" Scarlet says as she jumps down off the clothes line.
Mal looks at Scarlet and Scarlet does the same except she licks her fangs. Quade comes out of hiding.
"Who's new to the Isle wears a green dress and dark toned?" Scarlet asked.
"And with those hints you can't put the answer in denial." Quade adds.
Mal and Jay look at each other.
"Tiana . . ." They say at the same time.

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