Chapter Seven

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Mal and Jay decide to go to Prince Laveen and Princess Tianas castle, with Quade and Scarlet following. The two have never been to Auradon due to the hatred they had for the people of Auradon. Scarlet looked hungrily at the chirping birds while Quade admired the pretty castles.
"Okay now Scarlet, behave, now what would your father say about this kind of behavior?" Quade asked, referring to Scarlets hungry eyes.
He was trying to act princely for he is in Auradon and is the son of the Queen of Hearts.
"Oh shut up!" Scarlet said.
"I see you haven't changed, Scarlet." Mal said over her shoulder.
Mal and Scarlet used to be friends at Dragon Hall, but that was when Mal wanted to use her for certain . . . animal things.
"Change isn't her thing." Quade said.
"Is too, I'm walking in Auradon aren't I?" Scarlet argues.
"That doesn't prove anything." Quade said.
The four VKS approached a long wooden bridge. Jay looked down and spellbinding wasn't it a looong way down!
"This bridge looks old!" Scarlet complained.
"It can't be that bad." Mal said.
Mal took a step on the bridge and the wooden plank fell and Mal fell with it. Mal screamed.
"Mal!" Jay yelled as he flew to the ground.
He was look big for Mal but he didn't see her.
"Mal!" He yelled again.
Nothing. He just seen old tree roots. It became very windy and it was making Scarlet uncomfortable.
"Rawr! I don't like windy places!" Scarlet complained, scratching at the wind.
Jay ignored her and continues to look for Mal. He noticed that the tree roots began to move. They began to glow. Jay swallowed hard. Magic covered the roots turning them into golden snakes, but not just any snakes . . . cobra snakes! Jay got to his feet quickly.
"I don't suppose you two are scared of snakes." Jay said.
"Snakes! What kind of snakes?!" Quade yelled, sounding like he was about to cry.
"Cobras!" Jay replies.
"Ooh, snakes, my favorite!" Scarlet yells excitedly.
"I didn't know lions ate snakes." Jay said.
"They don't, I'm half human and the human part of me loves snakes." Scarlet said.
Scarlet took a few steps back and turned into a lion.
"Didn't she just say-" Jay starts.
"Just let her be." Quade said.
The snakes began to crawl onto the cliff and were at Jays feet. Jay stomped one of them, making it hiss in pain.
"Jay help me!" Mal yelled.
"Hold on!" Jay yelled back as he fought with a snake.
Scarlet smirked and let her claws out. It's time to feast. When some of the snakes reached the hungry lion she clawed then with pride. Meanwhile Quade pulled out his cards from his red leather jacket. He shuffled them and pulled out a black heart card. It began to glow and he smiled.
"A sick dwarf will sneeze use your magic and make these snakes freeze!" Quade said.
Magic emerged from the card and froze all the snakes around him, but he did not freeze them all.
"Hey, your magical, can you make me a rope or something to go get Mal?" Jay said.
"No problem!" Quade said with confidence.
Quade shuffled his cards again and picks a red diamond.
"In math we have a slope so take ten snakes and make a rope!" Quade said.
Red magic emerged from the card and made ten cobras into a long golden rope. The rope appeared next to Quade since he was the one who casted the spell. Quade picked up the rope and threw it towards Jay. Jay caught it in midair and unraveled the rope. He tied the rope onto one of the bridges poles and then ties it around his waist. Once he made sure he was secure in the rope he looked at Quade and Scarlet.
"Can one of you guys come pull us up when I call for you?" Jay asked.
Scarlet looked up from her destroyed snake and smiled. She turned back into a human.
"As long as Quade catches me some food." She said looking at him.
Quade shuffled his cards in his hands as he looked at his best friend.
"I put the team into teamwork." Quade remarked.
Jay clapped his hands.
"Woo!" He yelled.
Scarlet grinned and ran over to Jay. Jay then bungee jumped off the cliff. When the rope stopped bouncing he didn't see Mal.
"Mal where are you?!" Jay yelled.
"Up here!" Mal yelled back.
Jay looked up and saw Mal on a tiny cliff.
"A little help." Jay said.
Mal grabbed the rope and pulled Jay up to the cliff she was on.
"Can't you just turn into a dragon and fly up?" Jay asked once he was on the cliff.
"I could have but one my wings would be to big and two my magic isn't working properly." Mal replies.
Jay takes another portion of the rope and ties it around Mals waist.
"Is it tight?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, maybe a little too tight." Mal replies as she tried to loosen the rope around her waist.
"Sorry." Jay said. "Okay pull us up!"
Scarlet turned back into a lion and grabbed the rope with her mouth and began to pull Jay and Mal up. When they were where Scarlet and Quade was Mal quickly untied herself from the rope. She let out a refreshing breathe.
"My waist can breathe now." Mal said followed by a little chuckle.
She looked around.
"Ooh, what happened here?" Mal asked.
"Honestly I don't know." Jay responds.
Mal tried to channel her magic again but it hurts her.
"Ugh!" Mal groaned.
"I don't know what's wrong with my magic." Mal said.
A snake hissed at Mal and Mal looked at it. She hissed back at it and fire flew out her mouth, burning the snake. Mal's hand flew to her mouth.
"Did that hurt?" Jay asked.
"No." Mal said.
"So let's burn these snakes up." Jay said.
"And start a wild fire in Auradon, I don't think so." Mal said.
Water then flew to Mal, wetting her waist.
"What the?" Mal mumbled as she looks around.
She then noticed Quade with a card in his hand.
"I can stop the wild fire if it happens." Quade said.
"Huh, so princes really do come in handy at times." Mal said.
Quade smirks and so does Mal.
"Time to get to work!" Mal said.

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