Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I know exactly what to do with these four idiots!" Laveena said.
The villains looked at Laveena.
"What?" Captain Hook asked.
"Dad!" Harry exclaims.
Captain Hook completely ignores Harry.
"We can sacrifice their lives for your revenge." Laveena said slowly.
She though about the words that had just left her mouth.
"Yeah." She mumbles a huge smile growing on her face.
"Revenge?" Mal asked.
"Yes what your mother promised us when you spoiled brats first went to Auradon." The Evil Queen said.
"That promise was never fulfilled due to you turning your back against evil and turning your mother into a helpless lizard." Jafar said.
Uh-oh. This isn't good. If Laveena wins this battle then all that is good and beautiful is good as gone!

"The villains can't get their revenge on their foes!" Evie said, sounding a little panicked.
She was even pacing behind one of her couches.
"They just can't!" She adds.
"Calm down we'll figure something out." Jay said.
Carlos was ignoring everyone in the room. But with Evie panicking/worrying about her future and Auradons destruction he couldn't concentrate on his thoughts so he got up and went to the restroom. He closed the door behind him. The room was so . . . blue. Even the toilet was blue.
The sink was golden along with the shower. Huh. Carlos walked to the sink and looked at himself in one of the four mirrors in the bathroom. Although Evie has kind of cut all ties with her mother she still likes to look beautiful and is still obsessed with mirrors like the wicked queen. Carlos thought about when Mal had tricked Uma with a fake wand and got Ben back. Maybe they could get Ben to write a fake contract letting the villains know that they'll have their revenge and maybe they'll let Mal and the others go.
Carlos smiled. Perfect! He then walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room.
"Guys!" He said. "I have an idea."
He told the VKS about what happened with Ben and Uma and he then explained how they could use that plan to get Mal, Uma, Harry, Gil, Audrey, and Jane back.
"That could totally work!" Evie said.
Morgan was on the verge of laughing. Eventually he couldn't hold it on anymore and he bursts out in laughter.
"You guys tricked Uma with a fake wand to get the king back!?" He asked through laughter.
Jay, Evie, and Carlos looked at Morgan confused.
"Yeah, why?" Jay said.
Morgan shook his head and held his hand up as he leaned back in the little sofa he was in.
"Family problems." He said, trying to contain his laughter.
"Wait." Celia said standing up.
She put the pillow she hugging down.
"You guys used smoke bombs as a diversion, right?" Celia asked.
"Yeah." Carlos said.
"So . . . what will our diversion be?" Celia asked.
Carlos begins to think.
"We could pay a peasant from the Isle to keep Laveena distracted while we get off the Isle." Carlos said, looking around for approval.
"Sounds like a plan." Evie said.
"Alright, lets do this!" Jay said, grabbing his leather jacket as he walked out the door.

"I'm confused." Ben said. ". . . Why do you need this?"
Ben was sitting in his office, writing the fake contract.
"To save Mal and the others." Evie replied.
Ben was never one to do evil and every time something bad happens (well since he invited Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos) he always had questions and not just two or three . . . a whole novel of questions. So while he was reciting his novel of questions Evie was starting to grow impatient, though she knew Ben meant no harm to anyone. Ben looked at the VKS that were in his office. Mal wasn't among them. So Ben started to write a little faster.
In fact he was writing so fast he broke his pencil. Scarlet chuckled. Ben looked over the fake contract. It sounded believable.
"Okay I will give this to-" Ben said, sliding his chair to the end of the desk, the contract in his hands.
"I'll take that." Evie said, grabbing the contract from Ben.
"But it's not typed." Ben said.
"So . . . that'll just make it . . . more believable." Evie said, letting a breath.
Jay takes the contract and begins to read it.
"You misspelled king." Jay said, showing Ben.
"Oh, my bad." Ben said grabbing a pen from one of his drawers.
Ben took the paper from Jay and fixed his mistake.
"Alright are we done here?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, cause I'm hungry!" Scarlet said with a yawn. "And tired."
"Yeah, lets go." Jay said, taking the paper from Ben.
The VKS walked out the office with Evie leaving last.
"Evie!" Ben called.
"Yes?" Evie replies.
"Bring her home please."
"Believe I will." Evie reassures Ben. "Even if it's the last thing I do."
What Evie told Ben wasn't a wish it was a promise! With that Evie stomped out of the room, the curls in her vibrant blue and gold hair bouncing violently as she walked, to catch up to the others.
"Hey can we stop at a food place on the Isle cause I'm really hungry and Carlos is starting to look like a really good hotdog." Scarlet said.

Meanwhile Captain Hook took Laveena, the VKS, Audrey and Jane (they were all tied up) and the other villains to his ship (a ship he had stole a few weeks before he was imprisoned on the Isle). His pirate crew was confused when the villains and Laveena walked on deck.
"That's a princess." A pirate told another.
"Which one?"
"The one in leather knee-high green boots."
"Oh." The other pirate said. "And isn't that the Queen?"
"There's like three different Queens on deck right now."
"Maleficents daughter, I forget her name."
"Oh her, queen of Auradon."
Laveena was looking around. She was not pleased by what she saw.
"This is your ship?" She asked blandly.
Captain Hook smiles with pride.
"Uh-huh!" He said with an enthusiastic voice.
Laveena rolls her eyes and sighs. She walks to the plank and looks down in the water. She sees electric eels swimming around in a circle just below the surface.
"Watch your step, they're hungry, Mr. Smee hasn't fed for a while." Captain Hook warned, giving Mr. Smee his 'evil eye'.
Mr. Smee smiles timidly.
"That's my bad." Mr. Smee said.
"No, you've done a great job." Laveena said, walking back on deck. "Tie them up!"
Captain Hook looks at the crew with a smile on his face. When he realized the crew wasn't doing anything his smile faded.
"Well you heard the lady, get to work!" Captain Hook ordered.
Captain Hooks pirate crew started to get closer.  Mals eyes started to glow green.
"Ah, Ah, Ah, I wouldn't do that Mal." Laveena said. "You'll just make it worse for your friends."
The magic Mal has in her eyes disappeared and the crew tied the VKS (along with Audrey and Jane) together. Once they were tied together the pirates had them handing about the electric eels. One eel seen them hanging and came jumped out the water to try and bite Audrey. Audrey screamed.
"Someone help us!" Audrey yelled.
"No ones going to help you sweet heart." Laveena said.
Laveena then walks off the ship.
"Wh-where are you going?" Captain Hook asked.
"Yeah." The Evil Queen adds.
Laveena stops walking and faces Captain Hook.
"To make an announcement to Auradon." Laveena said, turning back around.

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