Chapter Twenty-Five

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Harry was informed that Uma had went with Mal and that they were on the Isle when he got to Mals castle.
"Is everything okay, is anyone hurt?" Ben asked.
"No, yes, . . . I don't know." Harry replied.
"Come on and tell me what's wrong." Ben said, walking down the hallway.
"Audrey and Jane are gone." Harry said, looking at the ground.
Ben turned around and realized that Harry hadn't entered the castle. Ben walks to the door, concern written all over his face.
"What do you mean gone?" Ben asked.
"They were doing each other's nails and they magically disappeared." Harry replied. "And I don't know where they went."
"You don't think Laveenas begins this, do you?" Ben asked, slowly.
"No because the barriers back up and magic isn't allowed there." Harry replied.
"Actually I asked Fairy Godmother if she could let magic come through the barrier so the villains wouldn't think that they're on punishment again." Ben explained. "The barrier's just so Laveena could stay in one place."
Harry was thinking for a moment. He did know the Isle of the Lost pretty well so he could one go find Audrey and Jane or two find Mal and the gang and help them find the girls. That's when he made his final decision.
"How do I get on the Isle?" He asked Ben.

The VKS has been at Quades castle for an hour now and they still haven't found the golden coat. Uma found a golden jacket and looked through it. Nothing. She sighed with annoyance.
"Is there anywhere else in this castle that your mom stores clothes?" Uma asked.
"Yeah, such as a closet or something?" Morgan adds.
Quade thinks.
"Yes, our bedrooms have closets but her closet in her bedroom is full of her reds and blacks, golds." Quade said.
"We about to go check." Morgan and Uma said in unison.
Both of the sea cousins stepped over the pile of clothes the other VKS made and started up the stairs that was around the corner.
"Where is her room?" Uma asked.
"All the way up and all the way down." Quade said.
Uma frowns at Quades confusing directions.
"What?" Uma asked.
"Go all the way up the stairs." Scarlet said. ". . . Got that?"
Uma rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest.
"Anything else sandpaper tongue?" Uma asked with a slight attitude.
Sandpaper tongue huh?
"Yes, shrimpy, once you are up the stairs you go all the way down the hallway and you'll see a door with black and red diamonds on them." Scarlet said.
Uma chuckled at Scarlets remark. Shrimpy? Really? Was she really going to go there. Morgan continues to climb up the stairs while Uma made her way to Scarlet. Scarlet was looking through a box, hoping to find a ball of yarn. When Scarlet didn't find any yarn she turned around and came face-to-face with Uma.
"Look here flee bag, I am not the one to be messing with, especially when we have something to fix." Uma said.
Scarlet smirks and licks her lips. Mal was watching the two as she carefully shook a golden skirt (who knows the The Queen of Hearts could've place the lamp somewhere else).
"So do you wanna-"
"Hey!" Mal said, looking at the girls intensely. "We have bigger things to deal with."
"Yeah, they're just names." Evie and Celia said.
"You're lucky." Uma said, slowly walking back to the staircase.
Meanwhile Morgan had already finished climbing up the stairs. The place looked weird to him though he has to give it to the Heart family they do know how to bring Wonderland to the Isle of the Lost. Doors were everywhere. He wondered where the doors lead to. While walking down the hall looking around Morgan stepped on a door and a piece of the door fell into a block hole with a little white dot in the center.
Was this what the hole Alice fell through looked like? Morgan shivered at the thought of him falling through a hole of any kind. Uma then comes up behind Morgan. She noticed that he was looking down. So she looked down.
"Doesn't this place give you the creeps?" Uma asked.
Morgan swallows hard and nods. He then steps around the door and makes his way to the end of the hall.
"This should be here room." Morgan said.
Uma walks to the door and tries to open it but it wouldn't budge.
"It's stuck." Uma said, trying to open the door.
Morgan then tried to open the door. Nothing. Huh.
". . . Maybe if we work together we can open it." Morgan suggests.
Uma nods. She grabs the door handle and twists as Morgan pushes on the door. After a few more tries of opening the door the two opened it. But to their surprise the door lead to nowhere. Quade did say at the end of the hall . . . right? Is this not the end of the hall?
"Uhh." Uma says, eyebrows raised.
Morgan was just staring at the pitch black scenery that stood before him. Uma sticks her hand through the door. She felt a cool breeze touch her skin. Ooh! Refreshing!
"Do think there a floor in here?" Uma asked, her foot dancing at the bottom of the door frame.
"I don't know, but I wouldn't want to push our luck." Morgan replies.
Uma puts her foot though the door.
"Uma don't!" Morgan replies.
"I feel something beneath my foot." Uma said.
She reached inside the pool of darkness to try and see if there's a light switch on the wall. But the thing is . . . there's no light switch or a wall. Huh. . . .

Harry was now on the Isle. He was searching the market for Uma but couldn't find her. On the bright side he did run into Gil.
"Hey man, hows it going?" Gil asked as he greeted Harry with a bro hug.
"A bit strange." Harry replies, his accent thick.
He looks around.
"Have you seen Uma?" Harry asked.
"No, not since she asked to use my dining room table." Gil replied. "Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, can you help me search for Uma." Harry's said, not fully into the conversation.
He looks at Gil and smiles.
"I've lost Audrey and Jane so if you see Audrey, Jane, Uma, or even Mal let me know, please." Harry said.
Gil nods and Harry pats his shoulder. Harry then disappears into the huge crowd of people. Gil thought that the moment he had just had with Harry was weird but he was his buddy and he'd do anything for Harry.

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