Chapter Thriteen

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Before Audrey could get her nails done she went to the Isle of the Lost to find Harry. She was furious, she needed to look all the time because she's a princess and it's not right for a princess to look horrible! While she was on the Isle she bumped into Pricilla.
"Watching Isle princess!" Audrey yells.
Pricilla looks at Audrey with an evil smirk on her face. It kind of scared Audrey.
"You better run so called 'Queen of Mean'." Pricilla said.
Audreys eyes widened. She then started to run down a dark alley with Pricilla chasing her. Audrey screamed as she fell into a puddle of muddy water. Pricilla laughed evilly.
"Someone help me!" Audrey yells.
"You're on the Isle of the Lost sweetie, no ones going to help you." Pricilla said.
Pricilla was about to grab Audrey when someone grabbed her shoulder.
"I wouldn't touch her if I were you!" A thick male accent said.
Audrey looked up and saw Harry standing behind Pricilla.
"Let me go Hook!" Pricilla demands.
"Promise you'll go find some other business?" Harry asked teasingly.
Slowly Harry let go of Pricilla and Pricilla grabbed a sharp stick and swung at Harry. Luckily Harry dodged her swing. He quickly drew his sword. Pricilla smiles and her and Harry begin to fight. Pricilla swings at Harry's legs he steps back and uses his sword and swings at Pricillas wrists, making her drop the stick in her hand.
"Ugh! Filthy pirate!" Pricilla yells. "This isn't the last of me and Laveena!"
Pricilla smiles and runs off.
"Laveena?" Harry mumbled.
Audrey starts to get up. She hugs Harry.
"Thank you Harry!" She says.
Harry turns to Audrey.
"Who's Laveena?" Harry asked.
"Tianas daughter." Audreys replies.
'Wait! Laveena may be the one behind all of this!' Audrey says in her head. She smiles, grabs Harry's hand and walks towards Auradon. 'Thanks Isle princess!' Audrey thought.
"Where we going?" Harry asked.
"To Auradon." Audrey said.
When Audrey gets to Auradon she goes to Janes house.
"Hey!" Jane said as she opened the door.
"Hi, is you mom home?" Audrey asks.
"No, she's with Belle and King Adam." Jane replies.
"Doing what?" Audrey asked
Jane shrugs.
"Who knows?" She says. "But I do know that Jafars staff is missing oh and mysterious things have been happening in Auradon."
Audrey couldn't agree more.
"Okay thanks." Audrey said.
Audrey started to journey to King Adams castle and when she got there she was greeted by Cogsworth.
"Hello my beautiful darling, how may I assist you?" Cogworth asked.
"I need to speak with Fairy Godmother and King Adam."
"Right this way."
Cogsworth starts to lead the way to the room Fairy Godmother and the others were.
"Here you are Madame."
Fairy Godmother stoped talking and looked Audrey.
"Hi, um, I need to tell you something, in honor of Jafars missing staff." Audrey said.
Adam and Fairy Godmother looked at each other and then back at Audrey.
"Continue." Fairy Godmother said.
"I believe that Queen Tianas daughter, Laveena is behind this all." Audrey said. ". . . And I have just came back from the Isle and she's cursing people with the staff."
"It sounds like when you-" Adam said.
Audrey put a finger up and closed her eyes to stop Adam from finishing his sentence.
Belle looks at Audreys black and golden dress and is surprised.
"Now . . . I know that I'm not the queen of Auradon but I believe for the safety of Auradon and the . . . Isle that it's best to put the barrier back up." Audrey said.
"No!" Harry said.
Audrey turns to Harry.
"You will be here in Auradon with me." Audrey said.
Harry's began to relax.
"And besides it's only going to be temporary." Audrey said.
"I agree with Sleeping Beauty." Adam said.
"We have to tell Ben." Belle said.
"Only if you promise it'll be temporary." Ben said waking into the room.
Belle looks at Adam and steps forward.
"We promise." She said.
"Wait . . . you agree?" Adam asked.
". . . Yes . . ." Ben said hesitant. ". . . Evan has cursed his kingdom with an eternal winter spell. It's starting to get out of hand."
"Which is why we shouldn't have opened the barrier in the first place." King Adam said.
"Dad! Stop!" Ben said.
"Sooooo do I get my wand orrr. . ?" Fairy Godmother asked.
"Yes." Ben replies.
Fairy Godmother nods and runs out the room.

The VKS were starting to become anxious. They didn't know what to do. Quade was studying the humongous pile of cards in front of him like it was a cake he was longing for for what seemed like forever.
"This is bad, very bad, I'm a big cat not a little . . . kitten!" Scarlet says.
"Everything's going to be okay, Scarlet." Morgan said.
"No! It's not going to get better!" Scarlet says.
"Girl sit down and calm down, you're starting to annoy me!" Uma said, frowning.
". . . Sorry . . . my Queen."
Then all of a sudden the cards Quade was studying became small to him.
"Ha!" He yelled. "Now I can use my magic to turn us back to our normal size."
Quade grabbed the cards and shuffled them. Evie on the other hand was looking around. The walls didn't seem big anymore and the rock ceiling seemed closer. Quade pulled a queen.
"Awesome!" He yells.
He closed his eyes. Evie walked to Mal.
"Doesn't the ceiling seem closer than it did a few minutes ago?" Evie asked.
Mal looks up.
"Yeah." Mal replies.
"Which means . . ." Evie said.
"That Quades cards didn't shrink, we were turned back to our normal size!" Mal said.
Mal started towards Quade but before she could say (or do) anything Quade had finished his spell and the VKS were turned into giants. Mal and Uma hit their heads on a piece of rock.
"Ow!" Uma yelled.
"Nice going Prince!" Morgan said.
Quade smiles apologetically.
"Sorry." He said.
"Now can you turn us back to a human size?" Morgan asked.
"But why I'm a big kitty now!" Scarlet said. "Rawr."
Evie heard something crack. She looked down and saw that the bridge they were standing on was cracking. Quade tries to pull out his cards but he couldn't because his hands were too big.
"No, sorry." Quade said.
Morgan groaned.
"Well we're going to have to do something and fast because the floor we have at this moment is starting to crack and will become falling rubble!" Evie said.
The VKS looked down and noticed what Evie was talking about. Morgan then thought about the last adventure he had with his cousin and the VKS.
"Uma and I have the magic if you have the spell!" Morgan said.
Morgan grabbed Umas hand and her necklace began to glow and his bracelet began to glow. Mal grabbed Umas hand and her eyes turned green.
"To attend this party your clothes must be formal so use your creativity and turn us back to normal!" Mal said.
Moments passed and the VKS were still giants.
"No!" Mal yelled.
Then all of a sudden the VKS turned back to their normal size.
"You guys did it." Evie said.
Uma and Morgan laughed.
"Whoo!" Uma shouts.
"So now we just have to figure out where we are." Jay said.
"And how to get out." Carlos adds.

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