Chapter Ten

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Evie knocked on the door of Bens castle and was soon greeted by Hades.
"Hello, Queen." Hades said, looking down at Evie.
Evie gave Hades a bright smile.
"Hi, is Ben home?" Evie asked.
"Beast, it's for you!" Hades yelled, scaring both Evie and Carlos.
From the side of Hades Evie saw Ben come from around the corner. He was rolling up the sleeves on his light blue sweatshirt. He walked down the hall and towards the door and Hades moved out the way.
"Hades." Ben said.
". . . King."
When Hades was long gone Evie smiled at Ben.
"Evie?" Ben said.
He looked behind her.
Carlos waves at Ben.
"Hi, uh, we're here to ask you something." Evie said.
Ben started to look concern. He poked his head out the door and looked around.
"Come in!" Ben urged.
He quickly grabbed Evies wrist and pulled her and Carlos into his castle. He brought them into his office. Locking the office door he quickly walked to his chair and sat down.
"Has Mal told you about the missing staff?" Ben asked.
"What, you knew?!" Carlos asked Evie.
"I knew that the staff was missing, I didn't know who had it." Evie defends herself.
Ben looked at Carlos.
"Carlos it sounds like you have some more news?"
Carlos looked between Evie and Ben.
". . . Today on the Isle I saw Laveena with Jafars staff and she cursed Pricilla." Carlos explained.
Ben sat back in his chair.
"It sounds something like when Audrey took the scepter." Ben mumbled.
"Yeah, well lets just hope it doesn't get too out of hand." Carlos said.
Ben looked at Carlos and by the way he was looking you could tell he was agreeing with Carlos.

Mal opened the door to Tianas castle and was greeted by a lovely scent of food and soft, relaxing jazz music. Scarlet was confused. Is this what an Auradon castle looks like? On the other hand Quade bursts out in laughter.
"They call this a castle, I think I'm better off with the castle I live in on the Isle of the Lost!" Quade said.
Everyone (including the jazz crew) stopped what they were doing and looked at Quade. Quade stares at everyone in return.
"What?" He asked, rolling his eyes.
The people shrugged and continued with their day. Mal and the other VKS heard a loud yell and each second that passed by it got louder and louder.
"Ooh, you must be the Queen!" Louis asked as he approached Mal.
"Hey you're that talking alligator that was leading Tiana and Laveen to Mama Odie." Jay said with a smile on his face.
Louis looked at Jay with a smile on his face.
"It is so nice to meet you!" Louis said, completely ignoring Jay.
Louis shook Mals hand violently while Scarlet and Quade laughed at Jay.
"You just got ignored big time, player!" Quade said.
"Whatever." Jay mumbled.
"What brings you here?" Louis asked.
Mal was about to answer the free spirited alligator but he interrupted her with a gasp.
"Are you hungry, here come sit in the V. I. P. section with your friends!" Louis said guiding the VKS to the V. I. P section. "I'll be right back to get your menus!"
Louis then ran off. Mal smiles at Jay, Scarlet, and Quade.
"Care for a bite?" Mal chuckled.
Jay shrugged.
"No not really." he mumbled.
"I've been dying to eat here!" Scarlet yells.
"Finally, someone understands my place in royalty." Quade said, propping his feet up on the table.
Louis has came back with four menus. When he opens the curtain and sees Quades feet on the table the grin on his face disappears. He slaps Quades feet off the table.
"Keep your feet off the table son." Louis said, sounding disappointed.
Louis grew his smile back and placed the menus in front of the VKS.
"Here your menus, enjoy." Louis said.
Louis grabbed Mals hand and kissed it.
"If you need anything call me, sugarplum." Louis said with a wink.
With that he flapped the curtain back open and walks out.
"Wow, I've never been treated like this before." Mal said picking up her menu.
"That's because you've never been apart of the royal family before." Quade says bitterly.

After a royal conversation Ben decided to take Evie and Carlos to Tianas kingdom. When they got there they ran into Celia.
"Hey look there's Celia." Carlos points out.
The necklaces she had on earlier was gone (all except one) she had a drink in her hand, a blue drink.
"Celia!" Evie yells.
Celia stops dancing and looks over to Evie. She then rolls her eyes, sighs and run towards them.
"You're looking for Mal aren't you?" Celia asked.
". . . Uh actually we're here to see the Queen." Ben replies. "Why . . . do you know where she is?"
"How dumb can Auradon make people?" Celia asked.
Ben looks intimidated.
"She's in the Queens castle." Celia adds.
She throws her juice away and starts to walk off, but then she stops. Without turning around she says;
"I assume you know how to get there."
"Yes." Ben said.
"Celia, come on, lets go home!" Dr. Facilier shouts from across the street.
"Have fun on your trip." Celia said, before running off to where her dad is.
"How much did we make daddy?" Ceila asked as her and her father begin to walk to the Isle.
Dr. Facilier took out a pile of money and showed it to Celia. Her eyes lit up.
"Talk about a fortune." She said.
"You don't suppose he stole that?" Ben asked a little concerned.
"Okay." Evie said guiding Ben in the other direction.

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