Chapter Four

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Mal and her family were done eating and they were just talking about how different Auradon is from the Isle when Ben looked out at the lake. He stood up and began to unbutton his shirt.
"Let's go for a swim." Ben told Mal.
Mal looked at Ben as she finished chewing on her strawberry.
"Swimming?" Hades asked. "That sound fun, come on, lets go my hideous wife."
Ben frowned at Hades. Mal smiles.
"It's the Isle way of saying beautiful." Mal explained.
Bens frown disappeared, he held his hand out for Mal but Mal just looked at it.
"Ben, you know I don't do water well." Mal said.
"Come on, I'll be with you." Ben said.
Mal shook her head and Ben shrugs.
"Alright." He says before jumping into the lake.
Hades was right after him. Mal looked at her mom.
"You're not going out for a swim?" Mal asked.
"Oh no darling, the mistress of evil is never seen swimming." Maleficent said.
Mal just looks at Maleficent.
"Are you sure about that?" Mal asked.
"I am most definitely sure." Maleficent replies.
Mal started to take off her shoes. She stood up and walked to the edge of the cement the picnic scene was on and stuck her feet in the water.
"Come on Mal!" Ben yelled from in the middle of the lake.
"This is as far as I'm going!" Mal yelled back.
Hades hair lit up, which means that he came up with an idea.
"Dad, whatever you're thinking don't." Mal said.
Hades smiled devilishly and swam over to Ben. Mal groans in displeasure, for whatever's going happen is not what she wants to happen.

Uma was under the sea still looking for the perfect seaweed leaf. She has had no luck at all so far and it was making her frustrated. Then her seashell necklace started to glow. A golden magic ball came out of the shell.
"Follow me." The ball of magic said.
The magic ball started to swim forward and Uma followed it. She was hesitant at first but then she just shrugged off her worries and listened to the magic ball. The magic ball took her to a bed of seaweed. Her mouth flew open.
"Here you will find your perfect leaf for your spell." The ball said before returning back to Umas shell.
Uma smiles as she begins to swim into the bed of seaweed. She has never seen so much green in the water ever in her life. Uma searched and searched until she was about to give up. That's when something caught her eye. It was shiny? No! A neon color? No! Was it . . . glowing? Uma swam to the unfamiliar thing and noticed that it was a glowing leaf. It was the perfect leaf she had been looking for ever since yesterday! Uma smiles picks the leaf . . . or at least tried to.
When Uma pulled on the leaf the leaf began to glow brighter, almost blinding Uma. Uma groaned. She pulled on the leaf one more time but this time the leaf sent a very powerful underwater wave across the entire ocean, knocking Uma far away, making her hit her head on a rock, knocking her out. When Uma woke up she didn't remember anything that had just happened.
"What is this place?" Uma asked as she held her injured head.

Jay and Lonnie was at Auradon Elementary coaching the kids. They had been at practice for only half an hour and Lonnie had decided to end practice early. The kids were spread out in the field stretching.
"Hey maybe we should end practice early and reward the kids." Lonnie whispered to Jay.
Jay looks at Lonnie.
"Already? We just got here." Jay whispers back.
"Yeah but the kids have been working really hard these past weeks and I think it's time for a little reward." Lonnie says.
Jay thinks for a second. He lets out a breath and says;
"Alright, lets give them a reward."
Lonnie smiles and gets up from the bench her and Jay were sitting on. Lonnie blows her her whistle and the kids stop stretching and ran up to Lonnie. They formed a huge group in front of her.
"What's next coach?" A boy asks.
"It's a surprise." Lonnie said, turning around to beck for Jay.
Jay got up off the bench and jogged over to Lonnie.
"How about we cut practice short today and go get some sweet treats from the Slop Shop!?" Jay said.
"Woah!" Lonnie yelled.
"Hold up, wait a minute!" A girl said. "Isn't the Slop Shop on the Isle?"
". . . Yeah, why?" Jay asked.
"Well here's the thing . . . we've never been to the Isle of the Lost and our parents said that the Isle of the Lost was not a good place to go visit." The girl vouched.
"Yeah, well there's nothing to worry about, the Isle is amazing!" Lonnie said, a big smile on her face.
"You've been to the Isle?" A boy asked.
Lonnie nods. The boy almost faints but thanks to his teammates they caught him and brought him back.
"Yeah you have nothing to worry about." Jay said. "And besides if something does happen I'll be there to protect you."
"Come on guys, it's not like you don't have a fierce worrier with you." Another girl said.
Lonnies heart melted. She placed her hand above her heart.
"Aww, thanks Sam!" Lonnie.
Sam turned to look at Lonnie.
"Oh, you thought I was referring to you?" Sam asked. "Psh, I was talking about me."
Jay tried not to laugh but couldn't hold it in.
"Oh whatever!" Lonnie said slapping Jays shoulder.
"So let's go to the Slop Shop!" Sam shouted walking away.
Jay grabbed her head and turned her around.
"Wrong way." Jay said.
Sam cleared her throat and fixed her clothes.
"Right." She said a little embarrassed.
Jay and Lonnie chuckled as they watched Sam walk towards the Isle.

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