Chapter Twenty

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Morgan was in a cave. A cave that he had made into his underwater hide out. Uma was exploring the cave as Morgan was making the potion.
"You're place is wicked." Uma mumbled.
"Thanks." Morgan said as he wiggles some seaweed into a little pot he stole from his mother back on the Isle.
The potion Morgan was making lit up. Uma looks at him as he waves smoke from his face.
"You alright?" Uma asked.
When Uma was able to see Morgan's face she saw that he wasn't frowning and now that she thinks about it, it wasn't even coughing. Umas face lit up. A smile grew on her face quickly.
"Is it done?" Uma asked, swimming towards Morgan.
Morgan looks into the pot.
"I believe so." he said.
Morgan grabbed a seashell from nearby and dipped it in the potion and it worked. The seashell was blending in with its surroundings. It almost looked invisible.
"Would you like a drop or a full cup?" Morgan asked a victory smile on his face.
". . . Uhh." Uma said.
She smells the potion.
"A drop." She says. "This is temporary . . . right?" Uma asked.
Morgan nods and sticks his finger in the potion. He then stuck his finger in his mouth and ate the potion.
"Taste like shrimp." Morgan said.
Curios Uma stuck her finger in the potion and mirrored Morgan.
"That's good." Uma agrees.
Within seconds the two started to blend in. Perfect, now they just have to go look for the Magical Seashell that is hopefully in Ursula's cave or . . . 'layer'.

When Uma was outside her mother's cave she peeped in through a little opening. Ursula wasn't on the couch anymore. So that must mean she's gone! Doing what no one knows and quite frankly Uma really didn't care. Uma swam through the little opening and swam to her mothers homemade cabinets.
She open one and discovered that it was her moms snack cabinet. Uma quickly closed the door. She then opened the one next to it and saw leftover potions. But she didn't see any seashells. Morgan on the other hand was looking under her stone couch.
"This is hopeless!" Morgan said.
He sat on the stone couch.
"Ooh, this is quite comfy." Morgan said, wiggling his butt in the couch.
"Morgan stop that, even though it's made of stone my mom can still tell when someone has sat in her chair." Uma said.
Uma was now looking through drawers. Nothing. Uma sighs.
"You know I've gone through almost every drawer and haven't found any shell." Uma said.
Morgan leans his head back on the couch.
". . . Well think about the memories she gave you on the Isle." Morgan said.
Uma begins to think about the her meanest memories on the Isle. That's when it hit her. When Ursula was making the deal with Princess Ariel she was wear the seashell necklace Uma is wearing right now and back on the Isle when Uma was wearing the necklace Ursula was wearing a necklace as well. So that must mean that the seashell necklace isn't in the cave . . . Ursula is wearing it.
"I know where it is." Uma said. "But it's not here."
"Then . . . where is it?" Morgan asked.
"We have to come back tonight, when Mom is sleeping." Uma said.
Uma begins to swim out of the cave with Morgan following. They turned into their human form and were standing on the bridge above the sea and the potion Morgan made was gone.
"Let's go find Mal and see what their doing." Uma said, tapping Morgan on his shoulder. "Come on!"
The two then begins to walk to Mals castle.

Pricilla was in front of Mals castle, just standing outside. She was studying the door like it was new to her.
"Pricilla!" Morgan yelled as he and Uma ran up to her.
Pricilla turned around, startled.
"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked.
Uma was looking at Pricilla. She could tell that something was off. Pricillas eyes weren't golden brown and they never had a light glow to them either. Before Pricilla could answer Morgan Uma pulled him to the side. They bent over and huddled up, making sure that Pricilla can't hear them.
"I don't trust her." Uma whispers.
"What why not?!" Morgan whispers back.
"Because I tell that somethings off, she's Prince Hans daughter and he never had magic."
"Morgan her eyes have a light glow to them and her eye color is different."
"Could be contacts." Morgan said. "Look she's my best friend we can trust her."
"Yeah Uma you can trust me." Pricilla said, playing with one of Umas braids.
She was smiling as she looked down at Uma. Uma snatches her braid from Pricilla and stands up straight.
"You know what let's stop the I'm an innocent princess and get right to the point!" Uma said fiercely.
"Calm down cuz!" Morgan said.
"Yeah." Pricilla said. "Calm down fish."
Uma chuckled. She stood in front of Pricilla confidently.
"Look here princess of the dump." Uma said. "I am not the one to be messing with."
"Awww, did the shark bite the fish's tail." Pricilla asked.
Uma grabbed a long stick from the bushes next to them and gripped it like it was the only thing keeping her alive.
"Guys, everything okay?" Mal asked slowly.
Uma leans to the side and sees Mal standing in her doorway. Uma looked back at Pricilla and drops the stick.
"Yeah . . . everything's alright." Uma said before walking, making sure she bumped Pricilla in the shoulder.
Mal holds the door open for Uma and waits for Pricilla and Morgan to come inside.
"What's the deal with Uma and Pricilla?" Mal asked Morgan.
Morgan shrugs.
"I don't know." Morgan says. "Uma says that she doesn't think Pricilla can be trusted."
Mal looks at Pricilla who is roaming down the hall looking at the pictures Mal had drawn herself.
"Yeah she is acting a little strange." Mal said. ". . . Compared to when I first met her."
Mal walks into her living room with her friends. Morgan studies Pricilla and now that he thinks of it something is wrong . . . but what???

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