Chapter Twenty-One

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"Did you two find the shell?" Mal asked, sitting her cup of black coffee down on the coffee table.
(Auradon has started selling delicious black coffee since the barrier came down.)
"Yes but no." Uma said. ". . . My mom is wearing it so tonight when she's asleep I'll grab the necklace."
Pricilla was in the hallway eavesdropping on the VKS conversation until she was caught by Hades.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Hades asked.
Pricilla turned around and faced Hades. She was smiling nervously.
"Umm, nothing I was looking for Mal and I-I-I . . ."
Pricilla then ran out the castle. She was running back to the Isle but she was transported back to the Isle.
"I was watching you eavesdrop on the VKS so spill the spells." Laveena said.
"They want something with Ursula's necklace." Pricilla said.
"Ursula, huh?" Laveena asked.
Pricilla nods as she breathed hard (from running).
"What do they want with that old witch's necklace anyway?" The Evil Queen asked.
"That doesn't matter!" Laveena yelled.
"They want the necklace she has and their not going to get it." Laveena said as she stood up.
"My Queen where are you going?" The Queen of Hearts asked.
"To get a new villain on our side." Laveena said.

When the VKS were done talking they were silent. Morgan was looking around, frowning.
"Where's Pricilla?" He asked.
"She ran out the castle." Hades said, taking a sip of his tea. "I think I scared her."
Uma and Morgan made eye contact at the same time.
"Shh." Morgan told Uma and Uma just smiled.
"What's going on?" Evie asked.
". . . I think she was eavesdropping on you guys." Hades adds.
He then slurps on his tea and walks away.
"Do you think she's under a curse of Laveenas?" Evil asked.
"Why else would anyone be eavesdropping on us?" Uma asked.
"We have to find her!" Carlos said.
Then all of a sudden Jay came bursting into the room. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. He was out of breath (he did run ten miles after all).
"Do you have cold water?" Jay asked, panting.
"In the kitchen." Mal replies, a worried look on her face. ". . . Are you okay?"
"I ran a lot today and I'm sweaty and my clothes are now uncomfortable." Jay says before heading out to the kitchen.
After Jay gets a fresh cup of water he goes back to the living room and sits down next to Carlos. He takes a long drink of water and sits the glass down on the coffee table.
"I think I know where the jewel is." Jay said.
The VKS just looked at Jay, silent.
"Well tell us!" Uma said.
"I think it's in a lamp on the Isle."
"What like a-a actual light lamp or genie lamp?" Scarlet asked.
"Genie lamp."
"Jay you do know that there are a lot of lamps on the Isle . . . right?" Mal asked.
"Yes, but it's not just in any lamp." Jay said. "My fathers lamp."
"But you're fathers not a genie." Scarlet said, trying to sound like a nerd.
"He asked The Genie to make him a powerful genie so he was a genie once." Jay explained.
"Well do you know where the lamp is?" Evie asked.
"My father has a basement full of lamps." Jay said.
"Okay we're getting somewhere." Mal said.
Mal stands up.
"Okay just wait here and I'll go make some potions for us, Uma, Morgan mind helping?" Mal adds.
"Uh we do sea magic not fairy magic." Morgan said.
"It's still magic." Mal says.
"We can give it a try." Uma mumbled before getting up.

Laveena was about to walk onto the bridge that connected the Isle and Auradon but quickly discovered that the barrier was back up. Laveena looked up as if there was an end to the barrier, though she knew that the barrier was a dome that covered the whole island. But if the barrier is up how is magic able to access the villains on this hunk of trash? The cobras eyes on the staff begins to glow but the magic the staff possessed wasn't as strong as it usually be. Laveena tried to use the staff to transport herself out of the Isle but it's magic wasn't strong enough.
Laveena looked at the staff. She banged the staff with her hand.
"Work!" She demanded.
Laveena tried once again to transport herself onto the bridge but it didn't happen. She tried again and again until finally she gave up. Great, now she has to come up with a better plan to curse Ursula!

Mal, Uma, and Morgan were in the castles library. It was huge but most of the books in there belonged to Ben. Mal has a big brown book on a table in the middle of the library. It was a book about spells and potions.
"So what are we making?" Uma asked, looking around.
"We're making a potion that will make us look like someone else." Mal replies as she turns the page in the book.
"Ooh I have a prion for that!" Morgan said.
"Yeah, he does." Uma says.
Mal looks at Morgan.
"Really?" Mal asked.
Morgan nods.
"It's a potion that makes us blend in with our surroundings, like a chameleon." Morgan explained. ". . . Would you like me to make a potion for everyone?"
Mal shut the book in front of her (dust flying out of the pages as she did so). She was smiling at Morgan.
"Yes." Mal said.
Morgan nods and starts to head to the door.
"Uma would you come with me please!" he said as he runs out the library.

Laveena was pacing back and forth in front of the villains, angrily.
"What's wrong my dear?" The Evil Queen asked.
"The barriers back up and the staffs magic is getting weaker." Laveena replies angrily.
Captain Hook laughed kind of nervously.
"The . . . the-th-the barriers back up?" he asked.
Laveena nods. That's when it hit her. The staff hasn't lost all its magic so it can still cast spells. Laveena smiles as her eyes slowly trail from the ground to the cobras eyes. The eyes began to glow.
"If these VKS want to stop me and I can't get to Ursula let's give them a little danger." Laveena said.
Jafar laughs evilly.
"Ooh, this shall be fun!" he said.
Laveena smiles at Jafar. She then bangs the staff on the ground twice and red sparks of magic emerged from the Isle and raced to Auradon. The water is now contaminated with snakes and huge red clouds starts to cover all of Auradon. Everyone in Auradon ran out of their homes and looked out at the sky. Laveenas evil laugh echoed loudly throughout the sky.
The birds in Auradon were under a spell. Red magic flower through their eyes. They cawed. Everyone screamed and ran back into their homes. The birds were flying in circles, circling Auradon, cawing, scarily.
"What is this?" Evie asked.
"One of the three bad curses from the staff." Jay said.
Evie looks at Jay.
"Three? Bad curses?" She asked.
Jay nods.
"Look when someone who's wielding the staff gets angry or annoyed they are granted three bad curses with out even knowing." Jay explained. "Kind of like a genie in disguise."
"So what happens if she releases the third curse?" Celia asked.
"I don't know, all I know is that each curse gets worst and worst." Jay said.
"Okay this is bad . . . really bad." Carlos mumbled.

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