Chapter Twenty-Two

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Laveena was looking through a tiny portal to look at Auradon. Jafar was looking through the portal over Laveenas shoulder.
"Haha, that is so beautiful!" Jafar said.
Laveena chuckles.
"I know." She said as the portal disappears.
She sits in the chair she was sitting in earlier.
"I like you, Princess." The Queen of Hearts said.

Morgan and Uma were at one of Auradons most beautiful beaches. To them the water looked fine. Morgan's bracelet began to glow but then it stopped. The seashells on the bracelet began to talk to him. Morgan was listening to his bracelet. On the other hand Uma was about to jump in the water.
"Uma don't!" Morgan yelled.
Uma stops what she was doing and looks at Morgan.
"What, what's wrong?" Uma asked.
"My bracelet, . . . somethings wrong." Morgan said.
"What do you mean?"
Umas necklace begins to glow. It was talking to her. Uma looks at her necklace.
"My necklace . . . ." Uma said.
She looked out into the sea. Everything looked fine . . . well except for the sky.
"It's like it's trying to . . . ." Morgan said.
"Warn me about something." Uma and Morgan said in unison.
"But what's so bad about the sea?" Uma asked, getting closer to the crashing waves.
"Uma." Morgan said through gritted teeth.
A wave comes towards the two and a cobra snake slithered out the water. Uma jumps back quickly, for the snake had its fangs out, ready to bite Uma. Morgan looks at the snake. It was backing Uma into a corner. Morgan looked around and the sea brought him an old pirate sword. He smiled.
"Thanks." He said as he grabbed the sword. "Uma, here!"
Morgan throws the sword to Uma. Uma grabs the sword and cuts the snakes head off. She then ran over to Morgan.
"Do you think the entire sea is contaminated with these reptiles?" Uma asked.
Morgan is just looking out at the waves. A wave was forming and it wasn't just forming like a normal wave. The wave was forming into a cobras head. For the waves fangs were two cobras who were fighting each other.
". . . Yes, no, I don't know, we need to go tell Mal." Morgan said. "Because I think Laveenas trying to warn us about something and I have a really big gut feeling that it's not good."
Morgan begins to walk back to Mals castle. Uma looks at the ocean a look of worry on her face and then follows Morgan.

"Now it's time to get to business." The Evil Queen said.
"Yes I believe it is." The Queen of Hearts said, looking at her red and black nails.
Laveena looked at the villains.
"What kind of business are you talking about?" Laveena asked.
"Well before this piece of rock excised I had a castle with the most annoying step-daughter." The Evil Queen said. ". . . I want it."
Her voice form and demanding.
"Yes I would love have my kingdom back as well, boss cards around, and saying 'off with your head' it was just so fun." The Queen of Hearts said. "And ooh I can even teach Quade some of my ways so when I pass he could carry on the family tradition!"
"I believe what we're trying to say is . . . we want our old lives back." Captain Hook inferred.
"Yes I believe we all have . . . unfinished business."  Jafar said and evil laugh following after his words.
"Okay, okay calm down." Laveena said. ". . . I'll see what I can do, just know that I'm not promising anything."
The Evil Queen rolled her eyes.

Morgan and Uma got to Mals castle. Both of them were out of breathe from running. Morgan knocked on the door and when he did the wind began to blow. It blew harder and harder with each passing second. Mal opens the door.
"You have the potions?!" Mal asked kind of excitedly.
Mal lets Morgan and Uma in. They all head to the living room.
"Not exactly." Morgan replies as he sits down on the couch next to Carlos.
He kind of spreads out like a star fish. Mal on the other hand was confused.
"I don't understand." Mal said.
"Do you not see what's going on outside?" Uma asked.
"Wait . . . so you two are afraid of a red sky?" Celia asked.
Uma glares at Celia.
"No." Uma said.
"Along with the red sky is a contaminated sea." Morgan explained.
"Cont-" Jay asked before being cut off.
"With cobra snakes." Uma says looking at Jay. "It must be one of your fathers favorite animal."
Mal groans.
"Well can you make the potion using things from on land?" Mal asked.
Morgan was about to answer but then Maleficent interrupts the conversation.
"Potion?" Maleficent asked. "What kind of potion?"
"It's something a land creature couldn't make so don't stress about it." Uma said.
Maleficents eyes start to glow green and she was staring at Uma. Mal noticed.
"Mom." Mal said.
Maleficents eyes stopped glowing. She then walked off. Quade on the other hand could care less about what was going on, he'd liked being on the Isle and of the barrier was going to be put back up forever he wouldn't mind. He flicked his cards and were playing with them, because after all the failed attempts at stopping Laveena he needed something to entertain him. Evie was watching him.
"Wait." Evie said.
Everyone but Quade looks at Evie.
"Quade, you're cards can do whatever you want them to, right?" Evie asked.
Quade looks at Evie an annoyed.
"I have to say a spell for them to work." Quade said blandly.
"So . . . we can have him use his cards to turn us invisible." Evie said.
Mal turns to Quade.
"Can you do that?" Mal asked.
"Yes, the only bad thing is . . . is that when I use the cards on humans the spell may last forever." Quade warns.
Mal looks at the rest of the VKS who looked unsure.
"Well . . ." Mal said. "It's worth a shot I mean the spells are getting worst."
"So do you want me to do it oorrr?" Quade asked standing up from the chair he was sitting in.
Mal nods.
Quade shuffles his cards and flicks them.
"Celia pick one." Quade said.
Celia walked over to Quade and she picked a card. Her card was a king card.
"Oh my dear king although you're journal may be unreadable use your ability to turn us invisible." Quade said.
The Kings eyes turned red and the image of him disappeared. Magic then shot out of the card and surrounded the VKS. Within seconds the VKS were turned invisible.
"Did it work?" Mal asked.
"Uh, I can still see you guys." Carlos said.
"Well duh, we were all turned invisible with the same spell." Quade said. "But to everyone else we are invisible."
"Awesome!" Jay said. "Now we can go to the Isle and find that lamp."
Mal grabs remote to the barrier and puts it in her pocket and once she did the remote turned invisible. After that the VKS were on their way to the Isle to try and find Jafars lamp.

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