Chapter Nineteen

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Meanwhile Jay was in Auradons local library reading a book about the fight Jafar had with Aladdin. It wasn't a really thick book either which meant that his father probably lost pretty badly. Jay then flips through the book and sees a chapter that looked interesting and maybe . . . helpful.
"Jafars terrible wish." Jay mumbled.
A book fell from one of the shelves, scaring Jay. He looked around and seen that the librarians was fixing some of the books. Relieved Jay went back to reading. The chapter was about when Jafar had wished to become the most powerful being in the universe and boy wasn't that a huge mistake! It also states that when he became a genie he had everything that came with it.
Huh . . . . Wait! That means that Jafar has a lamp hidden somewhere. Jay begins to think. Back on the Isle there are a lot of lamps but most of them are fake ones. They were made by Auradon Princes and sent to the Isle as a joke. It was to give the villains hope that magic can come through the barrier when it really couldn't.
But what if in the mix of those lamps there was Jafars real lamp and he and his father never knew about it? It could be a possibility and that's probably where the jewel is! Who knew reading a book could help you with an adventure! Jay got up, leaving the book open at the table he was sitting at and walked out. The librarians son was fussing at him as he left. Jay just smiled.

Meanwhile Laveena was having a meeting with the villains she had cursed, Jafar being one of them. He was Laveenas assistant. They were all in a small room (a room made for an elf if you ask The Queen of Hearts).
"You know we could've done this at my castle." The Queen of Hearts says. "At least there's some real tea there."
"That's irrelevant." Laveena said.
Jafar chuckles sounding like victory had finally come upon him.
"What evil act are we going to preform on Mal and her gang?" Jafar asked his chill giving chuckle following after.
"Isn't her gang called a crew?" Captain Hook asked.
"Silence you idiots!" Laveena hissed.
Laveenas toughened came out and it looked like a snakes tongue. She looks at her tongue and then at Jafar. Jafar chuckles nervously.
"The staff is connected to your emotions so when you're mad or upset you start to turn into a cobra." Jafar states. ". . . It's a new feature."
Laveena rolled her eyes.
"Well since you dumb villains got caught doing your evil plans back in your day we need to know what Mal and her friends are planning before we can a plan, it's called being organized in your planning, y'all should start using it." Laveena said.
It was silent in the room for a moment.
"You know who would be a great help?" The Evil Queen says.
The villains look at The Evil Queen.
"Who?" Laveena asked.
Laveena rolls her eyes.
"We can do this without her!" She says. "And besides she's in Auradon making love to her husband." Laveena said.
The villains gasped.
"Maleficent has a love interest?" Captain Hook mumbled.
Distinct chatter came upon the villains, not allowing Laveena to think.
"Shut up!" Laveena yelled after a while.
The villains jumped at Laveenas loud comment.
"Let me think."
"You know you don't have to think all the time." Pricilla said.
She was spying on the villains through an open window. Pricilla was one of the villains who got cursed but was always forgotten about, kind of like her father when he was sent back to the Southern Isles.
"I could go spy on them for you." Pricilla said, hopping in through the window. "I'm a great spy because of my father."
"Look Isle Girl we don't need a history lesson about you and your father!" Laveena said. ". . . Whoever he may be."
Pricilla folds her arms across her chest and looks at Laveena who was looking at her trying to hide something.
"You want to know who my father is don't you?" Pricilla asked.
Laveena let out an aggravated breathe.
"Yes!" She groaned.
Pricilla laughs a little.
". . . Prince Hans of the Southern Isles."
"Wait . . . you're a princess, how-" Laveena was confused. "Princesses aren't good spy's."
"Well you see my father is very persuasive person which means he could make you believe his lies like how Princess Anna believed . . ." Pricilla said.
She was trying to fight back a laugh.
She always thought Princess Anna's story with her father was hilarious! Pricilla begins to laugh. After a few seconds of laughing she clears her throat and stands up straight.
"I'm sorry." She said. "Where was I? Oh, right Princess Anna believed that he wanted her for her but he really wanted her for his own kingdom."
The villains look at Pricilla.
"So what does that have to with you being a good spy?" Laveena asked.
"Well he would make me believe what he says is true, like how he said that we would get off the Isle before I turned five." Pricilla said. "Ever since then I never trusted him so I began to spy on him all the time . . . sometimes I wish I hadn't spied in my father but you can't erase the past so."
"Oh so you have years of experience?" Jafar asked.
Pricilla nods.
"Oh, you can be useful!" Laveena said.
"Told ya!"
"Okay, you can go spy on Mal and the gang but make sure you don't get caught!" Laveena said.
Laveena then banged the staff on the floor and it transported Pricilla to Auradon. Pricilla was a little portal-sick but it's nothing she can't handle. Pricilla was then spotted by an AK.
"Hi, you must be new here!" The girl said.
The girl had her hand out ready for Pricilla to shake it. Pricilla looked at the girl hand and smirked. She walked away but then stopped in her tracks.
"Actually I am new here." Pricilla said. "Would you mind sowing me where the King and Queen live?"
"Sure?" The AK said unsure.
The girl then begin to walk Pricilla to where Ben and Mal live. Oh boy if only the AK knew what she was doing. This bad . . . very, very bad.

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