Chapter Fifteen

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"So where would we begin to look for the jewel?" Mal asked sitting down in her purple chair, in the living room.
"Maybe the . . . Isle." Jay said slowly, saying every word carefully.
"How we gonna get on the Isle when something is blocking the entrance way?" Uma asked Jay.
"It's not a something." Mal says lowly.
The VKS turned their attention to Mal.
"What do you mean?" Jay asked.
Mal looked at her friends.
". . . Um . . . Ben and his parents have decided . . ." Mal says slowly. "To put the barrier back up."
"What!" Uma shouts standing up from the sofa she was sitting on. She said it so fast Mal didn't even get to finish her thought.
"Uma, calm down, it's temporary." Mal assures her.
Uma flipped a her hair and sat back down a smug look on her face. She even crossed her arms across her chest.
"It better be because I live there and I do not plan on sleeping on a soft . . . pink . . . princess bed." Scarlet said.
She was never a big fan of beds. That was one of her biggest fears especially if she had to sleep on a princess bed (or a bed made for a princess, she's a villain for crying out loud)!
"I agree, except I'd like to sleep in my bed made specially for mwah!" Quade said.
"Alright so what the plan?" Evie asked.
"Well for starters I have the remote to open the barrier so we can go on the Isle and do some searching." Mal said.
"Well let's start there!" Jay said.
". . . Yeah, split in groups and we can all meet at Mals old place." Carlos adds.
"Wait! How will we contact each other?" Uma asked.
"I got this." Morgan said.
Morgan stood up and his bracelet began to glow. His sea magic filled his veins and he used that magic to make magical seashells for everyone. They landed in everyone's lap. Scarlet picked it up with a disgusted look.
"Uh . . . I don't eat sea food." She said, using her other hand to pinch her nose.
Morgan rolled his eyes.
"You're not supposed to eat it." he said.
"Morgan where did you learn how to do this?" Uma asked, surprised.
He shrugs and looks at his dark green shell.
"When I was on the Isle I used to disobey mother and read her spell book and it had the spell for the Salty-Talkie Shells." Morgan explains. "I was obsessed with it for about a month."
"Salty-Talkie Shell?" Evie asked.
Morgan nods. He then flicks his wrist and his bracket made the shells everyone's favorite color. Mals turned purple, Evies blue, Carlos white, Jay yellow, Scarlets brown, Quades red, and Uma turquoise.
"Neat." Jay mumbles.
"Alright are we ready?" Mal asked.
"Yeah, think so." Carlos said, looking around. Everyone nods.
"Alright, lets go." Mal said.

Celia was at the Isle exit drawing on the ground when she heard the barrier open. She looked up and saw Mal and the gang.
"Mal!" She yells standing up.
She ran towards Mal and hugged her.
"What happened is the barrier back up?" Celia asked panicked.
"Mm-hmm." Uma said with a little sass.
"But just temporarily." Mal says.
Celia lets out a breath of relief. Then her panicked side came back.
"Mal, I, uh . . . have to tell you something." Celia said.
Celia pulls Mal to the side away from the rest of the VKS.
"I was visiting daddy at Dragon Hall and Laveena had entered the campus and started wrecking havoc."
"Okay . . . what did she do?" Mal asked.
"She cursed the entire school!" Celia replies.
"Oh-no." Mal mumbled.
"Mal we need you." Uma said.
Mal looked at her friends who had formed into a group. She turns back to Celia. She gave her a nice smile and Celia took a big step back.
"Uh-uh I'm not helping you guys, the last adventure was enough!" Celia said.
"Celia please, we need all the help we can get." Mal pleads.
"Ugh, fine!" Celia groans.
The two girls walk over to the little circle the VKS made and joined in.
"Okay so Uma and Celia go to the North side of the Isle and look, while Carlos, Jay, and Quade check the South." Mal explained. "Evie and I will check the East side, Scarlet can go with . . ."
"Quade and I are a very good team so I'll be with him and Carlos and Jay." Scarlet said.
"Okay and Morgan you can choose to be with me and Evie or Uma and Celia." Mal said.
"I'll go with my cuz." Morgan said.
Uma smiles as she fist bumps Morgan.
"Okay, everyone clear?" Mal asked.
Everyone nods.
"Cause we're rotten!" Mal yells.
"To the core!" Evie, Jay, and Carlos yell.
The VKS laughed.
"Okay let's go already." Uma and Morgan say in unison.
The VKS then split up in groups and begin their search for the jewel.
Carlos, Jay, Quade, and Scarlet are walking down a street and hear a familiar scream.
"Carlos, that sounds like your mother." Scarlet says.
The four stopped walking and begin to listen. They heard a messed up car engine.
"Move out the way you squirms!" An old lady shouts from around the corner.
"That's because it is." Carlos says.
He starts to look around and spots a little hole on the side of the street, big enough for all of them fit into.
"Come on lets hide in here until she passes." Carlos said, jumping into the hole.
Jay follows suit while the other two question it.
"I can't." Scarlet said, playing with the end of a lock of her hair.
"Why?" Carlos asked.
"Because it's . . . oily down there and oil and my fur don't match." Scarlet replies.
"Yeah and I am I prince therefore I do not go hiding in some oil pit on the side of the road." Quade adds.
Cruella comes from around the corner.
"Wait, the can stall for us if she's looking for you and if she's not then they can just block us from her view she passes by." Jay states.
"That's a great idea." Carlos said.
"That's a perrrrfect, idea." Scarlet said, looking at her nails.
Carlos and Jay lower their heads and Quade and Scarlet cover them by the time Cruella comes with her car windows down.
"Hey ugly cat and wish to be prince!" Cruella growls.
Scarlet rolls her eyes at Cruellas nasty comment. Scarlet was sure she thought long and hard about it.
"What, 101 Dalmatian-less?" Scarlet says.
Cruella was truly hurt.
"Have you seen Carlos?" She asked.
"Why would I want to see Carlos, I have better things to do than to watch your pathetic son." Scarlet said.
Carlos in the hole was confused. Did she really mean that?
"Oh well if you happen to look up from your disgusting claws and see him tell him I need him to fluff my roots!" Cruella said.
Scarlet rolls her eyes and watches the grouchy lady drive away. When she was down the street Jay and Carlos got out of the oily pit.
Scarlet looks at Carlos.
"Fluff her roots?" Scarlet asked.
"I don't want to talk about it." Carlos said.
Quade turns his attention to Jay.
"Why did you have to hide?" Quade asked.
"Because I'm always with Carlos." Jay replies.
"And?" Quade asked.
"I'm always with Carlos therefore if his mom sees me she knows that Carlos is around."
Quade sighs, not caring much about Jays response to his question.
"Anyways, lets go, we have no time to loose." Carlos said.
Scarlet smiles and begins to walk before anyone else.

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