Chapter Eleven

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Mal and the other VKS were back in Auradon. They were all at her castle, trying to figure out a plan to stop Laveena. Mal had even called Uma and Morgan to the scene.
"Well has anyone else seen her prior to Carlos?" Uma asked.
The VKS shake their head.
"Wait!" Morgan said. "I have."
The VKS look at Morgan.
"After Carlos warned me about Pricilla I went back to the Isle and seen Laveena curse a few other villains." Morgan explains.
It was silent for a moment. Hades and Maleficent then comes into the castle, chuckling. They passed by the room the VKS were in and Hades was tickling Maleficent. Mal smiles happily as she watched her parents play around and so does everyone else. Hades tilts Maleficent and Maleficent notices the VKS staring at them.
"Uh, Hades!" Maleficent said.
Hades brings Maleficent up and they clear their throats while flattening out any wrinkles in their clothes. Maleficent smiles.
"Children." She says an embarrassed smile on her face.
"Mom." Mal says trying not to laugh.
Maleficent nods somewhat like a princess and goes on with her business. Hades salutes and follows Maleficent down the hall.
"Wait, they might can help us figure out how to stop Laveena." Uma points out.
"That's a really good point." Morgan and Evie said together. 
Mal couldn't agree more.
"Dad!" Mal yells as she runs for the hall. 
Hades stops walking and turns around.
"We need your help!" Mal said.
"With what?" Hades asked.
"Well . . . a princess has Jafars staff and is turning people into her zombinized army on the Isle." Mal said. "At least that's all we know so far."
Hades was quiet for a moment. He was thinking and thinking hard.
"Uh . . . ." He said. "I'm not sure about this one kid."
"I do!" Maleficent said.
She was leaning on the wall looking at her daughter and spouse.
"There's a jewel hidden somewhere that can undo the curse of the staff." Maleficent explains. "Now I don't know if it's on the Isle or here in Auradon, I just remember the ol' goblin blabbering about how powerful he used to be before he was put on the Isle and stripped of his abilities."
Maleficent leans closer to Mal.
"And to be honest he wasn't very powerful if you ask me." Maleficent said trying to be secretive.
Mal was lost for words.
"Okay thank you for your help, I will go educate my friends." Mal says after awhile.
After Mal translated her knowledge about the staff and how the curses of it can be undone Jay says;
"I remember him telling me about something like for my bedtime story every night . . . or the nights he would give me bedtime stories."
"Well do you remember any juicy details about it?" Morgan asked.
"No, just that it's hidden somewhere."
Umas necklace began to glow.
"Ah!" Uma said frowning.
"What's wrong?" Evie asked.
"My necklace." Uma said. "It's giving me a headache, but its like lots trying to tell me something."
Morgan's bracelet glows too.
"Same thing with my bracelet." He says holding out his wrist. 
Both Uma and Morgan close their eyes and try to focus on what their magical jewelry is trying to tell them. They got nothing but this;
"All I got was that something bad is about to happen and if we don't act fast . . . it could affect the entire world." Uma said.

Meanwhile Audrey was at Janes house trying to pick an outfit out for their girls day out.
"Ugh, no, you've already worn this shirt and this skirt!" Audrey says as she goes through Janes closet.
Audrey comes out of Janes closet and looks at Jane.
"You have got to get your closet up to date, I mean who still wears, plaid skirts?" Audrey states.
"Well to be fair . . . I'm not a princess like you." Jane said.
"True." Audrey said with a smile on her face.
She is always proud to be the daughter of Sleeping Beauty.
"Well . . . lets just mix and match patterns like the VKS do." Audrey said.
Audrey looks at the pile of clothes she had thrown on Janes bed. She has an eye for the light blue and white plaid skirt on Janes bed. She picks it up and looks at it.
"You know now that I think of it, plaid skirts can be cute at times." Audrey says. "Let's pair this skirt with . . . hmm."
Audrey looks at the pile of shirts on Janes bed. Audrey sees a cute light pink shirt that had the slogan 'Bibbidi-Bobbidi Boo!" on it. She gasps in amazement and grabs the shirt.
"This shirt!"
Audrey holds the skirt up to the the shirt.
"Cute and fashionable!"
Jane shrugs.
"I guess."
Audrey rolls her eyes.
"Just put it on, our nail appointment is in like half an hour!" Audrey states, handing Jane the clothes.
"Alright, alright!" Jane said taking the clothes from Audrey.
She then walks to her bathroom and closes the door and begins to change outfits.

Mal and the VKS decided to go to the Isle and talk to Jafar. They were crossing the bridge when the bridge became a long red feather, which caused the VKS to loose their balance. They all started to fall towards the water and just before they were about to hit the water they were saved by some type of glass. The blue sky turned black and the water turned into rivers of lava. Uma got up.
"Are we in Chernabogs lair?" Uma asked.
Uma begins to walk forward and ran into glass.
"Agh!" She said.
Her hand flew to her forehead.
"M, where are we?" Evie asked.
"I don't know!" Mal replies.
"It . . . looks like we're in a snow globe." Carlos said, looking up.
Morgan looks around. Everything around them seemed big.
"Did we-" Morgan starts. "Are we small!?"
"Chilax, I've got this." Quade said.
Quade reaches into his jacket to get his deck of cards but noticed that they weren't there. Quade chuckles nervously.
"Where are my cards?!" He yells.
"Over here." Evie said.
The VKS ran over to Evie and the all saw a huge deck of cards.
"We're shrunk and trapped in a glass dome, you guys." Evie said.

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