Pieces- Old Scars 3

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Tony heard her heels before he saw her,he knew each sound that she made and he grew accustomed to them over the years. How she'd scream with her mouth closed, how she chewed her food, even how she'd slow her heart beat down the few times they were in close proximity. Tony memorized each detail over the years, yet they seemed so distant due to her cold exterior, yet others didn't know her how him and his mates did.

"Mr. Anthony I have information for you," Yomeja stated as she came close to him as he worked on updates and new prototypes.

"The mister in not necessary neither is the Anthony , Yomeja," Tony told her setting his work aside.

"I will consider it," she told him.

Tony was happy with her none the less, no she was not so open with them,yet she had a talk with his mate Peter and it changed Peter to be more confident and open. His mate seemed to have drawn encouragement from her bold act and it made it even better to know she had that affect.

Yomeja sat down the manilla envelopes as he opened them going through a business files that wanted to work with his company.

"See here is what they are proposing," Yomeja told him pointing at the words that she highlighted in purple. Tony saw her right hand,wincing internally at his memories of it.


Thanos snapped his fingers yet nothing happened as he looked at Tony.

"I am Iron Man," he said snapping his fingers, yet nothing happened. He looked surprised as he did it again with the same result. Looking at his hand he did not see the Infinity Stones at all. They both looked around frantically yet saw nothing,the pause in their battle seemed to stop everyone.

"Anthony Edward Stark I expected so much more," an all too familiar voice spoke. Everyone looked the direction of the sound still confused by what was occurring. Her black skirt was torn to shreds, her hair still in the tight bun her shirt barely hung onto her.

"Yomeja no," Pepper breathed out,yes Tony was stupid for the move he made but Yomeja was human. Upon her right hand was the glow of the Infinity Stones. Thanos charged her,she was a weak human he could easily take her down. Pietro locked in on Yomeja hoping he could stop her.Tony ran to get them, his mates would heal without him,they were torn without Vision, wounded without Natasha;but yet she was the glue that helped them work everything out together, how would they survive without her. How could he survive without his best friend?

Yet Thanos reached her first, reaching for her she did something Tony never saw. A bright smile spread across her face as she bent down slowly.

"You bend," she stated ,"and snap!," she yelled snapping her fingers just as Thanos fingers graced her cheek he wanted to yell,to snap her neck,yet him and his army began to fade to dust. The stones exploded into an array of colors that surrounded Yomeja,Pietro tried to fight back the wind that seemed determined to keep him back. Yet soon it was gone just as quickly as it appeared. Tony scrambled up to reach Yomeja who laid on the ground,not moving. Pietro stood over her as he fell to his knees,tears threatened to fall. He was so afraid to touch her,her face swollen,her arm was burnt. His calloused hands grabbed the back of her head and behind her knees. He sat her in his lap,something he always wanted to do. His body seemed to vibrate with his sobs as he kissed the top of her head.

"Yomeja!," Steve yelled running towards them, Tony was rocking back and forth,the woman now cradled in his arms. Their mates followed behind wanting to see her but not her death. Her body was still warm,yet she looked like hell,her hair was loose the famous purple branch of hers peeking out.

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