chapter 6

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I am so so so sorry its taken so long!!!! The only computer i have is at my grandmas! So here is it. Thanks for sticking around guys!!!


We walked out the front doors of the school and started walking twards my house talking the whole way.

"So, how do you like it here so far?" I asked.

She smiled brightly, "I love it here! So many faces I've missed for so long!"

Now I was honestly confused. Has she lived here before? Well maybe that's why she looks fimiliar. So many thoughts were running through my head. Were we friends? Why don't I remember her but she remembers me? What the heck is going on?

Just then, a thought hit me.

"Don't you need to tell your parents that your spending the night?"

She started to fidgit (sc) with her fingers and looked up at me worridly. "Um..... no... I haven't seen my parents.... in years..." She whispered the last part.

I gasped in shock and hugged her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it. I just shought...."

She cut me off. "Its okay, I'm going to see them soon that's why I'm here." She squealed.

I was still confused, but let it go. we would be talking all night. Then I would get some answers!

We made it to my house and I opened the front door and barged in.

"MOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!" I screamed. "I'm home! And be polite, we have company!"

My mom ran out of the kitchen, her long curly brown hair thrown up into a messy bun and her outfit covered in flour, eggs, spagetti sauce, and what looked like cheese.

"I laughed and so did Claire. Uh, mom. What were you making?"

She glared at me and replied, "Pizza."

I laughed and replied in a duh tone. "I'm pretty sure you don't need eggs for pizza."

By this time she wasn't listening to a word I was saying, she was looking at Claire in disbelief. I looked over at Claire and she was grinning widely. I felt uncomfortable and decided to break the scilence. Like that would help any.

"UM, mom, this is my new friend Claire. Claire this is my mom."

They smiled at each other and hugged. That's so weird, mom hardly ever hugs anyone. Except her family. She must have gotten a really good first impression off of Claire. They hugged for what seemed like hours and then I decided to introduce Claire to the rest of the family. Maybe it will be less awkward and weird than her meeting mom. I sure hope I'm right. I pried my mom off of Claire and spoke.

"Mom, I think you should just order a pizza. And I'll go introduce Claire to the rest of the family."

Mom just nodded and walked back into the kitchen to do who knows what. I grabbed onto Claire's arm and pulled her to Noah's door. I pounded on the door my secret knock.

'Bang, bang..... bang,bang,bang.' I knocked.

"Come in!" Noah shouted from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and saw Noah laying on his bed. He was laying down looking at a book that was opened on his bed. I gasped.

"Noah! Your reading!" I fake gasped.

He glared at me. "Ah ha ha, very funny. But I'm short twenty dollars to but a new stero and mom said if I get all A's on my next report card she'll give me ten dollars!"

I smiled and thought of an idea.

"Hey Noah, I'll give you the other ten if you do the dishes for a month."

"What!?! That is so not fair!"

"Yeah, well life isn't fair.So take it or leave it."

Noah glared at me and sighed. "Fine, I'll take it."

"Yay!" I cheered. I looked outside the door and saw Claire still standing there. To be honest, I had compleyely forgotten about her being here. "Oh!" I started. I grabbed Claire's arm and pulled her inside the room.

"Claire, this is Noah. Noah, this is....."

"Claire...." He cut me off.

"Noah." She barely got out.

Tension filled the room as well as awkward silence. I grabbed Claire's arm cause she looked uneasy and ran to Josh's door. I knocked and he just yelled 'Leave'. I opened the door anyways and barged in. He was about ready to yell until he saw Claire. He got off his bed and actually RAN to her! He pulled her into a big hug and she started crying. And so did he.

"Okay, what the heck is going on? Why is everyone so.... you know."

Josh looked uneasy for a while and didn't say a word.

"Well!?!" I screamed, anger getting the best of me.

Josh sighed and pointed to his bed.

"Sit down, I need to tell you something."

I sat on his bed and waited impatiently. After five minutes, he finally spoke.

"Claire...... she's your sister....."

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