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3rd Person Pov

When class was almost over the teacher decided that it would be a good idea to see who was going to enroll into UA. Izuku and Bakugou were the only ones who wanted to try and enroll because nobody else wanted to go through the "brutal" training that everybody talked about. But Izuku knew for a fact that the training wouldn't be as bad, he'd trained more than what they would make him do so he was prepared for it. His mind reeled as he thought about what training they would do and he zoned out for a bit before he remembered about the class so he started paying attention again.

"Izuku and Bakugou, you are the only two who want to enroll into UA! Don't get your hopes up though kids, it's rare for 2 people to get in from the same school. But our school is pretty barren and void so I wouldn't expect either of you to make it in," The teacher explained.

Izuku looked over at Bakugou seeing his leg bounce gently, his feet perched on his toes as he gripped his leg. It was one of his nervous habits, he bounced his legs when nervous and would grip tight to distract himself. Izuku knew that he had nervous and strange habits such as mumbling but he never thought that the proud Bakugou would have any. Izuku noticed the bouncing a mere second before Bakugou blurted out, "I'm the only one who's going to make it into UA dumb Deku behind me doesn't even have a fucking quirk!!"

"Language!" said the teacher, who blatantly ignored the rude remarks thrown towards Midoriya.

Midoriya rolled his eyes as he started fidgeting with his fingers, twisting his shirt back and forth. He grazed over some of the scars on his stomach so he winced slightly. This was one of his nervous habits that he's been trying to stop. He had many others, he daydreamed a lot and even though he wasn't paying attention he still knew what the teacher had said. He bit his nails a lot of the time which caused them to be super small and close to the skin on his fingers. He also messed with his clothing as he is doing now, he also bit the skin off of his lips when he bit his fingers so that hurt some. He mumbled a lot as well and would bite off the skin around his nails which would hurt like hell after a day or two. It hurt especially when his fingers pruned and he could see the barren areas where his skin was peeled off and bitten down. He had a lot of issues with such things and he tried to stop, but some habits just stay, like some others he wished he'd never picked up on.

Izuku looked up towards the teacher again as he stopped nervously fidgeting. Bakugou was standing at the front of the room next to the podium that the teacher stood at. As he looked around everybody was staring at him so he took the hint and stood up, walking to the front of the room nervously. He whispered curses gently under his breath making sure it barely came out as a whisper. He hated any attention he got, let alone attention he knew would make his day worse. Being compared to Bakugou in the front of the room made his skin ache and itch. Slight scabs littered his arms from where he scratched them raw and picked at them. Another bad habit that left scars.

"These are your classmates who are going to attempt to enroll into UA! Okay kids? Class dismissed!" The teacher said pulling Izuku and Bakugou into a tight grip, shaking their hands gingerly. Izuku's hands ached to peel away and grip at his skin, begging for it to stop, his palms got sweatier, thinking that his teachers grip on him and Bakugou's hands wouldn't end. After a fucking eternity their hands were let go and his breath caught in his throat, he could see slight streaks of blood reaching down his arm slowly. He quickly pulled back his hand and bowed, rushing back to his seat as fast as he could, gripping his sleeve down tightly with his other arm.

When the teacher finally grabbed his stuff and left the room, quickly muttering a goodbye to his students and wishing them a good day the class broke out into cheers. Half of the room divided into cheering for Bakugou the other half sneering and booing at Izuku. Midoriya just gripped his arm tighter. Wincing as he felt the blood seep through his sleeve slightly. It dried slowly as he got his stuff ready to leave. His sleeve stuck to his arm from the blood and pulled away the bloodied scab that soon followed. Slight droplets hit again, ruining his train of thought. He wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, even if it meant going home. He knew that from the events of today Bakugou wouldn't be pleased with him, not at the slightest. He quickly grabbed more of his stuff, ignoring the small drops of blood hitting his desk as he moved his stuff together into his bag. As he pulled the last of his stuff into his bag he heard a sharp whistle behind him. His ears cringed at the sound and he reluctantly turned around. Standing behind him was Bakugou, nobody else was in the classroom, not even Bakugou's "friends".

Midoriya knew he should have gone faster but his body was weak and his energy was quickly depleting. He just stared at Bakugou, listening to the only other Noises in the small room, the wind shaking the trees outside, causing some branches to clatter against the window and the sounds of desks being pushed across the floor. The sound made his body stand even more on edge, the skin on his body pricking up, goose bumps trailing down his arms. Bakugou stepped closer and spoke softly but harshly.

Bakugou's Pov

"I still can't believe you're trying to get into U.A, you useless nerd," I spoke harshly, stepping closer towards him. He instinctively pulled backwards and tripped over a desk leg falling to the ground. I could hear his back collide with the tiled ground as he grimaced.

"Poor little Deku. Still trying?" I spoke gingerly, leaning down next to him now. My knee was pressed down onto his stomach as be winced and pushed his body backwards only to press down harder onto the cold floor.

"After last week I assumed you wouldn't have come back to school. Thinking about my comment at all? It might work," I smiled teasingly. I told him to jump off the roof and maybe then he'd have a quirk and become a hero. Like hell I'd ever believe that, let alone him. He grimaced and turned his face away from me, struggling to breath as I pressed my knee down harder, squashing his stomach.

He coughed and struggled against me again before speaking softly.

"I really don't think you should talk about that any more. What would you do if it happened?" he whispered out, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He defiantly glared at me, biting his lips down hard as to not cry. Like hell he'd ever do it, let alone think about it. No matter what I did he always came back to school as annoying as ever. He wouldn't take the chance of letting his dream go down the drain just to spite me and take the advice.

"Like hell you'd actually do it you fucker" I spat at him. He stared directly at me now and before I knew it he pushed me off of him and scooted away quickly. I was about to hit him when a tear dripped down his face, he lifted up to wipe it and his sleeve dropped. All I saw was blood before he pulled it down, gasping for breath as he composed himself.

"You know what. Fuck you," Hey growled out under his breath. He quickly stood, grabbed his bag and ran out of the room.

"What the fuck," I breathed out under my breath. What the hell just happened?

Midoriya's Pov

I groaned and leaned against the side of the school, carefully measuring each breath and resting my head against the wall.

"Fuck, I really just did that," I groaned out, louder than I expected. He probably saw my scars, the blood, I freaked out. I pushed him and cursed at him. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I hit my head against the brick wall and gasped, going light headed. I sank down to the floor and winced. I held my head and felt a wet spot. It was blood.

"Damn, well, if I get a brain bleed and die, fuck knows what will happen. I don't even think anybody would notice," I whimpered. My body hadn't fully let the shock of the situation kick in and I was sat on the ground, tears dropped down my face and I felt hot, my breath came in labored gasps as I laid down in the grass. I didn't even realize when Bakugou exited the school and ran out the entrance. Fuck, I didn't really care at this point. My head ached and my body felt numb, I tried to pull myself up but everything ached. On my second attempt my head hit the grass and a breath escaped my lips as my eyes shut, the entirety of the situation overcoming my body with sleep. Tomorrow would be hell.

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