Part 20

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I played Sally Face not too long ago and it's a really good game!! You should check it out.

Midoriya's Pov

I woke up around an hour after I tried to fall asleep, it was 12:28 in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep. I got up to go to the restroom when I decided to go for a swim in the hotel's pool. I got on my swim trunks before taking my key card and teleporting in front of the pool room. I opened the door and walked into the room walking into the pool almost immediately. I forgot about everything that was bothering me as I floated in the pool, I forgot about hero training, my family, Kaminari, Kachaan, Todoroki, Uraraka, everything just floated away.

I stayed in the pool for the next 3-4 hours before I got up and teleported to my hotel room to change and get ready for school. I took a shower and got changed into the school uniform before waking Kami up, he was pretty out of it so I teleported him into the bathroom in the shower. I used a quirk to take off his clothes and I started the water from the living room. I could hear him yelp in surprise as the cold water touched him but he slowly relaxed/stopped screeching, as the warm water starting flowing through the pipes. After 10-15 minutes he got out of the shower and asked for his uniform I gave it to him and we started off towards school an hour before it started.

I wanted to walk so we needed to get out around an hour before school started if we were going to make it on time. It was 5:47 when we got to school which meant that we got there  13 minutes early. Kaminari was still hella tired so I used my healing quirk to bring his stamina back up. Kaminari started running towards the school gates so I had to teleport after him. We were the first people in the classroom so we sat down in our seats and started doing random things on our phones.

All of the other students came into the classroom 10-12 minutes later, Mochi-Bitch was the last student in the classroom. Mr. Aizawa came into the class not even 30 seconds after Uraraka, he told us that we were going to be training at the USJ with no. 13. He didn't give us any notice for the training so we had to rush to get our hero costume's on and to get down to the bus. I was the first down in the parking lot because I teleported my clothes on and I teleported outside of the school next to the bus. I knew All Might was supposed to be coming with us but he wasn't because he already used up his maximum of 3 hours. Yes, I know about his injury remember I read minds I could hear Mr. Aizawa fretting about his time being overused all while he told us about the USJ.

Once everybody got down to the bus we got in and made our way to the USJ I got bored so I sped up the time until we were at the USJ. We got out of the bus and made our way inside, NOT EVEN 5 FUCKING MINUTES LATER VILLIANS SHOWED UP!!! Fucking villains, apparently they were there for All Might but he wasn't even with us. Mr. Aizawa told 13 to watch us while he fought. I knew he wouldn't be able to do it alone most because he has a timing pattern to how much time he can use his quirk and how long he has to wait before he can use it again without eye drops. It takes a longer amount of time for him to recharge his quirk if he doesn't have eye drops. 

There was a blue-haired male with a hand on his face, he seemed like the leader he had a right-hand man who I found out was named Kurogiri. Kurogirir's quirk was called warp he could create portals to anywhere as long as he knew the coordinates or he could see it. He looked like a portal, his only weak spot being the metal part where his neck could be. The Kurogiri guy warped in front of us while Aizawa was fighting, Kiri and Kachaan decided that it was a GOOD IDEA to fight the fucking warp molecule. I know that they were idiots but I didn't know that they were this big of dumbasses. 

I mean I like Kiri he's a good person but he can be so dumb sometimes. Kachaan and Kiri attacked the warp guy and after they did that we were all teleported into different zones. When I looked down I say water so I created ice to cover the entire surface of the water. I saw Tsu and Mineta falling so I teleported them to the water that was closest to Mr. Aizawa before teleporting over there myself. I know Tsu's quirk has to do with water so they're either dumb themselves or they don't know our quirks. It's probably both, just saying. I saw Aizawa fighting the handyman when he grabbed Aizawa's arm. I used the quirk erasure that Aizawa has when I'm using it though, my hair and eyes don't change places or colors. 

"What is this? Are you using your quirk again?" handyman asked. Eraserhead took that time to use his quirk and wrap up the guy while he was confused. Erasure for me has no drawbacks I can use it continuously without stopping, so the male who I know now as Shigaraki couldn't use his quirk. "NOMU!!! Get him," I saw a giant bird-like thing move towards Eraserhead with insane speed, I almost couldn't do anything but I teleported myself into its line of attack and I grabbed onto its arms. "What? Who are you!?!" Tomura asked in rage. "That's not important," I responded pushing of the Nomu. I got into a fighting stance teleporting behind the Nomu kicking it in the back doing a backflip off of it.

I heard Tsu and Mineta cheering for me. I was still using Erasure on Tomura while Eraserhead and him fought so that he couldn't use his quirk, so that made me weaker using two quirks at once but I pushed through. I grabbed the Nomu's arm flipping it over my shoulder. I asked in my mind link with X 'Could you get me an antidote for this thing?' 'No prob bob!' they responded. A bit later I saw a syringe falling through the air I jumped off the Nomu grabbing it in midair, once I got to the floor I stabbed the syringe into the Nomu's neck causing it to screech in pain. After a bit of struggling it calmed down and started reverting back to normal. I looked over at Tomura who was still in a bind, he was looking at me with widened estranged eyes.

The male who was a Nomu had no clothes so I teleported some onto him, and guess what? Right after that All Might came bursting into the room he came in through the wall. The next part doesn't even make sense.

Type you later!!! :P Blep :) UwU <3 <3 

This is my Spotify Playlist check it out if you want!!!

I hate myself.

Word Count: 1230

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