Part 12 *EDITED*

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Since I've been going through all of this book and, slowly yet surely editing them, I've been changing it a lot. My writing was hella cringe, I did love at first sight plots, which when done properly can be really cool. But not in my case.

I'm pretty much changing the whole thing, but I'm going to keep the remaining chapters until I edit them, just in case the plot ever catches up. Which I doubt, I've sped up the pace throughout the story, slowed it down then just kind of time warped through it. I entirely restarted this chapter. Sorry for the big talk.

Izuku's POV

Once lunch finished the rest of class was just randomly talking to one another. Aizawa was asleep the whole time, and nobody was going to wake him up. Surprisingly I didn't see Uraraka in the class. Not that I'm complaining.

When the bell rang for the last time we all went our separate ways. Besides me, Denki, and Todoroki. Todoroki walked with me and Denki to the bus.

"So, where do you live Midoriya?" He was always so proper, it was kind of unnerving, but I knew he meant no harm by anything.

"I'm working that out, right now I'm staying in a hotel, saving up. You know?" Todoroki only nodded, he was probably contemplating what to say to that.

"I don't, but I'm sure you'll be just fine" an oddly comforting way of putting it.

"Thanks Todoroki, that- that actually really helps" it was a strange thought, thinking I could make it through. Past everything that I've been through. I just need to keep it up. I said my farewells to him once we came to our parted ways.

It was a calm walk the rest of the way, recharging from all of the conversation making and moving around. While I didn't do much throughout the day, it still took it's toll. But one of these days it'll barely make a dent in my social battery.

I'll make it there. I've got the people I need to help me through it. Speaking of people to help, Kachaan just texted me. Wonder why.

You free tonight?

Let me check my schedule

Oh shut up. I know you don't have anything planned

Then why'd you ask?

I was being nice 🙄

Woooww. The great King Explosion Murder being nice? To me? I must be dreaming

Stop being weird about it, it's creepy.

Or maybe you have no taste in your humor, I'm hilarious

Hilariously stupid

It hurts to hear that 😪

You're reading it, not hearing it. Now answer

I might be free tonight

Might be?

I could also cost anywhere from 10-15 dollars 🤷

You're that cheap?

I take what I can get

Whatever. Can I come over around 8?

Isn't that your bedtime?

I don't have a bedtime. Shut up. But I'm staying the night

We'd have to share a bed, goofy

So? We've done that plenty before

As babies


That's besides the point

Don't care, it's not weird unless you make it weird. So, can I come over?

What'd Auntie say?

Deku. You know she couldn't care less

Fine, come on over. 3rd floor room 205. Keep in mind that Denki's staying with me

Ew, why him? He's super touchy

Not to you

Whatever, he's sleeping on the couch

He wanted to anyways

Fine, see you in 10

End chat

Kachaan has always been a formal texter. I tend to mimic that behavior. But I know he doesn't mind. I made my way to my room, flopping down on my bed like it's my life support. A groan emits from my lips.

"Why does he want to come over todayyyy" I sighed and sat up, scooting backwards on the hotel bed. It wasn't much, but it was better than the alternative.

"Who's doing what?" Denki asked as he came out of the bathroom. He wiped his hands off on his shirt, leaving wet marks.

"Kachaan, he wanted to stay over" I sighed and laid backwards on the bed.

"Yess! I can get to know him better, maybe he'll actually be my friend" Denki had a bit of an overactive imagination, Kachaan didn't really do friends. Not in the way most expect, just in his own way.

"Uhm, yeah. Maybe" I didn't want to crush his dreams about it.

"Anyways, you said you wanted the couch right?" He nodded. "Okay, me and Kachaan can share the bed. I can go to work tomorrow and then we can figure out some of your clothes" I kind of started ranting about it, but Denki just sat down and intently listened to my every word. It was sorta nice.

And now me and him can hang out until Kachaan arrives.

Word Count 802

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