Part 22

27 2 26

The sad song to fit with my sad demeanor right about now. The last comment I made about Angel Beats and Ouran High School Host Club can fill you in on my sadness.

Midoriya's Pov

Around halfway through my song July by Noah Cyrus I got a text from X.


eXtra - Hey wanna hang out soon?

Brocolli Bitch - Sure, when and what time?

eXtra - HMMMMMMM?!?! Maybe Saturday 8:30 in the morning-ish?

Brocolli Bitch - Sure I'll just have to check with my new roommatey person.

eXtra - Who the Denki GUY?

Brocolli Bitch - Yes, but I'll ask HIM, on Thursday or Friday.

eXtra - Ok, just make sure you include the fact that you'll be gone for the entire weekend!

Brocolli Bitch - Got it extra~

eXtra - XD At least I'm not Brocolii!!!

Brocolli Bitch - Ugh, how rude I'm so offended. GUARDS!!!

eXtra - You don't have any fucking guards?

Brocolli Bitch - Why would I get guards that fucked? 

eXtra - Idk, they're your guards?!?

eXtra changed Brocolli Bitch to - Guard Fucker (Fuck You)

Guard Fucker (Fuck You) - Oh fuck, I can't believe you've done this

eXtra - You're welcome, I just thought you needed some more motivation to hang out with me you can try to attack me but You'll ultimately fail MOTHERFUCKER!!! 

Guard Fucker (Fuck You) - I hate you so fucking much darling~

eXtra - Love you too~

Guard Fucker (Fuck You) changed eXtra to - Weab = Weak Weeb

Weab = Weak Weeb - I take back my earlier statement about loving you :| 

Weab = Weak Weeb left the conversation

Guard Fucker (Fuck You) changed their name to - Best Friend's Gender? No Thanks

Best Friend's Gender? No Thanks - WAIT COME BACK I LOVE YOU!!~~~~

Best Friend's Gender? No Thanks - I'm sad now...*Tears Drip Down Cheeks Slowly*

Best Friend's Gender? No Thanks left the conversation

I finished typing my last sentence before sending it an leaving the convo I had with my friend. Me and X together were ultimately the most crackheaded people you can meet. When we go to parties, which is all the time, we always end up getting chased by the cops or random people. We end up getting high, drinking, partying, going to the club, whatever stupid things we can find we'll probably do. However, if we aren't together we can be the calmest people you could ever meet on this earth.

I don't curse a lot around people so X brings out that side of me, I curse a ton around him. We keep each other's secrets, everything. He helped me when Kachaan bullied me, and when my parents hurt me he was almost always there. He had and has problems at home, his parents are homophobic which causes an issue because he's a huge gay, his parents always harmed him in one way or another. I would help him when he cut too deep and he would help me, we tried to help each other with hiding razor blades and sharp objects from each other when we were really depressed. We're probably the bestest friends in the whole world, he would die for me and I'd die for him that's just how it worked in our pack.

Back to X, he's Polyamorous he has 6 boyfriends, I'll list them off now in order from age, I'll also state their sex positions cause why not.

Shadow 19 1/2 (Oldest = Top)

Velvet 19 ( Sorta Middle = Switch)

Xenon 18 ( Sorta Middle = Top)

Via 17 1/2 ( Sorta Middle = Top)

V 17 ( Sorta Middle =  Bottom)

X - 16 ( Him = Switch)

Orion - 15 (Youngest = Bottom)

We're all sort of like a family, we protect each other if necessary and comfort each other when needed. All of us have fucked up families and backstory's that make us work perfectly with each other. I've known X for the longest which is why we're the most like crackheads together. X was my true childhood best friend, I found him when I was running away from mom and dad, apparently, he was doing the same thing. I love all of them like the family I never truly had.

Enough of this mushy shit though, I've spent too long day-dreaming on this. I have to go to school tomorrow even though the Villian Attack was less than a day ago. Its Wednesday so I'll have to tell Denki about me leaving for a couple of days either tomorrow or the next day. I got up off the couch making my way over to the bathroom without messing up Denki's game. I grabbed some clothes before making my way to the shower.

~15 minutes later~

I got out of the shower, laying down on the couch again. I slowly fell asleep and I had a good rest for what seemed like the first time in a while.

Type you later! :) Blep :P UwU <3

Would anybody like me to make the backstory's of my Oc's? Would you also like me to make a backstory sorta thing in how they got into their relationship? If I did give a backstory for each character I would also give a description of what they looked like at the time and what they look like now in the present time. If you enjoy this story please comment, follow, vote, and read to your heart's content!! 

If there are any mistakes in my writing that need to be fixed for a better reading experience please let me know!! I want to write to give people something too do during this quarantine, so making a good story would make me feel better. 

I hope you enjoy reading this cause I enjoy writing it. Please, stay safe during this time!!!!

Word Count: 976

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