Part 24

27 3 12


I love her so much <3

Midoriya's Pov

Best Friend's Gender? No Thanks - Hey, we can hang out earlier than I thought. I don't have school for the rest of the month because of the Sports Festival. So 'wanna hang out for an entire month doing stupid shit?

Weab = Weak Weeb changed their name to - Dino Nuggies Bitch

Dino Nuggies Bitch - Sure, want to come to the hang out place? I'll get everybody there really fast! 

Best Friend's Gender? No Thanks - Sure, I'll make it. I'm going to have to make a note for Denki before I leave though. I'll see you in 10 mins.

Dino Nuggies Bitch - See you then fucktard~

Dino Nuggies Bitch left the conversation

Best Friend's Gender? No Thanks left the conversation

I made a Quick note for Denki before I left it read, I'm going to be training with some friends of mine. I'll be back when it's time for the Sports Festival. There's money for the room and food on the T.V. I'll see you in about a month, bye~

I put the note on the bed where he would see it, and if he didn't then he was just dumb. I heard Denki starting to unlock the door so I teleported to the meeting spot. It was a club called Toxicity, I went over to the back door opening it up. Right, when I walked in I was tackled by X.

"Ok, ok you don't have to be this happy to see me!" I said slightly pushing X off of me. I stood up helping X up in the process, I walked over to everyone individually giving each person a hug.  "Let's get this party started!!!" X screeched out. We all laughed at his antics before yelling the exact same thing in unison.

We all walked into the club the time was 10:45 so there were a lot of people. The music was blaring, and there were tons of bright lights. I didn't know how much I missed my friends and the stuff we did. All of us went over to the bar, we got drinks for free since Shadow owned the place. We got our drinks making our way to the dance floor. While we were there I saw a flash of blue, yellow, and black. I turned to where I saw it and I saw Tomura Shigaraki and 2 other villains I didn't know. 

"HEY X, WHO ARE THEY!!!" I yelled over the music to X pointing at the villains. He grabbed me taking me into a secluded room so that I could hear him, "Their names are Touya Todoroki or Dabi, and Himiko Toga. They are villains but I know who they are so if they try anything we can fight back just as fast." He answered my question before taking my hand and going back to the dance floor. 

We danced and drank until 2-3 in the morning, X and I were the last ones awake by the time it was 3 in the morning. We were both extremely drunk and nobody was in the club who would care so we ended up going behind the bar drinking to our heart's content. X passed out before me laying flat on the floor. I, however, had a different plan, I walked up to the roof of the club before sitting down staring at the moon slowly drifting off into a dreamless sleep. 

ImMa Do SoMeThInG DiFfErEnT rEaL qUiCk!

Tomura's Pov

We got 2 new recruits after the USJ incident, a blonde brat and a scar dude who has no manners. They forced me to go to a club with them despite me constantly saying no! The club was called Toxicity, it sounded interesting so I decided to go with them. It was around 10:40 when Kurogiri teleported us to the club. We got inside immediately seeing and hearing the music and flashing lights.

I saw 8 people at the bar, 7 of them I could see clearly the other one was hidden behind them all. I wanted to get a better look at the last person something was telling me that they were important. I tried to see them but they started walking away, they started getting farther away from each other and that's when I saw him. Izuku Midoriya... at a club while he was supposed to be training for the Sports Festival.  

This is some interesting information, I saw him look over to us. He didn't look surprised but he poked somebody before pointing at Toga and Dabi asking the person they poked a question. Izuku was grabbed and pulled into a closet, he came out not even a minute later. During the whole time that Izuku was there he just drank, cursed, and messed around with his friends. Nothing so show me how I could beat him.

Going to this club was a waste.

Type you later, :)  :P UwU 

Word Count: 820

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