Part 16

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3rd Person Pov

As the students of class 1-A walked out in their hero costumes All Might was admiring the costumes and the uses of them. Once all of the students stopped walking and stood in front of the podium All Might began the instructions for what they were doing. "All right students today we are going to be fighting!" there were murmurs in the crowd of kids but they quickly stopped talking when All Might spoke again.

"You are going to be fighting on teams against one another, one team is heroes the other will be villains. You are going to be trying to either capture the villains or get the fake bomb that they are protecting to win. If the time runs out and you have not secured the objective or collected the villains the hero team loses and the villains win. If you do secure the object and/or catch the villains the hero team wins. I will be choosing raffles to see who will go against who. Everybody got it?"

There were nods of agreement throughout all of the students but some were still slightly confused. "Ok, I will now tell you who is teamed together and your roles." everybody was really excited about the training they were doing, they were fighting against each other and training their quirks what could go wrong. (They jinxed it God Damnit) 

Midoriya & Uraraka - Heros                                                                                                                                                Bakugou & Iida - Villians

Todoroki & Shoji - Heros                                                                                                                                                      Ojiro & Hagakure - Villians

(And you all probably know what else but that isn't really important, now let's get to the fight scene bitches!! Also, if you didn't know Midoriya doesn't have All Might's power he might if you guys want him too but if not he won't have All Might's powers.)

Midoriya's Pov

I was paired up with a bitch (AKA Uraraka) that I didn't want to be with, I knew we would fight so that wouldn't be good for our success. All Might started listing off other people as I stayed in thought making up a plan in my head for my success. After, All Might finished listing off people and their groups he told everyone to get with their partner so Uraraka slowly made her way over to where I was.

"Hey Deku," Uraraka said, I ignored her way of trying to make small talk as to not look like a bitch near Bakugou or Todoroki. I was still nervous about her being on my team, I wasn't necessarily nervous about Kachaan because I knew I was stronger than him. I saw Uraraka look around before kicking me in the leg as hard as she could which, wasn't that hard (That's what she said) so it didn't hurt.

I kicked her leg back and she whimpered softly from the force I used. I didn't care that much if she was hurt because she was a bitch so I just turned my gaze back to All Might. I looked back at All Might right as he told me and Kachaan's teams to get ready to go. Kachaan & Iida went into the building first and I and Uraraka got 15 minutes to look over the map of the building and create a plan.

"Ok, we'll split up and if someone comes across Bakugou or Iida we call the other, okay?" I asked, Uraraka nodded her head and then the time was started. Uraraka floated through a window and I teleported inside. We went our separate ways and she called me not even a minute later and she said she saw Bakugou but he went past her to get to me.

I told her to start heading towards the top level where Iida was and I was doing the same. I was on the 5th flight of stairs when I heard yelling 2 levels below me, it was Kachaan yelling for me to come to fight him instead of being a quote on quote "pussy".  I ignored him as I came up the stairs, when I made it up I heard Iida monologuing and I saw Uraraka come up the other flight of stairs. 

I motioned for her to come out from behind the wall and distract him while I grabbed the bomb. She only nodded her head then came out of where she was laughing her ass off as a distraction. I turned invisible and came out behind the wall and I slowly crept towards the bomb. Right as I was about to grab it Kachaan came bursting upstairs and I fell on my ass after the explosion he made coming up to the 5th level.

When I fell I became visible again and Kachaan came running towards me about to throw his signature right hook. When he did I grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back causing him to spit up a small amount of blood. He quickly regained his composure stood back up and went blasting towards me again.

I kept teleporting behind him and right when I was about to touch the bomb for the second time I was tackled to the ground by Kachaan. He had the capture tape in his hands and was about to capture me when I kicked him in the ass. From where we were he was sitting on my hips straddling me having my arms pinned above me. As I kicked him he groaned out in pain letting go of my arms long enough for me to uppercut him and kick him off of me.

He coughed up blood from the harsh landing that I gave him, I looked to Uraraka and she and Iida had tied up each other Uraraka was probably tied up first but then she lifted the tape off of her and tied up Iida, then she couldn't take any more of using her quirk and dropped the tape back on her. Iida & Uraraka were both tied up with no way out so I was the only one standing. 

I quickly regained composure and jumped up to my feet just as Kachaan stopped coughing and I slapped my hand onto the bomb and then the timer went off. I had won the match directly before it ended. I went over to Iida and took off the tape he had on than did the same for Uraraka. I walked over to Kachaan who was now standing and staring at me in rage. He was probably upset that I won but hey, I don't give a fuck. Got no more fuck's to give, the vending machine's all-out bitch.

I walked over to the window that was near the bomb opened it then jumped out after saying, "Sayonara Bitches," I didn't get to see the reactions they had because of me jumping out a fucking window. I jumped out then teleported to the viewing room where everyone was staring mouths open at the screen. 

I know they couldn't hear me say anything but most probably read my lips. "D-did he just say Sayonara Bitches?" Asked one of my only friends Denki. I saw All of my class nod their heads simultaneously me being behind them still starting laughing like I was going to die.

Everyone turned behind them shocked to see me there since I just jumped out of a window. I calmed down my laughter grabbed Denki and ran out of the room after flipping everyone in their off. 

Type you later! :P Blep :) <3

Word Count: 1250

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