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⚠Trigger Warning⚠

⚠⚠Attempted Rape⚠⚠


3rd Person Pov

The men were dragging Izuku back to his house, they were taking him to see his parents. They had found a small slip of paper with the words 'Lotus Hotel' on them yesterday and that's when they found their money to be missing. His father didn't take too kindly to the fact that he had been robbed and completely screwed over by his son.

The men had been hired by Izuku's father, with his remaining money, to find him and get him to give the money back. That would be much harder than they thought. Izuku's eyes cracked open and he groaned, he was leaned up against a wall, back pressed hard against the dark wood. He shifted slightly and winced in response. He opened his eyes more and he saw people in front of him, his eyes widened and he attempted to stand. This attempt was met with chains pulling him back to the ground.

It was a hard stone floor and it was cold on his skin. He shivered and stared around warily. His dad and mom were standing, with their backs facing him, along with 3 other men. One of the strange men turned around slowly and made direct eye contact with Izuku. Izuku's vision was blurring and everything seemed dull around him, he could hear quiet murmurs as the rest of them spoke and then turned towards him.

His dad scowled when they made eye contact and Izuku turned his head sharply in disdain. His dad scoffed and Izuku turned his head slightly he saw his mother take a sip of some drink and set the glass down sharply on the counter. It hit the counter and shattered, little bits of glass flew out everywhere around the room. Izuku turned his face away from the impact, but he still got sliced by some shards that had made their way over there.

His dad glared at his mother and she whimpered. She quickly left the room, rushing up the stairs past Izuku, she glared at him and spat in his direction. Izuku grimaced and scooted his legs away from where she just left her mark, like a dog. His father stared at him and smirked, he then looked at the other men and whispered something to them. Izuku heard it perfectly, that's what his dad was hoping for.

"If he doesn't give you the money, or tell you where it is, then have your way with him," he said quickly, leaving the room soon after. The 3 men looked at each other and smiled, turning to Izuku. He just stared back in shock, he couldn't do anything. These chains were quirk resistant and he couldn't overpower these 3 all by himself. He glared at the floor and whispered something to himself.

"I'd rather die, than let them do what they want to me, nevermore," he closed his eyes tightly, hearing the squeak of shoes against the floor, heading towards him. 3 sets of shoes.

He grimaced as one of them knelt down to his level. He gripped Izuku's face and pulled it to meet his own.

"Tell us where you took their money, fucking brat," one of the men spat, his eyes were half lidded and he kept licking his lips, staring at Izuku's. Izuku grimaced and pulled his head backwards out of the man's grip, even when he knew that his head would hit hard into the wall behind him, he'd take that over being touched by those imbeciles. The man snapped and the other two came over. They gripped the back of his head and pushed him towards the other one sitting in front.

"I know, how about we exchange names, that'll make you feel more comfortable," he spoke softly, nearing towards Izuku again. He instinctively pulled away but the grip on his hair was rougher now and one of them pulled his hair back. He choked back a sob as the pain burst into his head. Thousands of stabbing needles surrounded his skin as his hair got pulled away from the scalp.

"My codename is Star, he's Scar, and he's Heart, due to our birthmarks," Star said menacingly. He pulled his sleeve up to show Izuku freckles in the shape of a star. It was quite deformed but it was closer to a star when he was a baby than it was now. The other two did the same, showing off their freckle birthmarks in shapes.

"Now that we're introduced, where's the money?" he stared at Izuku, his lips were turned into a small smile, but his eyes were full of malice. Izuku closed his eyes tightly and sighed, looking up with small fake tears glistening in his eyes. He went to pull his head down and the men let him tilt it downwards. He sniffles and Star gently gripped his chin with his thumb and forefinger, lifting his head up to face him.

Before he put his head down he looked weak and submissive. When his head went back up his eyes were sharp and a small smile graced his lips before he spoke. Star didn't have time to react before he heard it.

"Go fuck yourself," Izuku whispered quietly to Star. Their faces were inches apart and Izuku could clearly see his emotions change as his face scrunched up. He pushed Izuku's head into the wall again, much harder than the other time. He winced, the impact made his head throb. His body ached already, but he wasn't giving up that money, if he got rid of it, he'd die anyway.

"Pull him up," Star demanded the other two. Izuku gasped as he got pulled up harshly. He was pressed against the wall as Star crept up to him. He kissed Izuku's neck and breathed against the skin. Izuku shivered and held back a gag. He was going to be sick. He held back his repulsion as Star continued, gently touching his skin. Izuku couldn't escape, he truly couldn't.

"Let him out of the chains, kill him if he does anything," Star ordered. Izuku stared ahead in shock, they're so fucking stupid. Letting him go? He's unstoppable when he can move, let alone having his quirk back, against those 3 idiots. He tightened his lips into a small smile. That smile fell when he felt his shirt being unbuttoned. It fell off of his body quickly, he was severely malnourished, but he managed.

His hands were being held up and away by the other two men. His breath hitched in his throat as his pants and underwear were slipped off. He grimaced and turned away. He couldn't use his quirk, his arms were still shackled by the quirk restraints. They had taken off his leg restraints, for, this. Izuku shivered as the revolt of the situation hit his body.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by a hot searing pain entering his body. He turned his attention back to Star, and sure enough, he was trying to fuck him. He was having a hard time figuring out Izuku's body placement and he didn't prep anything and it burned. Small unnoticeable tears slipped down Izuku's cheeks as his body registered the pain. His body ached and throbbed in response. He felt like he was being burned alive. He hated this feeling, he had told himself it wouldn't happen ever again. He broke that promise. No, he wouldn't not fully.

As Star finally figured out the areas, he loosened his grip on Izuku's legs as he got positioned. Izuku pushed away and kicked him in the chest. He tumbled backwards and Izuku kicked the other two in the balls. He quickly gripped the key from around one of their necks with his teeth and opened the locks on his arms. He shivered at the cold that set into his skin finally. He was exhausted and aching, but he pushed through. He stood up and breathed deeply, trying to be as quick as possible. He focused and thought of his hotel room, his body shook as he teleported himself, just before Star reached him.

As soon as he made it home he collapsed on his bed and fell asleep immediately.

Izuku's Pov

When I woke up in the morning, everything hurt. My entire body was in pain and I could barely move. But I forced myself up, through the pain. I grabbed some ibuprofen and took four. I laid back on the bed, checking my phone. The entrance exam for U.A was in 3 days. Only 3 days left and I would get out of this shitshow.

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