Part 21

21 2 4

Black Butler in the house!!!

Midoriya's Pov

All Might came bursting through the wall yelling "I AM HERE!!!" like a dumbass. He drew all the attention towards himself, now that would have been a bad problem if I hadn't already taken care of the Nomu, but I did. So all the attention was on him and the villain's had nothing that could defeat him. I just stared at Tomura putting my hands up into an 'I don't know either' motion. I looked away before turning back to him quickly his, his mask/hand was gone. He had really crusty ass looking lips, but they could be scars, he had really light blue almost white colored hair. And his eyes beat Kachaan's red any day. 

I forgot about what he looked like and asked for his name in my mind-link with my bestie. 'Hey what's this guy's name?' I asked, 'Oh well that's easy, Tenko Shimura grandson of the seventh user of One For All Nana Shimura.' X replied. Well now that's interesting he's using Tomura Shigaraki as a fake name, but I didn't have time to think over that at the moment I teleported his mask to me once I saw it. I could tell he didn't know it was gone because the moment it was in my hands he looked almost, scared?  I walked up to him while Aizawa was focused on All Might taking his hands out of Eraserhead's capture weapon handing him the mask.

"Why?" Was all he said, "Why not? This has been one of the only times I've actually had fun in a while, I should be thanking you," He looked at me wide-eyed before putting the hand back on. "And, I whispered in his ear, I already know a lot about you Tenko Shimura," I stepped back away from him. I didn't need to see his face to know he was shocked. I put my, pointer middle finger, and thumb up on top of my head saluting him as I walked over to All Might and the rest of the Pro's that came with him.

I teleported all of the students beside's me to the top of the stairwell, but as I was about to leave I was stopped by all the Pro's including All Might, and then began the lecture

That was extremely dangerous do you know how hurt you could've gotten Young Midoriya -All Might

That turned me on~ - Midnight

You did a good job kid but next time leave it to the Pro's - Snipe

And a whole bunch more that I would personally use against them. You say something to someone expect them to throw it back at you, motherfuckers... You see I like Heros and I want to be one but useless lectures about how things could've gone wrong when they didn't make me regret my decision one little step at a time. Also, if they're supposed to save people from villains why have they not taken into account home villains? Family members that harm others, things that could scar a child for life and possibly make them turn to villainy!?!? 

If I wasn't so set on proving my family wrong I probably would've been a villain but I won't back down now, not when I'm so close to getting revenge. When I finally have my Provisional Hero's License, I'll be able to fight back against my father. I ignored the rest of the Pro's yelling at me about what could have happened, as I made my way up the stairs to the rest of the students. When I turned back around the rest of the villains besides Shigaraki and Kurogiri were tied up. During the lecture the Pro's were giving me they could've caught the two most dangerous criminals that were there. 

I let out a sigh as I made my way up the stairs, out of the USJ, and into the bus sitting down with a faint smile ghosting my lips. I almost immediately remembered that I could fucking teleport so I wrote a note saying, "I'm back in the classroom if we aren't having more classes today say it out loud so I can go home, thanks," I teleported to the classroom laying my head down on my desk listening to music falling to sleep.

I awoke 20 minutes later hearing the ringing sound of Aizaiwa's voice saying no more school for today. I mentally cheered to myself for remembering the note before teleporting to the hotel taking Denki with me. I popped up in the Hotel seeing Denki looking around confused, I tapped on his shoulder making him turn around he mad an oh shape with his mouth before plopping down on the bed. "Do you have any video games?" he asked, "Uh, yeah. What game do you want?" I responded. "SUPER SMASH BRO'S!!!!" he screeched out. I nodded my head teleporting the game into his arms setting up the T.V with a flick of my wrist. I jumped onto the couch taking my phone out of my pocket and I started listening to music.

Denki's Pov

I was teleported to the Hotel room where Midobro and I stayed, I was confused at first as to how I got here before I was turned around by none other than midoriya. I made an oh noise before plopping myself down onto the bed. "Do you have any video games?" I asked really hoping he did. "Uh, yeah. What game do you want?" hmmm, I get to choose what do I want to play? "SUPER SMASH BRO'S" I yelled out. Midoriya nodded his head in recognition before the game popped up in my lap and the T.V was set up. I saw him jump on to the couch and do something with his phone. I didn't really care so I started playing my game.

Type you later!! :P Blep :) UwU <3 <3 Hearts to all yall motherfuckers in the house!!!! Also, does anyone get the Lotus Hotel thing? Because if you do you are my favorite person/people. Just kidding I love all of you equally!!!!

Word Count: 1010

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