Part 25

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Okay, but like look at how fucking good he looks...... IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! He's so pretty! His photo is past the youtube video. Yumeko is also beautiful!

Midoriya's Pov

I woke up on the roof with a major headache, I sat up before remembering the events of last night. There were 2 new recruits to the League Of Villians, Himiko Toga and Dabi/Touya Todoroki. I stood up stumbing around a little bit before climbing back into the club. All of my friends were passed out drunk on the floor so I went behind the bar to get some aspirin and water for my hangover. 

I took the pill before getting out some for my friends, I put the pills on the counter for them. I then proceeded to walk out of the club, it was a while since I had gone out just for a walk. Barely anybody was outside which is probably due to the fact that I woke up at like 5:48 in the morning.

(Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start) Sorry I was listening to a song, I'll put it in the next part. :)

I walked around for a while before going to the park that I usually went to when I was a kid. ........Dabi, Toga, and Shigaraki are here.......  I walked closer to them while trying not to draw suspicion to myself, I went over to the swings as quietly as I could. I sat down and started swinging which immediatly made them direct their attention to me. I just kept swinging, keep in mind that I'm just in my outfit that I had on at the party. My outfit consists of - 

- A light camo hoodie

- Jeans

- My signature red shoes.

So I don't know why they looked at me like I was crazy, it might be because I'm at the park even though they are too? I don't know, I didn't pay any mind to them but they just watched me swinging. I didn't know if they were confused or trying to figure out a way to kidnap me... probably both.  After around 13 minutes they started to walk towards me, they were being slow and almost stealthy but I could still hear them loudly. 

They were pretty bad at sneaking, Shigaraki grabbed onto my shoulders with 4 of his fingers. I opened my eyes one at a time before asking, "What do you want I was just swinging?" they all looked slightly angry after I said that. "How are you so calm? How did you know my real name? Who are your friends? Who are you? Aren't you supposed to be training?!?!" I was bombarded with all these questions at once by Shigaraki.

I just lightly smiled and responded, "I'm calm because I know you can't hurt me, my friend told me your names, they're just regular people, my name is Izuku Midoriya I'm just an ordinary student at U.A, and technically no I can train but if I know I'm ready I don't have to, that answer all your questions or do you have more?" I asked as calmly as I could. "What do you mean by names Izu-Kun~" Toga asked me. I just sighed pointing at Dabi, "Touya Todoroki also known as Dabi, I pointed at Shigaraki next, Tenko Shimura also known as Tomura Shigaraki, I finished by pointing at Toga, Himiko Toga,"

"Is that all, can I leave now?" I asked with a sense of regret for talking to them. "No, you're going to help us take down the heros~" Shigaraki said while slowly lowering his pinky finger. "Maybe after I get my hero's liscense," I said pushing Shigaraki's pinky finger down onto my shoulder. He looked scared until it touched my shoulder, "How did that not hurt you!?" He yelled. "That's for me to know and you to not find out see ya later!!~" I said before teleporting back to the club.

Sorry for such a short part, Type You Later!!! <3 Blep :) :P

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