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Midoriya's Pov

I woke up in the morning again, I had slept for pretty much two days, completely naked. I grimaced and rolled out of bed grumbling to myself. I pulled on a loose pair of black jeans and a soft dark red long-sleeved shirt. It hung limply off my body, not touching any of my scars, thankfully. I sighed in relief as I began heating up again. I felt safer, it was stupid I ever had to deal with that anyways, not like he would ever get his money back. I needed it more than him, he didn't deserve anything except for what he had coming to him.

I spent the rest of my time in my room, only getting up when I noticed a sliver of white paper peaking under my door from the neighboring one. I stood up shakily again and bent down to pick it up. My legs felt weak, like they'd give out from under me at any moment, but I wouldn't let that stop me. I unfolded it and read the inside message.

"My dad left to get the key back, I tried knocking on the door to say goodbye but it was locked. You didn't come out the day before either, but that's not my business. Anyways, I'm heading home, so you probably won't ever see me again. Farewell." - Todoroki Shoto

I'll definitely see him again. There's no way he's not going to U.A, or being forced to anyways. It was the end of the week, so today was the Entrance Exams. I placed the paper down on my bed and grabbed my jacket, making my way out of the hotel and towards U.A. It was raining, I liked it, the weather seemed quite nice. I could hear thunder surrounding me and I breathed in deeply, content. I sighed when I heard the lightning strike down near me. I turned towards the noise out of instinct and saw a tree that got split, it started falling down and I watched as small wood splinters fell.

It looked pretty, the only issue was that it was falling down almost exactly where I was walking. I started to run and frightened myself as I tripped over a bump in the concrete, I steadied myself and decided to just teleport to U.A, so I did. I entered the gates and immediately saw a girl close ahead of me trip over her shoelaces. Bad luck for us both I guess. She seemed shocked and wouldn't react in time so she would get hurt so I rushed to her aide and gripped her arm as gentle as I could, stopping her fall.

She breathed out a sigh of relief and looked up to me, barely. I quickly detached my arm from hers as soon as she seemed stable. She laughed slightly under her breath and spoke.

"Thank you so much! My name is Ochako Uraraka, what's yours?" she was trying to start friendly conversation, but at that point I was already slightly annoyed. What she did next made it even worse. When she looked up at me her face contorted into a look of disgust and she quickly rushed away and into the building. I should've just let the bitch fall.

I sighed and stood in the rain for a second, still mildly confused, but I shrugged off the encounter and walked into the building. When I get into U.A I hope she's not in my class, that predicament was annoying as is, I don't want to deal with anymore, and I doubt she does either. When I got into the school a tad more, I rushed to Class 1-A which was the meeting site for most of the new students for the exam. That's where we'd be introduced to the teachers conducting the exam for them to take us to the area it would be held. I speed walked my way to the classroom, wanting to be there as early as possible. When I entered the door I grimaced.

She was in here, I was hoping she'd go to a different classroom to get started, but I guess luck isn't in my favor today. Besides her, I saw one other person I recognized. Bak- no, Kachaan. I promised I'd start to use it again. Everybody else was random, a ton of people were packed into one small room. It was suffocating. The scent and sounds were so overwhelming, but I pushed through. I looked around more and saw no teachers so I walked to an open desk, most all of them were open, people were just standing about and nervously chattering. I groaned and laid my head down on the desk to wait. I kept track of the time it took for a teacher to arrive to distract myself from all the nuisances surround me. Exactly 5 minutes 38 seconds after I began counting, a man with scraggly black hair and slight stubble wrapped in a yellow sleeping bag entered the room. I say entered, more like he rolled in. Shouta Aizawa Pro-Hero name Eraserhead, he was an amazing underground hero, one of my favorites. Everybody else just stared at him in surprise until he explained himself. Everybody else was an idiot, Kachaan included.

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