Part 17

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Midoriya's Pov

After I grabbed Denki's hand I rushed out of the room as fast as I could, everybody in the room would most likely be mad at me cause I just flipped them all off but eh who cares. I slowed down after I started hearing Denki breathe really hard. I stopped running and looked behind me to see him clawing desperately at his chest, that's when I figured it out. He had a binder on, holy hell my Bff was trans. 

Denki was crying now desperately trying to breathe I grabbed his hand and teleported us both to the male/female restroom. I took off his shirt then I took off his binder I closed my eyes as I handed him his shirt back. When he tapped me on the arm I opened my eyes to see him looking at me hiding his chest. "Hey, thanks for helping me out," Denki said while trying his hardest not to cry, "No problem D U D E," I put a big emphasis on dude to let him know that I accepted him and supported him.

He looked at me with glassy eyes and he grabbed me and pulled me into a big hug. He looked at me again before telling me something that made me wanna kill a bitch, "My family didn't accept me so I have been sleeping on the streets could I possibly stay with you?" He looked so scared as he asked that like he knew what I was going to say but I think I surprised him, "Of course you can stay with me, but just to let you know I live in a hotel so I'd have to take you with me. It's going to be sort of like a forever sleepover k?" Denki nodded vigorously before pulling away from the hug he put me in. "Hey, Denki would you mind me healing you?" I asked quietly, "What would that pertain?" He asked.

"I would just have to hold your hand or something, but after I heal you, you can put your binder back on," I explained to him. He nodded his head before holding out his hand for me to take. I gladly took his hand and started the healing process. A blue-green glow surrounded us both as the bruises around Denki's ribs started healing. I handed him his binder after that and turned around to give him some privacy.

After he changed I started out the door with my bestie following close behind.

Denki's Pov

When Midoriya started dragging me I didn't think about anything except for running after him, but after a while, it started to get harder to breathe and that's when I remembered my binder. I didn't tell him about it because I didn't want to be left again, and every time I thought about oh, he's been through a lot he'll stay I chickened out and didn't tell him.

I started breathing heavily and I started crying he stopped, I didn't want him to find out but he stopped, turned around, saw me, mouthed an oh, took my hand, and then we were in the bathroom. He took off my shirt and took off my binder with his eyes closed when it came off I breathed out a breath of relief. He handed me my shirt and turned around while I changed. When I was done I tapped him on the arm, when he turned around I was holding my arms over my chest trying desperately to hide it.

"Hey, thanks for helping me out," I said while trying not to start bawling. "No problem D U D E," He said putting emphasis on the word dude. I looked at him with tears piercing the corners of my eyes. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a big bear hug not even caring about my chest at that moment. "My family didn't accept me so I have been sleeping on the streets could I possibly stay with you?" I asked in a whisper, I was so scared about what he was going to say.

 What he said next made my day, "Of course you can stay with me, but just to let you know I live in a hotel so I'd have to take you with me. It's going to be sort of like a forever sleepover k?" I nodded my head as fast as it could go, I was like a dog/cat finding my forever home.  "Hey, Denki would you mind me healing you?" he asked softly, "What would that pertain?" I asked.  "I would just have to hold your hand or something, but after I heal you, you can put your binder back on," he explained. I nodded then held out my hand, he took my hand and a blue-green glow surrounded us.

The bruises that were on my ribs from my binder were healing I could feel it. he handed me my binder and turned around to give me privacy after I changed he walked out of the room with me following close behind. I was really happy that I would have a place to stay that I didn't realize that we headed back to the viewing room. 

When we walked into the room everyone glared at Midoriya except All Might and Kiri. We walked into the corner of the room and we sat down, I put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on mine and we waited for the end of everyone's fighting to be over.

Kirishima's Pov (Shocker I know)

When Midoriya walked back into the room my bro Denki was right behind him, everybody glared at them but I didn't cause that's not manly bro. I watched them walk to the corner and sit down Denki laid his head on Midobro's shoulder and Midoriya laid his head on Denkibro's head. I watched their interaction before realizing something, me and Denki did that exact same thing when I found out he was trans. So now he knows, I thought to myself. I was fine with Midobro knowing about Denki because he seemed nice and based on Denki's energy Midoriya let him stay with him.

I couldn't let Denki stay with me because my parents were Transphobes, so either Midoriya's parents weren't or he didn't live with them. It was most likely the second one. I watched them slowly start to fall asleep, well Denki fell asleep Midoriya glared at the people that were glaring at them. I wanted to be friends with Midoriya he seemed really nice and the girl Ochako didn't. I still wanted to be friends with Bakubro, but not Ochabro.

I walked over to the two and sat next to them. I didn't want to speak out loud for fear of waking up Denki, so I crawled in front of Midoriya and (asl) signed to him, can I be your friend? He thankfully nodded so I crawled back next to Denki and laid my head on his arm and then I fell asleep as well.

Type you later :P Blep :) <3 <3

Medic: Allows a person to heal wounds on another person

Drawbacks: If used too much or too often will cause the user to pass out

Word Count: 1214

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