Part 9 *EDITED*

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3rd Person POV

Izuku awoke in the morning to tear soaked sheets. He hadn't even realized he had cried the whole night. He had actually made it through the night without waking up, he was surprised. He quickly got out of bed and put on his school uniform. He had checked his phone earlier and he had 5 minutes to get ready and get to a bus to make it to school ontime unless he wanted to tire himself out by using his quirk.

"Shit, where's my badge!" He hissed out under his breath. He couldn't make it into the school unless he had his badge, maybe he wasn't going to make it to school today. He sighed when his hand grazed over his bed and his fingers found the square badge under the sheets. He gripped it and shoved it into his pockets before running out of the hotel. He had 2 more minutes.

Izuku POV

As I walked down the road to the bus stop I saw Todoroki, I hoped he didn't see me, it's too early to socialize. My luck never started though because he waved at me from across the street. He was also waiting at the bus stop, probably another one of his dad's demands for him to 'get used to the commoners.' It was such a stupid notion, but whatever. I waved back as he spoke.

"Would you like to ride the bus with me Midoriya?" he was kind of quiet with his words, but he was loud enough to be heard, it was kind of nice to hear a gentle voice at the very beginning of the day. I quickly nodded and looked across the street. No cars coming from either side but there was a car to my left heading towards me, so I had to hurry. I gripped my bag tightly and sprinted across the street. As soon as I hit the other curb I felt the wind ruffle the back of my head. A car had just blown past where I had just stood.

"God, it's like everything's out to get me..." I begrudgingly spoke aloud.

"What did you say?" Todoroki asked. He seemed to be quite clueless a lot of the time, it was a nice change of pace to be honest. I just shook my head, what I said didn't quite matter anyways. We stood in silence, just waiting for the bus to come, even when it finally did we didn't talk much. A few pleasantries exchanged here and there about our days and such, but that's it. He's nice, but he doesn't really know how to have 'friends', not that I really know any better than him at the subject.

Kachaan has been my only kind of friend and he didn't last for long until we made up, it might not even last now. However, I can get into that later.

"Midoriya! Hurry," Todoroki urged me out of the bus doors as they closed behind me. We were already at the school, that took much less time than I had expected.

"Oh, thank you Todoroki, I zoned out a little," I sheepishly apologized.

"It's alright Midoriya, it happens to the best of us," he spoke gingerly. I smiled slightly and walked with him into the school.

Bakugou POV

"Where's stupid Deku at now," I grumbled underneath my breath. A bunch of idiots kept trying to be my friend. Somebody with Shitty Hair, Dunce Face, Raccoon Eyes, Tape, and Pink Cheeks, who I liked the least. She kept trying to flirt with me and she asked about 'Todoroki', who even is that???

"Hey Kachaan," I heard Deku speak as he finally entered the classroom, I cursed under my breath and rushed to his side.

"Get rid of them," I hissed out, I couldn't take much more of it. They followed me to wherever I was in the classroom and they wouldn't leave me alone.

"Back off, please," he spoke calmly. Better than I would do with those idiots.

"Who are you to tell us what to do, we're trying to be nice to him you jackass," pink cheeks spat at him. I tightened my hands into fists, who the hell does this girl think she is?

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