Part 18

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Midoriya's Pov

The kid named Kirishima came over to us and sat next to Denki, I think he had something to say because he crawled in front of me and (asl) signed to me, can I be your friend? I nodded my head not wanting to upset a good person. And I thought that maybe having Kirishima near Denki besides just me around him would make him get more friends besides just me and Todo.

My goal for school was to not make friends and to not draw attention to myself, guess that backfired. Even though my plan was ruined I was still glad I became friends with Denki if we weren't friends he wouldn't have a place to sleep right about now. I became lost in my thoughts until I heard the timer go off signaling that it was time for lunch and that all the battles were done. I woke Kiri up then Denki before standing up. I made my way to the door still getting glares from people especially Floaty-Bitch/Mochi-Bitch.

I ignored the glares I was receiving grabbed Kiri and Kami's hands and teleported to the cafeteria so that they could get lunch. I sat down at the table while I waited for them, in the time I was waiting for them a stuck up person like Kachaan came to my table. He had blonde hair, "Hi, you're from that stupid class 1-A right? Well, I'm from class 1-B and I just want to say that you suck!" He said still being creepy, I knew his name because the people at his table kept telling him to go back, Monoma. 

"I am from class 1-A but I don't think they all suck just a few people that are bitchy and/or have anger issues," He looked pretty taken aback from what I said, but he then proceeded to sit down at my table and talk to me. "So, what's your name? I'm Monoma but you probably already knew that" "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya," I replied. He nodded before standing up and saying, "I think we are going to be good friends Izu-Kun," where the fuck did he get that nickname it's stupid. I looked at him warily but he just walked away back to his table.

"Hey Bro, who was that?" Kiri asked me. "Kid from class 1-B named Monoma,"  I answered. Denki and Kiri nodded before sitting down and eating their food. Not too long after they started eating Todo came and sat down. I didn't even notice that the rest of the class had come into the lunchroom until he sat down.

He sat down and ate not saying anything, Kiri and Kami were chattering away while they were eating so I pulled out my phone and called my best friend X. I stood up from my table and walked out of the cafeteria so I could talk more clearly and hear them. (X is Gender-Fluid, I think I am as well but I can't tell) 

Once I got out of the room X picked up, "Hey, how's it going?" I asked. They answered with a good, I guess.  I asked them if they wanted to burst into U. A and go to my classroom to scare everyone, they thankfully agreed. I knew the girl Kyoka was most likely listening in so I used different words to make it not sound like I was going to scare them. It worked.

DeNkI's PoV

When I and Kiri got back to the table a person with blonde hair was just leaving so Kiri asked what I was thinking. "Hey Bro, who was that?" Mido-Sama didn't answer for a second but when he did I didn't know who it was so I didn't learn anything. "Kid from class 1-B named Monoma," I nodded though I had no idea who they were and I sat down and started chatting with Kiri while I ate.

I was really glad when Kiri came with us, it turns out that now Mido and Kiri are friends so I can have Kiri near me when talking to people. In the middle of our conversation, Midoriya got his phone and called someone and then left. I looked to my right and noticed Todoroki sat down. I then looked to the girl named, I think it was Kyoka Jiro. I got up and went over to her and asked her to use her quirk to hear what Midoriya was saying.

She declined at first but then said yes when I told her I would get Midoriya to play truth or dare with everyone. Everyone wanted to learn more about him even me. She walked over to the wall and put her Earphone jack into the wall. Everybody from our class got up to her what she said was happening. (Jeez they need to respect people's privacy)  It was a normal conversation and it sounded like Mido was talking to a best friend. 

It was nothing unusual or weird so everybody including me and Jiro went back to our seats and went back to our conversations like before. When Midoriya came back in he immediately sat back at his seat with us. Then I told him about Truth or Dare. "Hey, Midoriya? He looked my way, wanna play Truth or Dare with everyone after class?" I really hoped he would say yes and to my luck, he nodded, yes!!

After lunch was over the rest of the day was pretty normal. Everybody talked and chatted when the teacher turned around Mido got death glares from everybody, so yeah pretty normal day. When the bell rang signaling the end of class everybody quickly pushed desks away and formed a circle.  

DUN DUN DAAAA Put questions or dares in the comments they can be from specific people and to specific people, also if you want to put questions and maybe dares for me. If the question or dare is too personal I will not answer. The next chapter part thing will be called Part 19 Truth? or Dare?. If you want me too I will place another chapter thing for you to put comments on if not you can comment on this one. 

The dares can be sexually based like kiss ------- or sit on ---------- lap for the rest of the game.  The truths can be as well, like have you lost your virginity yet or something like that. If there aren't enough comments I will make up most questions. If I don't get yours into it I'm sorry!!! I will make a part 2 of the truth or dare if we get more comments, either that or I will postpone the truth or dare thing till we have enough comments. You can comment on more than 1 truth or dare.

Type you later, :P Blep :) <3

Word Count: 1130

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